Political Opinion

@SmallPaul Haaaaa… Biden’s far-left-wing extremist Administration has done far more damage to the fabric of society in the United States in just 3 short years…

Uncontrolled immigration… Massive Inflation… Rampant homelessness and Crime across many once great US Cities… These issues will haunt the US economy for years to come…

When you can no longer hide from the inconvenient truth…

Always… Always… Play the Far Right Wing/Nazi Card…


That’s the history of America, It is the same as Hamas

Wishing Australia the best, times can be tough.

Australia is in a per person recession as living standards plummet.

Australian living standards are falling - and if it wasn’t for population growth, Australia would be in a recession. The national accounts show the economy barely grew over the three months to September 30, with economic output going backwards by half a per cent per person. Higher interest rates, soaring tax bills and inflationary pressures continue to hit incomes. The amount households are saving is now close to a 16-year low.

The ABC in Australia is the equivalent of CNN in the United States… A left leaning echo chamber of ideals and values… Although this article is pretty much spot on… Oz is in just as much trouble as the US…

Quality of life for the average Australian is generally higher than that of the US… We have superior Free Health Care for all Australians, a much higher minimum wage, less processed foods and a generally healthier outdoor lifestyle…

Don’t just take my word for it… YouTube has hundreds of US Expats who have relocated here who a shocked at the difference of our two very different versions of western society… Unfortunately… These vlogs also confirm that the average American has absolutely no idea what is happening outside their own country…

As for the population growth… 700k will immigrate to the Lucky Country over the next 18 months as part of our Governments stupidity to stave off Recession…

Government incompetence has not been confined to the US over the last few years… Australian Governments will generally lazily follow whatever the United States does… Idiotic of Not!!

Most Australians are cash poor and Asset rich… We have a very powerful Superannuation saving system in Australia whereby your employer deposits 11% of your pre tax salary or wages into a Fund over your working life… And it can be topped up (generally in later life) by the employee from their pre tax earnings to increase the payout at the retirement age of 65…

Many Australian couples receive a payout anywhere between $800k to $3 million when they retire from the workforce at age 65… Australian’s have ~$2.8 Trillion in forced savings via our Superannuation systems…

Sad immigration has taken a turn for the worse in Australia.

Released immigration detainee arrested;

A former immigration detainee has been arrested and charged with indecent assault, following his release under the High Court’s immigration detention ruling.

We have about 150 Criminals running free in Australia… Due to this latest woke Government bungle…

The US has tens of thousands of illegal immigrants, Cartel, criminal and others running wild across the continent…

Unfortunately… These vlogs also confirm that the average American has absolutely no idea what is happening outside their own country…

Enough said…

I think the world can take a clue from Australia’s Housing Crisis.

Why Australia’s Housing Crisis Is a Warning for the World

It’s getting harder than ever to find a home in Australia with less than 1% of rental properties available for occupancy. That’s sending rents soaring to eye-watering levels, deepening a cost-of-living crunch.

@SmallPaul Australia has a very different Property financing system to the United States… With your wordily knowledge of all that is Australian… How about you post the major difference in our respective Mortgage systems… Same difference applies to US Motor Vehicle financing as well…

Unfortunately… These vlogs also confirm that the average American has absolutely no idea what is happening outside their own country…

Terrorists is a major problem worldwide, America is not the only country that should be worry.

Terrorists sentenced for plotting attack at Melbourne’s Federation Square.

Would-be terrorists have smiled as they fronted court over a plot for a Christmas Day massacre in Melbourne.

The trio planned to bomb landmarks in what would have been the most devastating terror attack on Australian soil.

They bought bomb-making materials from Bunnings and a chemist, but their evil plan was foiled just in time.

@SmallPaul What you don’t know???

Hate is not just in the USA

‘Rising levels of anti-Semitism’: Israel warns its citizens of visiting Australia

Israel has put out a warning to its citizens that if they are considering visiting Australia they ought to do so “with caution”

@SmallPaul What you don’t know???

Unfortunately… These vlogs also confirm that the average American has absolutely no idea what is happening outside their own country…

Australia’s protests condemned overseas as ‘worst display of anti-Semitism’

Despite “deeply unpleasant” pro-Palestine protests everywhere, none were as shocking as those outside the Sydney Opera House, says The Spectator Editor Fraser Nelson.

@SmallPaul What you don’t know???

Unfortunately… These vlogs also confirm that the average American has absolutely no idea what is happening outside their own country…

All you know is cut and paste…

It’s like conversing with a box of rocks… See Ya…

Australia Looks To Ban Nazi Symbols Following Far-Right Protest Increase

The federal government is on track to ban Nazi symbols, with offenders facing up to a year in jail.

Nazis in Australia? In a place known for its sunshine, ocean, and surfing? Why and how did this happen? WTF

@Paul_J7 It didn’t happen… Just the Leftist Australian Media blowing up a story about a march of 15-20 guys in Black matching through the outskirts of a Rural Victorian town…

No Riots… No Burning of Flags… No yelling and screaming…

Yet when we have 5000 Pro Palestinian’s burning Flags… Chanting Death to all Israeli’s… From the River to the Sea… In the middle of Sydney and Melbourne every weekend for the last 6 weeks…

It hardly rates a mention in the Lame-Stream Media… Pathetic…

We just have @SmallPaul grappling for traction while trying to deflect criticism about the failures of the current US Administration… Unfortunately, he has very little knowledge of events in the real world and has to resort to one line retorts and cut and paste articles in a vain attempt to appear intelligent…


Yet when we have 5000 Pro Palestinian’s burning Flags… Chanting Death to all Israeli’s… From the River to the Sea… In the middle of Sydney and Melbourne every weekend for the last 6 weeks…

Is it even possible in Australia? I could imagine this happening in many European countries or in the USA due to the significant Middle Eastern immigrant populations there, but not in Australia

I gave you the Border and Immigration, Anything else I let you figure that one out

Are you only blaming pro Palestinians for anti-semitism or have you also blamed other groups within your country for anti-Semitism that existed before this war?

Islamophobic and antisemitic incidents record large spike in Australia, advocates say

Islamophobic and antisemitic incidents in Australia have risen substantially since Hamas’s terror attacks on Israel on 7 October and the subsequent Israeli attacks on Gaza.

The Executive Council of Australian Jewry’s tally of antisemitic incidents showed there were 221 incidents between 8 October and 7 November, with 42 incidents recorded in one week alone. From 1 October until 7 October, there was one incident.

Meanwhile, there were 133 reported Islamophobic incidents between 7 October and 6 November, according to Islamophobia Register Australia. Prior to 7 October, the average number of weekly incidents was 2.5.

Documented hate incidents include spitting at women, threats of gun violence, threats to mosques and synagogues, threats to Muslim and Jewish schools, graffiti, property damage, hate mail and verbal abuse. Islamophobia Register figures also include online abuse.

The trend is expected to be reflected in crime figures. Victoria police received 72 reports of antisemitic incidents and 12 Islamophobic incidents from 7 October until Friday. Of those, 37 resulted in investigations and 10 people have been arrested – nine related to antisemitic reports and one related to an Islamophobic incident.

Islamophobic and antisemitic incidents record large spike in Australia, advocates say | Australia news | The Guardian

If you copy and paste an article or a video, you are still doing the same thing. Before complaining, people need to review their posts

When you’re not able to condemn hate across the board and only when it suits your own needs, what good do you bring?