Political Opinion

When its Republicans versus Democrats, I want the Republicans to win.

The Democrats are censoring speech, decrying the Constitution and 1st Amendment, talking about packing the Supreme Court, promoting an ideology that results in castrating kids, flooding the streets with criminals, opening the borders (presumably as an electoral power play), and promoting their new neoMarxist/ postmodernist pseudo-religion as the new ideology.
Conversely, the Republicans by and large want to return to our old ways of doing things, which happens to be a classical liberal approach.
The Republicans want to preserve the republic.
Go Republicans! In fact, I think any liberals, in the traditional sense of the word, fit more with the Republicans than the modern Democrats.

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The Supreme Court and other courts are stacked with Trump people. Apart from that, I respect your opinions as I stated before.

Keep doing what youā€™re doing, as always

Supporters for both will want to see how the other candidate is fairing. What are the current odds neither shows?

These are funny:


Fight league, what an idea.

Get the popcorn ready for the debate!

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Joe Biden has been locked away at Camp David for the past 7 days learning his lines to no doubt pre arranged questionsā€¦ The Democrat machine will know Thursday morning how this is going to goā€¦

@dudebro On the Fridayā€¦ Trump will still be the Republican Candidate no matter whatā€¦

Joe Biden is an each way bet at being Democrat Candidate or former Democrat Candidateā€¦

Trump wanted the debate from day dotā€¦ Any Timeā€¦ Any Whereā€¦ Itā€™s only a CNN emboldened Biden that recently decided to stumble into an empty studio and roll the dice on his political future ā€¦

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The situation has gotten worse, so my popcorn will be ready, and Iā€™ll tip my hat to the winner regardless of the party.


What is noticeable this week is the level of desperation has definitely intensifiedā€¦ The left are obviously as aware as the sane here that Biden is about to be mentally and politically destroyedā€¦

CNN cutting off Trumpā€™s spokesperson was a ā€˜mistakeā€™: Cuomo | Cuomo

@dudebro If youā€™re really paying attentionā€¦ Both sides are playing the same gameā€¦

in the current climate where we have seen incredible bias on both sides of mainstream media the only way to have a truly fair debate is to have independent political commentators from different sides of the political coinā€¦ One left and one rightā€¦ And maybe one centre

Who agree to moderate the debate together. Thatā€™ll never happen as no mainstream company would agree to host such an event and the left would never agree to that sort of thing anyway, so we will never see a truly fair debateā€¦

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LOL, I agree, but such plans have never been put forward, so why are you predicting what either party will do? Besides that, I think itā€™s a good idea.

It has become old and sad to play the blame game constantly

Let me do some research to see if such an idea been put foward. :eyes:

When FOX news cuts you off, you know itā€™s bad. Theyā€™ve turned a blind eye to his lies, but are gradually calling them out. You can see some of the Fox hosts making faces when trump people are talking.and trying to spread more lies

Additionally, they notice Trump rambling on about things that make no sense, so they cut him off, maybe for his own good.

Great idea. Go back to multiple nights of debate. At least 3 nights. Dems can throw their softballs. GOP throws their softballs. Center throws the hardballs.

Or better yet, let the Commission on Presidential Debates do their job, like they always have until these two guys showed up.


@dudebro Agreeā€¦ One debate by CNNā€¦ One debate by FOXā€¦ Or better yet, let the Commission on Presidential Debates do their jobā€¦ A genuine Q&A debate with a live cross media fielding their questions to both candidatesā€¦

We both know that the Democrat Party would never allow Biden anywhere near a debate stage organised by FOX or any other Right leaning Networkā€¦ What does that tell youā€¦???

