Political Opinion

Big shock for me. I haven’t been following the debates all that closely, didn’t think DeSantis would drop this early or at all.

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Nikki Haley is the biggest surprise. Although she won’t win all, she outlasted all the men not named Trump.It will be interesting to see which Republicans emerge after Trump.

There is a slow shift taking place in the Republican Party, and I am intrigued to see what the future holds for them.

Amazing that the world lethargy press entirely ignore the most important news from the EU and particulary Germany and the Netherlands - purely because it is inconvenient to the “Narrative” - Be Afraid Lefties !

Even Jordan Peterson is now completely up to speed on the “Green Tyranny”

Be Afraid Lefties !

llink is green writing

"… It was dangerous for the Farmers to bring their tractors onto the highway - so the truckers in convoy slowed the traffiuc so they could get onto the road to demonstrate - even the private motorists caught up in the taraffic when interviewed wer 90% in support and didn’t mind their journeys being delayed !"

Be Afraid Lefties !

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Non-White voters are flocking to former President Donald Trump.

Trump support SURGES in unlikely places!

President Donald Trump gains support among blacks, Latinos, the youth and considers holding a rally in The Bronx.

Imagine being an American tax paying citizen and having to wait 10 weeks before getting housing or medical assistance because the system is overwhelmed with assisting migrants who broke the law and entered the country illegally…

I have zero sympathy for any of them! This is EXACTLY what conservatives screamed would happen when Biden opened the border…

Southern border states have been overwhelmed well beyond this level for several years now and have been asking for federal help… You get what you vote for!..

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A city of 710,000 struggles to cope with 40,000 migrant arrivals

Nearly 40,000 migrants have arrived in Denver over the past year, making a city with a population of just over 710,000 the top destination per capita for newly arrived migrants crossing the U.S. southern border and traveling north in buses from Texas.

The influx is taking a toll on the city’s public safety net. Starting Feb. 5, Denver will limit the number of days migrants can stay in shelters and send those who exceed their stay out onto the streets.

One Venezuelan family, a mother, father and their three daughters, told NBC News they’ve been staying at a hotel paid for by the city, but they’ve just received notice that they’ll be evicted.

“Just yesterday they started throwing away the toys, the bicycles in the common area,” the mother said. “We don’t know where we will go next.”

Denver Health, the city’s “safety net” hospital, is asking for more money from both the state and federal government to help cover $10 million in unpaid medical bills from migrants.

Denver Mayor Mike Johnston estimates the city will need $100 million over 2024 to pay for housing, schooling, health care and other services as a result of the unexpected influx of migrants.

Dr. Steven Federico, a pediatrician and chief of government and community affairs at Denver Health, said the hospital has reached out to state and federal agencies for help.

“I think it’s been an unheeded call so far in terms of who’s going to be responsible for the health care of this population," Federico told NBC News. “In the meantime, it falls on safety net hospitals like Denver Health.”

A spokesperson for the Department of Homeland Security said in a statement that the agency will continue to work with the city in welcoming recently arrived migrants. "We continue to urge Congress to approve our supplemental request, provide us with the resources to manage the Southwest Border in a humane, safe, and orderly manner, and provide communities across the country with the financial support they need,” the spokesperson added.

Another pediatrician getting ready to work the late shift in the emergency room, Dr. Kristi Rodrigues, said she worries about what care migrants will be able to access once they leave the ER. The hospital is required to cover anyone who comes in for emergency care, regardless of their immigration status or ability to pay, but Rodrigues worries that patients won’t be able to have checkups or get medication for illnesses that are sometimes life-threatening.

A city of 710,000 struggles to cope with 40,000 migrant arrivals<

conservatives claim to want to fix the border, but how serious are they?

President Biden vows to ‘shut down the border’ if Congress passes bipartisan deal

WASHINGTON ― President Joe Biden vowed to take immediate action to “shut down” the U.S.-Mexico border if Congress approves a proposal under negotiation in the Senate as he urged lawmakers to pass a bipartisan bill “if they’re serious about the border crisis.”

Biden, in a statement released Friday night, said what’s being negotiated in the Senate would be “the toughest and fairest set of reforms to secure the border we’ve ever had in our country.”

He said the proposal would include new presidential authority to “shut down the border when it becomes overwhelmed.”

“And if given that authority, I would use it the day I sign the bill into law,” Biden said.

Biden’s statement sought to save a bipartisan border deal on the verge of collapse after Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., acknowledged privately to other Republican senators this week that opposition from former President Donald Trump − the 2024 Republican presidential frontrunner − puts the party in a dilemma.

The demise of a bipartisan border deal would deny Biden the chance to claim a victory in addressing surging migration at the southern border − a topic that Republicans have hammered Biden over throughout his presidency.

HR2, the second House bill from this Congress back in 2022, was sent to the Senate then. It’s sat there for two years without the Senate bring it to a vote. So don’t try to feed me the crap(not you, the media) about Republicans not wanting something.

Wasn’t Ukraine aid holding up the deal and the hard right threatening to block it?

Trainwreck’: Conservative GOP senators break on border, Ukraine deal as Donald Trump pressures Republicans

Lawmakers have spent months battling over aid to Ukraine and solutions for the crisis at America’s southern border. But some of the Senate’s more conservative Republicans are increasingly wary of a bipartisan plan to address both issues as former President Donald Trump weighs in, creating additional challenges for negotiations that are already a political minefield.

