Political Opinion

There are 17(?) Arab countries, too. They don’t want them either.


Have the world figured it out as they did for the Jews?

There was no country that wanted the Jews as well

As America came to the Jewish defense after the holocaust, now let’s see where the world stands today

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As we wait for the Republicans to produce evidence about the Bidens, we have this in the meantime.

“White House for sale”: Report reveals Trump made over $6M from China and Saudi Arabia in office

Donald Trump’s businesses raked in at least $7.8 million from 20 foreign governments throughout his presidency, new documents released by House Democrats on Thursday show, according to The New York Times. The overseas transactions, outlined in a 156-page report called “White House For Sale” produced by House Oversight Committee Democrats, provide hard evidence of the former president’s engagement in the kind of conduct House Republicans accuse President Joe Biden of as they attempt to build an impeachment case against him despite their probe of his alleged dealings failing to yield any evidence.

The report details how foreign governments and their controlled entities, including a top U.S. adversary, patronized Trump’s businesses while he was in office. They shelled out millions to the now-defunct Trump International Hotel in Washington, D.C.; the Trump International Hotel in Las Vegas; Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue in New York City; and Trump World Tower at 845 United Nations Plaza in New York. China made the largest total payment to Trump’s properties, amounting to $5.5 million including millions from China’s U.S. Embassy, the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China and Hainan Airlines Holding Company, the report found.

Saudi Arabia was the business’ second-largest customer, having dolled out more than $615,000 at the Trump World Tower and Trump International Hotel. ”By elevating his personal financial interests and the policy priorities of corrupt foreign powers over the American public interest, former President Trump violated both the clear commands of the Constitution and the careful precedent set and observed by every previous commander in chief,” wrote Rep. Jamie Raskin, D-Md., in a foreword to the document. “That narrative is insane,” Eric Trump told the Times of the Democrats’ report, adding “there is no president in United States history who was tougher on China than Donald Trump.”

Ivanka’s Trademark Requests Were Fast-Tracked In China After Trump Was Elected

Why does a Political Party named for the principles of majority rule - in a Country which supposedly prides itself on the method it chooses to Govern itself by majority rule - Seek to prevent the overwhelming popular choice of candidate from being allowed to even compete ! (Green writing is link)


This is 100% false, If this was true Trump would of never became President

Old White Men join Russia and China and India - in laughing at your stupidity !

Link is green writing


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Israelis will not accept a two-state solution.

Netanyahu Takes Palestinian State Off the Table, Vows Israeli Control ‘From the River to the Sea’

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday informed the United States that there will be no independent Palestinian state after the current war on Gaza is over, and that Israel will control Palestine “from the river to the sea.”


Gazans could be sent to Congo when Israel war ends

Gazans could be relocated to Congo at the end of Israel’s war against Hamas under a “voluntary migration scheme”.

Benjamin Netanyahu’s government is reportedly conducting secret talks in which he is seeking to have Congo and other nations accept thousands of immigrants.

“Congo will be willing to take in migrants, and we’re in talks with others,” a senior source in the security cabinet told news site Zman Israel.

‌The news report said that Gazan “migration” was becoming the leading policy of the government as a solution to the conflict.

Instead of sending Palestinians to Congo as immigrants, why not negotiate a Palestinians State with the Democratic Republic of the Congo which has 905,567 square miles of land, the 11th largest land area in the world.

You must be bored. Nobody to argue with?

Man, gas is cheap. Thanks Joe!

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Trump and Colorado to hold arguments on Feb 8th about staying on the ballot. Grab the popcorn. Trump fans, send another check.

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Funny (in a not so funny way) that guys from UK ridicule democracy in another country.

In the UK the political party who gains the most MP’s in an election - that party’s leader becomes the Prime Minister - ppl know if they vote conservative then the country gets led by the leader of the Conservative party - democracy in action.

Or is it?

Last election the leader of the conservatives was a guy called Boris Johnson, and rightly so, in accordance with democracy, he became the PM of the UK, voters liked him, he could talk the talk and walk the walk as they say.

That was just over 4 years back, since then Boris got dumped, a new PM Elizabeth Truss was the new kid on the block - that lasted a few months until economics caught up.

Then came the current PM, he is a guy called called Rishi Sunak, bit of a whiz kid, knows about money.

So back to UK democracy - how many elections have caused these changes to the Prime Minister role?

Well actually none - it’s called democracy btw.

The gas comment was a joke of course. You know, it’s Biden economics when it’s high, but when it’s low… crickets.

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Their belief is that only Trump can lower gas prices and make the economy better, The typical Trump DS / TDS

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There is always crickets when it comes to their leader

So the UK currently has a Prime Minister that no one in the UK actually voted for, who coincidently enough is married to Akshata Murty…

Daughter of the cofounder of Infosys Technologies Ltd… Narayana Murthy…

The very same Infosys Technologies that Central Banks and Governments across the globe are planning to have roll out and manage their CBDC’s (Central Bank Digital Currency)…


Overwhelmed by migration, Is migration getting out of hand?

Migration to rich countries hits all-time high

OECD says humanitarian crises and demand for workers is behind increased population flows

The Paris-based organisation estimated 6.1mn new permanent migrants moved to its 38 member countries last year, 26 per cent more than in 2021 and 14 per cent higher than in 2019, before the pandemic brought an enforced pause to much cross-border movement.

This total did not include a further 4.7mn displaced Ukrainians who were living in OECD countries as of June this year; an increase in temporary migration for work; or a record 1.9mn permits issued to international students — with the greatest number of new students going to the UK.

Both humanitarian and labour-related flows of people look set to continue at high levels.

Migration to rich countries hits all-time high

You are better informed than I - a resident of uk ! - Thanks for that !!! :nauseated_face:


Germany strikes a brave new deal on immigration

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Another issue is human traffickers. Europe needs to work together with other countries to crack down on human traffickers. The guy that was talking about how much he charges per person operates without fear of being arrested and charged.

France is also cracking down

Tens of thousands of protesters across France call on Macron not to sign immigration law

Tens of thousands of people marched in the streets of cities across France on Sunday to call on President Emmanuel Macron not to sign into law tough new legislation on immigration that they say bears the footprint of the far right and betrays French values.

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It’s awful that this is happening in our time. I think the next 2-5 years will be very turbulent for Europe


But the business sector will push politicians for reforms. They need workers. Aging populations. Decline in birth rates. AI will only do so much.

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