Political Opinion

In the War Between Europe’s Most Corrupt Country and Europe’s Second-Most Corrupt Country…

…we’ve heard again and again from Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

Now, we are going to hear from Russia’s President Vladimir Putin.

Tucker Carlson has interviewed Putin in Moscow, and will be posting his interview — free for all to watch — at TuckerCarlson.com

Here is Carlson’s teaser about the bombshell interview soon to be aired:


Members of the mainstream media (MSM) — whose requests for interviews have been snubbed by Putin — are having hissy-fits over the fact that Carlson was granted the interview that they were denied.

Sean Ring explains, in this excerpt from his article in The Rude Awakening:

Tucker/Putin: Interview of the Century

Sean Ring

Of course, Russian President Vladimir Putin would grant US newsman Tucker Carlson an interview. Putin knows he’ll get a fair shake.

Christiane Amanpour can cry in her coffee some more.

That’s what happens when you take sides. The entire Anglosphere’s Media Industrial Complex decided in February 2022 that Russia was the bad guy and that Ukraine was the poor, invaded country.

There was no mention of the prior eight years when the Ukrainian government was shelling Russian speakers in the Donbas.

As of 10:30 a.m., Wednesday, Italy time (04:30 a.m. Eastern Time), Carlson had yet to air the interview. So everything in this Rude is predicated on the fact I don’t know what will be said until it airs.

In the meantime, let’s have some fun with the objections to this interview.

[Sean goes on to detail the biased coverage of the Russia/Ukraine war from MSM sources such as the BBC, CBS, etc., to illustrate why Putin has said nyet to their requests for interviews. You can read his entire article at The Rude Awakening.]

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Good to hear from you, Clint!

And the democrats don’t see this as a major problem

Illegal migrants

Migrants allegedly snatched phones from 62 women in NYC crime spree: Police

A group of migrants were arrested in the Bronx overnight Monday for a citywide crime spree that included stealing women’s phones off the street, police said.

The New York Police Department executed a search warrant at the suspected safe house and made the arrests.

The seven suspects are expected to be charged with multiple robberies and grand larcenies, and more individuals are being currently sought.

Migrants allegedly snatched phones from 62 women in NYC crime spree: Police

In other political news Boris Nadezhdin, contender for president in Russian upcoming election has promised to end the conflict with Ukraine on day 1 of becoming president and renewing relations with the West.

He joins former TV journalist and independent politician Yekaterina Duntsova who is also calling for an end to the conflict.

However, neither politician have any hope of winning not least because the Russian Election Commission have barred both because of errors on their application forms with the latter and apparent anomalies on signatures with the former.

Another ant-war candidate Alexei Navalny is likewise unable to participate mainly due to his being in prison in the Artic Circle

Guess that’s better than the alternative…assassination…
What kind of country tries to keep candidates off the ballot? Wait…

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The United States southern border debate will turn into the roast of Joe Biden 2024 with the Roast Master General Donald Trump teeing off on this gaslighting clown…

I’d call it incompetence if it wasn’t so deliberate…

Watch the video and then compare Biden today with 2019…Hard to dispute his mental decline…

Sleepy Joe’s 2024 campaign slogan…“I SEE DEAD PEOPLE”!!!


A state of chaos reigns in Washington; Democrats have endangered the country, and Republicans have no idea what to do with no clear direction.

Republicans kill border bill in a sign of Trump’s strength and McConnell’s waning influence

WASHINGTON — Within 48 hours of the release of a long-awaited immigration and foreign aid bill he had championed, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell’s Republican conference rejected his pitch to support it, knifed the deal and left it for dead.

Just four Republicans voted for it. In the end, even McConnell backtracked and voted against the package that he had helped develop.

It was a jarring moment on Capitol Hill that pointed to a changed landscape: The Kentucky Republican, a one-man power center for more than a decade, is seeing his influence with fellow senators wane as his party continues to transform into the right-wing populist mold of Donald Trump. The former president, who fiercely opposed the border deal and has long pushed fellow Republicans to turn away from McConnell, is cruising to a third consecutive GOP presidential nomination.

“It looks to me, and to most of our members, as if we have no real chance here to make a law,” McConnell told reporters Tuesday, effectively declaring the deal dead after talking to his conference.

The collapse of the package leaves U.S. aid to Ukraine at risk of ending completely. McConnell, who is accustomed to having GOP senators follow his strategic guidance, has been pleading with them for months not to let Russian strongman Vladimir Putin make incursions into Europe, lest it upend the global order the U.S. has led since World War II. Those pleas have fallen on deaf ears with conservative lawmakers and voters, who align with a Trump wing that has turned against giving Ukraine money and weapons to defend itself.