Several Senate Republicans argued during a press conference on Capitol Hill Wednesday that the package, which seeks to tie together border programs and aid to Ukraine, would not actually increase the president’s ability to slow migration to the U.S. The comments come as Trump – the dominant GOP presidential frontrunner – is pressuring Congressional Republicans to reject

Compare the two bills. The Senate bill would let in 5,000 illegal immigrants a DAY.
That’s 1.8 MILLION a year… All that would do is allow the Cartel’s to double their price of entry to the illegals.

You are doing a good job, now what’s the other bill

The Senate bill v HR2.

At the end of the day, the border crisis needs to be fixed, and they keep caving into biden’s budget demands and saying they care about America, another grandstand issue regarding politics.


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Government policies are pricing European farmers out of their own market

Farmers say they are suffering under new environmental regulations imposed by Brussels and are being undercut by cheap foreign imports.

Every time I see something like this I can’t help be feel that the UK is done for…

Wokeness has become like Religion… It makes good people do bad things, and the more that follow only amplify the damage and power…

“The reason why so many woke people turn out to have been bigoted in the past is because bigotry used to be the best way to bully and intimidate people, but now performative anti-bigotry is the best way to intimidate people. An evolving toolset for sociopaths.” – Shant Mesrobian

As was on full display during the recent Pandemic… We’ve chosen irrational emotions and virtue signalling over critical thinking and it’s going to lead to western societies’ self inflicted demise…

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The history of the world, sad but true

Changing the topic entirely —

Here is Bullet #4 from today’s Five Bullets by Dave Gonigam at Paradigm Press.

As I’ve done from time to time in the past, I’m re-posting copyrighted material without permission, and begging the publisher’s indulgence.

This is information that every American patriot needs to know about —“Deep State” actors in the U.S. government were responsible for the murder of President Kennedy.

Dave Gonigam
January 30, 2024

JFK and the Fact-Checkers

And now a follow-up to my edition from November titled From JFK to Jeffrey Epstein.

Around the same time as I published that issue to coincide with the 60th anniversary of the JFK assassination, a popular 10-part podcast launched with the straightforward title Who Killed JFK?

Researched and hosted by Rob Reiner and Soledad O’Brien, diving deep into the work of the Assassination Records Review Board, Who Killed JFK? shreds the official narrative that the president was done in by a “lone nut” named Lee Harvey Oswald.

Instead, they assert Oswald was a patsy set up by a faction of top CIA and military officers, including the notorious CIA operative James Jesus Angleton.

That said, “the names of the shooters and the men behind them is less important than the reason it happened,” Reiner says toward the conclusion of the final episode.

“JFK represented progress. He wanted to move us away from nuclear annihilation and toward peace. Instead it prompted a coup that profoundly changed history.”

He went there. He called it a “coup.” And astoundingly, the mainstream “fact-checkers” aren’t calling him out on it — the way the mainstream has routinely piled on the claims of Oliver Stone and JFK’s nephew, Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

What gives?

Well, it helps that Reiner and O’Brien are both liberals who remain in good standing with the power elite — unlike Stone and RFK Jr.

Nonetheless, it’s passing strange that the legions of mainstream fact-checkers have held their tongues with Who Killed JFK?

“You can tell Reiner and O’Brien have the facts on their side because of the silence of the fact-checkers,” writes Jefferson Morley — the journalist who’s been fighting the CIA for release of JFK documents for over two decades.

PolitiFact and FactCheck.org have both kept their silence — because “to affirm Reiner and O’Brien’s findings would have broad political implications,” Morley writes at his Substack page.

You think there’s a lack of trust in “the system” now? It would be multiplied many times over if the gatekeepers and fact-checkers issued a “mostly true” verdict that JFK was done in by a coup. What would that say about the history of the “deep state” in the six decades since?

“Such a finding, these organizations may fear, will help Trump in his authoritarian project in 2024,” Morley continues. “It might be taken as an endorsement of RFK Jr.’s statements and a rebuke to his many critics in the media.

“So there’s a political incentive for many not to talk about the new JFK facts.”

Kudos to those of all political persuasions who are talking about the new facts anyway, damn the consequences.

It’s only going to get worse

Migrants behind Times Square cop-beating shoplifted, assaulted store employee moments earlier: police sources

The migrants who jumped two of the city’s Finest last weekend in Times Square were part of a wolfpack of violent shoplifters who just moments before had snatched handbags in a nearby store and attacked an employee who tried to stop them, the manager told The Post.

“They always come in and take the handbags then they run,” the manager, who asked for anonymity, said of the migrants who hang out in front of the Candler Building shelter on West 42nd Street near Seventh Avenue.

“They do it all the time. It’s just ridiculous.”

Migrants from city shelters wreak havoc on Times Square

Illegal migrants reportedly escaping NYC to California could be eligible for numerous free benefits

The four illegal migrants arrested and charged with violently attacking New York City police officers and released without bail have reportedly fled to California, a sanctuary state.

It’s unclear whether the Golden State will work with the state of New York to return the men to be prosecuted for their alleged crimes or whether the Department of Homeland Security will work to deport the individuals.

California law restricts state officers from assisting U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents in deporting migrants. There are also numerous taxpayer-funded programs from which illegal migrants generally can benefit.

Gov. Gavin Newsom announced in January California would begin providing health care coverage to an additional 764,000 illegal immigrants on top of the 1.1 million already in the Medi-Cal system, California’s version of Medicaid.


This story is MIND-BLOWING

Chinese migrants are fastest growing group crossing into U.S. from Mexico