Political Opinion

With your wordily knowledge of all that is Australian… How about you post the major difference in our respective Mortgage systems… Same difference applies to US Motor Vehicle financing as well…

@SmallPaul Before you run off and hide again… I’m still waiting for your answer as to why the Australian and American Mortgage/Loan markets cannot be compared…???

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Me hide from you, lmao. My history of exposing you and you running and hiding is impeccable.

" A global problem… Ballooning Islamophobic and Anti-Semitic sentiment is a global trend…"

Countries and communities around the world were facing similar challenges, he said, citing “alarming” Islamophobic and Anti-Semitic incidents in Pakistan, Russia, Tunisia, Germany and Britain. Reports from the FBI in the US and the Paris police chief in France reflect the same trend…"

@SmallPaul You really should read before you post…

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So you know this also?, why would you pin the hate as one-sided? that pretty much what you post since this war started, making it about Islam hate on others. Dude, I apologize for calling you a clown, you are not a clown, you’re the whole damn circus.

@SmallPaul Still waiting for your answer as to why the Australian and American Mortgage/Loan markets cannot be compared…???

Just shows you cut and post rubbish about subjects you have no idea about…

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I don’t have to explain anything to you, you just go from topic to topic and when I call you out, you run away.

Likewise, I call what you post rubbish, What’s your point?

Just shows you cut and post rubbish about subjects you have no idea about…

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Bucko, History has proven that every post you posted where I called you out, your post was rubbish, it’s documented.

Including the recent past

Just shows you cut and post rubbish about subjects you have no idea about…

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You are setting yourself up, once again. you do this all the time.

Just shows you cut and post rubbish about subjects you have no idea about…

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There is no way one can be stupid enough to not know that information can be found online, look dude, here’s an out for you. Take it :v:

What is the future of America?

Wouldn’t be a holiday season without some drama.

Donald Trump banned from Colorado ballot in historic ruling by state’s Supreme Court

Looks like the justices will be working through the New Year.

Ballets in Colorado must be set by Jan 5.

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Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences.

Judge orders immediate enforcement of Georgia election workers’ $148M judgment against Giuliani

Rudy Giuliani files for bankruptcy a day after a judge orders him to pay $148 million

Rudy Giuliani files for bankruptcy

Merry Christmas to all my Christian friends!


And as “Evidence” of this conjecture he cites _

Freakishly absurd “Justice” from these nutters calling themselves “justices” !

Ah well it has been relatively peaceful - but now the deranged are winding themselves up again - into a fresh bout of TDS ! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Can’t make this stuff up. Here’s Biden, nearly a decade ago, sitting next to none other than Mayorkas proselytizing the grand “right-wing myth” known as the Great Replacement Theory. Turns out it’s not a conspiracy theory, it’s just the basic immigration policy for Democrats.

(Click on the image)


And yet clowns in the United States voted this moron into the Presidency 10 years later…

Ohhhh, the insanity of some people…

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The TDS is evident with you and others, a little too much man-pleasing

Democrats policies on immigration have become a threat to America’s national security.

Regarding the great replacement theory, you can’t force any ethnic group to migrate to America if they don’t want to, and the number of non-white people trying to migrate to the United States will always be higher than the number of white people wanting to migrate, particularly if their country has a stable economy, This results in a higher number of non-white immigrants than white immigrants regardless of immigration policies, The process can be slowed down if one administration wishes to do so.