Republicans kill border bill in a sign of Trump's strength and McConnell's waning influence

House has HR2 at the Senate for 2 years that hasn’t been brought for a vote. In the interim, all Biden needs to do is UNDO his Executive Orders from Day 1 when he completely reversed everything Evil Orange Man was doing and was working.
So, yeah, all Republicans fault…

You are correct, So why aren’t the republicans pushing that bill or why did they agree on another and change their minds at the last minute, both parties are incompetent

How important is the HR2 bill to the Republicans?

Although you pointed out the first obvious, you refuse to acknowledge the second and third obvious I stated above

Not sure what the obvious is. However, there isn’t a majority in Senate for the R bills from the House to come up for a vote. Schumer makes sure of that because then THEY would have to vote NO on a Border bill. And Mitch McConnel is worthless.

Trust me Cigarmanstan I get your point

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‘Absolutely damning’: Special Counsel report says Biden’s memory is an issue…

No surprise here, a Democrat is never going to be charged with anything. But this report gives the Republicans all they need for the 25th amendment…

So if his mental state is at stake he cant hold any responsible job position let alone the country’s most important one… Just curious to see how they are going to still push his Presidency…

“If you’re too senile to stand trial… You’re too senile to be President… Joe Biden is unfit to lead this nation…” Donald Trump - Roast Master General

To all the good people of Australia. Let this be a lesson on how to lose your democracy. There is no integrity left in the American judicial or political system.

I don’t know how we can ever get it back.:cry:

Unfortunately… @SmallPaul and 30% of the US voters think he’s competent. :flushed:

The United States of America is in serious trouble… The Stars and Stripes are now flying upside down…

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your stress level must be off the charts.

The much awaited Tucker Carlson Vladimir Putin interview was really worth the watch…

Tucker asked some great questions and he allowed Putin to speak without interrupting. Independent journalists with journalistic integrity are the heroes of our time.

A compact ~25 minute Full Summary below (Or watch it here in full)

It would be great to see Tucker interviewing president Biden for couple hours and asking him as many questions…

Carlson will become a National Hero if Putin releases Journalist Evan Gershkovich…


Even NBC and many of the other narrative driven media outlets have realised that Biden has severe cognitive decline… Joe is toast… There’s no spinning this. And the harder the media tries to spin it, the worse it will be for Biden. Time to exit quickly and move on.

Chucky Hur is trying so hard to give advice….Chuck, you know exactly why he’s not out there everyday. He’s (Joe) says he’s recently spoke to dead people for gods sake. Good God man…

It’s been a tough couple of days for the Leftist Media and the clowns that believe it… With the high profile Tucker Carlson interview and an independent Special Counsel’s report of this failed President’s proven mental decline…

Come on man!

stepping away from the circus clown for a moment. :point_up:

Would love to see the final bill.

Senate GOP helps advance borderless foreign aid bill

Senators are still debating how to address conservative demands for amendments, as the chamber now stares down a possible weekend in session.

The Senate advanced the national security supplemental delivering tens of billions of dollars in aid to Ukraine, Taiwan and Israel, putting the legislation on the potential path to passage in the coming days.

After months of bipartisan handwringing, enough Republican senators voted to advance the bill to put it over the 60-vote threshold, after they rejected a version that included border policy changes on Wednesday. But there’s a ways to go yet — senators are still negotiating the terms of eventual passage.

Schumer described the vote as a “good first step," but said leadership has yet to reach an agreement with Senate Republicans on amendments. That leaves timing for the final passage in limbo.

“For the information of senators, we are going to keep working on this bill until the job is done,” Schumer said, in a not-so-subtle threat to keep senators in over the weekend, or until the supplemental is passed in full.

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), in characteristic fashion, said Thursday he is planning to object to any attempts to speed up passage of the aid bill unless it addresses the southern border in a way he finds adequate.

"There seems to be a lot of willingness by the Democrats to give us amendments," Sen. Todd Young (R-Ind.) said Thursday. "It’s whether we can get everyone [in the GOP] around a strategy of supporting a certain menu of amendments. I think the answer there is going to be no."

Seventeen Republican senators voted to advance the legislation, and GOP leaders are hoping some hawkish Republicans will flip their votes on final passage. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), who caucuses with Democrats, was the only non-Republican to vote against advancing the bill.

