Political Opinion

FOX 2 San Francisco

President Joe Biden ordered the U.S. military to carry out retaliatory strikes against Iranian-backed militia groups after three U.S. servicemembers were injured in a drone attack in Northern Iraq.

There have been 102 attacks on our bases in Iraq since Oct 9.

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Possibly but why does the Democrat Party even HAVE “bases” in Iraq ?

In 2024, Biden and the Democrats are done

Migrant caravan heads toward U.S. southern border ahead of Blinken’s trip to Mexico

A large crowd of migrants march along a highway. (Edgar Hernandez Clemente / AP)

Nah. Who other then Fox News is reporting this?

lmao, you can look that up.

It’s been that way since day 1 of Biden’s Presidency. You just finding this out?

Cigarmanstan, have a great night

Would you be able to provide more information about this?

Thank You In advance

Isn’t it wonderful to have a thoughtful communication with educated and intelligent participants ? :slightly_smiling_face:

…and you too…

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Vote out any politician who supports sanctuary cities and does not support securing our borders

City of Tijuana getting ready to receive large caravan of migrants

SAN DIEGO (Border Report) — A new caravan of asylum seekers from South and Central America is making its way from Mexico’s southern border toward the U.S.

Its final destination remains unknown, although Tijuana could be the finish line.

There are so many ways I can go with this, but I will take a different path because someone brought up the great replacement theory.

It would seem the republicans would not be promoting this if they were concerned about the great replacement theory

Texas surpasses 50,000 migrants bused to major cities

Texas has bused more than 50,000 migrants from the border to major U.S. cities across the country — and the effort is ramping up.

The big picture: Texas isn’t the only state to transport migrants without visas to other, predominantly-Democratic areas.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has infamously flown dozens of migrants and asylum seekers to Martha’s Vineyard in Massachusetts and Sacramento, California, over the past year and a half.

Arizona has transported more than 15,000 people within the state and to other states since the start of the year, according to a spokesperson for Gov. Katie Hobbs (D).

Former Gov. Doug Ducey (R) started it off by busing thousands of asylum seekers to Washington, D.C., last year.

Why it matters: The state-sponsored initiative has accelerated the movement of migrants and asylum seekers north, strained destination cities’ shelter resources and prompted their Democratic leaders to dramatically increase pressure on President Biden to help.


An aggressive approach to doing what? busing

Republicans unveil 2023 strategy to end border crisis: ‘Going to be very aggressive’

Top House Republicans debuted a comprehensive plan to regain control of the southern border that they would seek to implement if conservatives retake the House or Senate this November.

The American Security Task Force on Friday pledged to take action on a plethora of immigration and border policies they said would alleviate the record-high illegal immigrant apprehensions at the U.S.-Mexico border that has unfolded under the Biden administration.

"I think we’re going to be very aggressive, and I think the administration will have some choices to make," Rep. John Katko (R-NY), who led the task force, told Fox News. "Do they want to spin their wheels for two years and get nothing done, or do they want to work with Republicans if the Republicans are in the majority and start doing some of the things that Republicans want?"

The Republican plan pulls from previous initiatives used by the Trump administration and is meant to address the state of the border before conceding to the Democrats’ demands on providing solutions for people living in the country illegally.

The proposal touts the need for a physical barrier, infrastructure, and technology on the 2,000-mile southern border. Although the Trump administration funded 800 miles of border wall projects, it completed just over 450 miles, and many were replacement fencing. The influx of illegal immigrants crossing the border is one indicator that the addition of border wall has not prevented people from coming into the United States.

Republicans want to bolster staffing levels at U.S. Customs and Border Protection, the 60,000-person federal agency tasked with inspecting vehicles and apprehending people attempting to enter the U.S. illegally.

The plan also calls for the clearing of tall grass known as carrizo cane that grows along hundreds of miles of the Rio Grande in Texas and makes it difficult for Border Patrol agents to see and walk through.

“If you’re not securing the border, all this talk about immigration reform is superfluous,” Katko said. “We have to secure the border first and then have the more difficult discussions about immigration reform, which we must have.”

Conservatives also called for the enhanced use of Trump-era initiatives, including returning asylum-seekers to Mexico for the duration of their court proceedings and immediately turning away all illegal immigrants on the basis that the country is in a public health crisis.

Families would not be released into the U.S. after being apprehended, but they would be detained together in custody. Unaccompanied migrant children from countries other than Mexico and Canada would no longer be admitted into the country as suspected victims of human trafficking.

Brandon Judd, the president of the Border Patrol union, endorsed the plan.

House sent HR 2 to the Senate in May.

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Roll Call Vote 118th Congress - 1st Session

Statement of Purpose: To secure the borders of the United States, and for other purposes.

U.S. Senate: U.S. Senate Roll Call Votes 118th Congress - 1st Session

Come to the U.S. illegally Biden has your back

The White House defended its handling of the crisis, saying it had helped 10,000 migrants apply for work permits.

Migrant crossings at U.S. southern border reach record monthly high in December

Border Patrol has processed more migrants who entered the U.S. illegally in December than in any other month in the agency’s history, internal federal statistics obtained by CBS News show, highlighting the magnitude of the extraordinary migration crisis the Biden administration is grappling with.

U.S. Border Patrol agents took into custody more than 225,000 migrants who crossed the southern border — in between official crossings — during the first 27 days of December, according to the preliminary Department of Homeland Security statistics. The figure does not include legal entries at ports of entry, where the Biden administration has been processing roughly 50,000 migrants each month, mostly under a process powered by a smartphone app.

The previous monthly record high in migrant apprehensions was recorded in May 2022, when Border Patrol processed 224,000 migrants in between ports of entry. There are still four days left in December.

Unlawful crossings along the U.S.-Mexico border have decreased this week, but remain at historically high levels. On Wednesday, Border Patrol processed 7,759 migrants, the statistics show.

Nearly 60% of all migrants processed by Border Patrol this month crossed into the U.S. illegally in the remote Tucson, Arizona and Del Rio, Texas sectors, where officials have recorded between 2,000 and 3,000 unlawful crossings each day, according to the internal DHS data.

The world is changing :slightly_smiling_face:

Get used to it ! :rofl: :rofl:


There is definitely a change taking place

U.S. border officials on track to process over 300,000 migrants in December, the highest monthly tally on record.

Washington — U.S. immigration officials along the southern border are on track to process more than 300,000 migrants in December, an all-time monthly high that will likely include record numbers of families traveling with children, according to internal government data obtained by CBS News.

The extraordinary number of migrant arrivals this month is the most dire juncture yet of a three-year-long crisis at the U.S.-Mexico border that has strained resources in small and large U.S. communities, left countless of migrants in limbo, prompted lawmakers to consider drastically limiting asylum and created a major political vulnerability for President Biden as he seeks reelection.

It is time for the world to decide what to do with the Palestinians. Israel has made it clear that it does not want Palestinians in Gaza or Israel after the war, Israel already announced plans for Gaza territory when the war ends.

Israeli minister repeats call for Palestinians to leave Gaza

JERUSALEM (Reuters) - One of the senior figures in Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s right-wing coalition called on Sunday for Palestinian residents of Gaza to leave the besieged enclave, making way for Israelis who could “make the desert bloom”.

The comments by Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich, who has been excluded from the war cabinet and discussions of day-after arrangements in Gaza, appear to underscore fears in much of the Arab world that Israel wants to drive Palestinians out of land where they want to build a future state, repeating the mass dispossession of Palestinians when Israel was created in 1948.

Israeli minister repeats call for Palestinians to leave Gaza