@dudebro Unfortunatelyā€¦ In the current Global political environmentā€¦ The pendulum has swung so far to the leftā€¦ That what a decade ago was centre is now deemed right wing biasā€¦

Hard Left is now Leftā€¦ Moderate Left is now Centreā€¦ And anything Right of Centre is now a Far Right viewpointā€¦

Even neo-fascism, neo-Nazism has been dragged across the political spectrum to the Centre Rightā€¦

Almost impossible to really know whoā€™s actually pitching the hardballs from the plateā€¦

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It tells me if you are dumb enough to keep falling for the trap and then complain about it the jokes on you, that is the best time for you to take advantage of it but you didnā€™t.

Mr. Big mouth pathophysiology liar put himself in this position and agreed to this debate and now makes excuses and complains, nothing new there. if he was a smart man he should of disagree with this debate from the beginning and address the reasons why for what he is complaining about now; he seems to be all over the place mentally.

For his sake, I hope he wins this debate

Wellā€¦ It takes one to know oneā€¦ For your sakeā€¦ I hope he wins this debateā€¦

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There is no problem with your view point, nothing has ever been proven by you, sounds like your leader, so I take your insults with a smile :smiley:

Canā€™t you be a bit of it all? Why all the labels and having to be this or that, the 2 party system doesnā€™t work anymore.

@Thebeezneez I didnā€™t make up these labelsā€¦ Maybe you can suggest how to fix the 2 Party system that is no longer viable for Democratic Nationsā€¦???

ā€œIf they believed voting made any difference, they wouldnā€™t let us do it.ā€ ā€• Mark Twain

Maybe we should give them pronouns insteadā€¦ Good | Evil | Neutralā€¦

I know I identify these days as Trans-parentā€¦ Who | What | Whereā€¦

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Trump should win this debate easily if he makes his best points about why he should be president again, no matter what Biden does, perhaps heā€™s building up Biden to take him down during the debate, donā€™t think he or his team is smart enough, but you never know, but this is funny. My popcorn is ready.

Trump campaign seeks to reset debate expectations for Biden

Former President Trump last week in Wisconsin called President Biden ā€œweak, failed and incompetentā€ and said he ā€œdoesnā€™t have a clue.ā€

In Philadelphia on Saturday, Trump called Biden the ā€œworst president in the history of our countryā€ and suggested he was spending several days at Camp David ā€œsleeping ā€¦ because they want to get him good and strong.ā€

On Tuesday, following weeks of the former president dismissing Biden as feeble, frail and clueless, Trumpā€™s top campaign advisers sought to recast Biden as a capable debater who will be ready for Thursdayā€™s showdown with Trump.

ā€œWe believe that many in the media are already prepared to give Joe Biden a participation trophy if he can simply stand upright for 90 minutes,ā€ senior Trump campaign adviser Jason Miller told reporters. ā€œWhen really what this should be about on Thursday is who has the vision for the future for America, and how candidates are able to do with defending their record.ā€

Miller told reporters that Biden ā€œhas been doing this successfully for 50 years.ā€

He highlighted flattering headlines about Biden from his 2008 vice presidential debate with Sarah Palin, his 2012 vice presidential debate with Paul Ryan and his State of the Union address earlier this year.

ā€œWe know that Joe Biden ā€” after taking an entire week off, heā€™s going to be ready for this,ā€ Miller said. ā€œI donā€™t know if itā€™s quite going to be at the level of Steve Rogers walking in and turning into Captain America, but his team is going to have him ready just as they have in 2008, 2012, 2024.ā€

Republicans have warned Trump and his team against setting a low bar for Biden ahead of Thursdayā€™s debate, which will be hosted by CNN. Strategists and lawmakers have encouraged Trump to acknowledge Biden is a strong debater ahead of time and to focus on issues such as inflation or immigration.

Instead, Trump has fluctuated between claims that Biden is weak and incompetent, and preemptively trying to create a narrative that if Biden does well, itā€™s because he had the help of a mystery substance.

Trump campaign seeks to reset debate expectations for Biden

The intelligence on display in these ~20 word brainfart posts is truly amazing to beholdā€¦ FFS

dude you have become a joke, continue on :+1:

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