The Republican senators who supported advancing the legislation were: GOP Leader Mitch McConnell, Senate Minority Whip John Thune of South Dakota, Bill Cassidy of Louisiana, Susan Collins of Maine, Joni Ernst of Iowa, John Kennedy of Louisiana, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, Mitt Romney of Utah, Dan Sullivan of Alaska, Roger Wicker of Mississippi, Todd Young of Indiana, Thom Tillis of North Carolina, Mike Rounds of South Dakota, John Cornyn of Texas, Chuck Grassley of Iowa, Shelley Moore Capito of West Virginia and Jerry Moran of Kansas.

Senate GOP helps advance borderless foreign aid bill - Live Updates - POLITICO

Totally agree — a very interesting interview!

For anyone who hasn’t seen it yet … Here’s a direct LINK to the interview from TuckerCarlson.com (without advertising or extraneous commentary.)

This time next year, the President of the United States will not be Joe Biden, and it will not be Donald Trump. The next President will be Gavin Newsom, the current Governor of California.

So says Louis Navellier [1]. And he claims that Newsom has the backing of Bill Clinton.

If you don’t have a clear read on Gavin Newsom, try to imagine California’s version of Justin Trudeau, the woke-wussie Prime Minister of Canada.

Here’s an excerpt from a Louis Navellier video currently online (emphasis added):

I Believe the Next President of the United States Could Be…California Governor Gavin Newsom.

And according to BetFair.com, the odds of who wins the democratic nomination are Biden with the best chance… followed up by Newsom in second place.

And as of this recording, the candidate polling to become the next president behind Trump and Biden is Newsom.

Which means if Biden’s out… Newsom is in.

The groundwork is being laid for anyone to see…

Right now, he isn’t directly challenging Biden.

But he’s waiting in the wings for Biden to back out.

And acting like he’s already in the race…

Already, Newsom has traveled to Israel right after Hamas attacked…

He traveled to China to meet with Chinese President Xi Jingping…

He’s traveled across the southern U.S. to court voters and community groups for local candidates in several republican states from Alabama to Missouri to Arkansas.

Why would the governor of liberal California trek all the way from his progressive utopia to go to Arkansas?

He’s even scheduled his own televised debate with presidential hopeful Ron DeSantis!

Ask yourself: Why would a governor be doing all of this unless he was trying to get the big job?

Which is why I believe August 19th could be such a critical date in this development…

See, right now, with Biden in the race… the democratic field is essentially cleared… and Biden will sail through to the nomination process.

The national democratic convention is set for August 19th, 2024 in Chicago.

That’s the date Biden will need to bow out by.

I believe that when he does, thanks to the nomination rules of the Democratic party, the “super-delegates” – political operatives within the party that help decide the party’s nominee – will have an easy time steering the nomination to Newsom, the obvious replacement.

Which is why Newsom’s shadow campaign will stay in the shadows for now…

Until in a “surprise”, I believe he’ll be drafted by the super-delegates to take over the party from Biden.

You need to start preparing for what will come next, now…

Because while this all plays out…

Radical socialism is destroying the country…

From high gas, food and housing prices…

To rising crime…

To insane spending and borrowing…

To sleepwalking into WWIII…

Your money and freedom are already under attack.

And by the time Newsom is swapped in by the Democrats, I believe the final stage of America’s transformation will begin…

Navellier explains how Newsom will replace Biden. But, what about Trump? In a head-to-head contest between Trump and Newsom, how will Newsom win?

Navellier points to likely voters between the ages of 18 and 50 — the fastest-growing demographic voting bloc in the U.S.

These Gen-X, Millenial, and Gen-Z voters have struggled to achieve the upward mobility and financial stability of their baby-boomer parents and grandparents, and they will be drawn to the socialist freebies promised to them by candidate Newsom.

And if Newsom becomes president and actually implements those socialist promises, be prepared for what Navellier calls “The Californication of America”.

[1] In their article on Louis Navellier, Wikipedia says:

Navellier is the founder, and currently the chairman, of Navellier & Associates, in Reno, Nevada. Navellier and his team of about 11 professional analysts and staff manage over $2.5 billion in private accounts and no-load mutual funds for individual investors and institutions. Navellier manages thousands of personal portfolios, as well as the Navellier no-load mutual funds. TheStockAdvisors.com, an independent investment website, calls Navellier “the one advisor whose track record sits at the very top of the long-term performance ratings.”

Unbelievable… If the dysfunctional Newsom gets the big job as the next US President…

You can forget the Cali part… It’ll be out and out “The fornication of America…”

“Born and raised by those who praise control of population… Well, everybody’s been there and I don’t mean on vacation… And Alderaan’s not far away, it’s Californication” RHCP