Political Opinion

wow, Regardless of the vote share that’s a huge increase.

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Formally the US is still a republic of course, what it will be in a years time remains to be seen. I believe a bigger issue is the US democracy. One of the pillars of a democracy is a free and independent judicial system. The last ruling of the Supreme Court, and the politication of the Supreme Court is a huge problem. Jurors of the court vote out of political beliefs, not law and judicial aspects. In Europe, it is now the opinion that the US no longer has a independent judicial branch. And the latest ruling is absolutely horrendeous, and incomprehensible that it has been made in the former pillar of democracy and world order. With this Supreme Court, and the possibility of DJT in the White House, it will be all nations for themselves, and the world is set back 100-200 years. God help Americans, and then the rest of us…

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Did you ever feel you’re in a win/lose situation and either result leaves you with a bad taste in your mouth - America 2024

No, your country will simply have to pay its 2% of GDP for defence and you will have a much smaller chance of getting nuked.

There will be a restoration of classical liberal values if thats what you mean by getting set back.

Trump was already in office for 4 years.

The Supreme Court has made several rulings that I have not liked recently. So we probably have some common groung there.Yet, I am amazed anyone would think the Supreme Court is the threat. The feds suppressed true and relevant information in violation of the 1st Amendment in order to affect the outcome of the election.
The people in power control Executive Branch, media, and tech companies except X.
Its looking a lot like 1984 right now
Best case is we get someone other than the Democratic Party’s next deep state talking head.

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Clearly, The Supreme Court has been compromised, and as more evidence emerges showing more corruption over the years, it is starting to resemble Congress-level corruption.

Create the problem, encourage the reaction “something must be done”, and then offer the solution.

Hissing from Davos audience as founder introduces Trump.

There is no real hissing, listen carefully to what the founder says

  • “The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.” ― Lenin

lol, We had one standing as a commander and the other standing as a soldier, let’s see how this turns out

‘UNREFORMABLE’: Heritage Foundation pres schools global elite

Heritage Foundation President Kevin Roberts discusses his attendance at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, where he called out members of the elite over what he believes are threats to our democracy.

@SmallPaul Like Dementia Joe… You see dead people as well… Ramblings of a Madman.

Your delusional ideas once again make you look like a goose…

:point_up_2: This guy rambled on and on with conspiracy theories about the debate, but now he’s

Not one Conspiracy theory on this one :rofl: :rofl:

@SmallPaul Once again… You just make BS up… Face it…Your boy Joe’s a dribbler…

Trump’s a leader… Not a follower…That’s what has the Democrats so terrified…

You are the one who gets emotional, I can’t imagine how you felt when you saw that video.

Ramblings of a Madman.

@Trendswithbenefits, Because of you, I should start Rambling on with conspiracy theories like you for your sake.

Neurologist comments on Biden’s health

Holy sh** this guy is dropping some facts… Folks, this has nothing to do with Trump…

I am surprised that this Neurologist was willing to do this interview… His commentary is razor close to diagnostic, which is a huge no no in every specialty… Gupta was much more tactful to avoid putting his license at risk… Scary times…

Has the left leaning media finally discovered that telling the truth can increase ratings…

This deluded Democrat media propagandist is struggling to come to terms with reality… Every one knows what this Doctor is saying maybe close to the mark… But Parkinson’s is hard to diagnose…

The fact that he refuses to do the test… That alone… Speaks louder than his words…

Where was Dr. Pinsky, the media, and all these other dementia experts over the past year…

Trump should take the test then guilt trip Biden and the Democrats about it…


There is no one here who can defend Joe Biden, old age has caught up with him and a change of leadership is necessary, I also stand by my words above, policy or no policy, we shouldn’t have to tolerate a leader or leaders who behave and act worse than a 5-year-old child, both parties and the American people must do better in the future, I’m pretty sure we can find a leader that has Policy and act like an adult

Avoid becoming a lolipop boy at all costs :point_up_2:

Wow… Let’s Circle Back to Psaki…

Watching the media try to save their own skins after lying for so long is very cathartic…

Old Jen Psaki here knows exactly how far gone Joe is… She was one of the first to bail… And just now acting like something changed… I love that they all turned on him so fast. It’s hilarious how pathetically opaque the left can be…

Hey Jen… Where the hell were you… Rats off the sinking Democrat Ship… What about all the lying to Congress… Lying to the Media… Lying to the American people… Lying to Global Leaders… Lying to the World…

Now they have no choice but speak the truth about Joe… The whole World now knows…

How can you trust a Political party that is dishonest as the United States Democrat Party has been for the past 2-3 years… Absolutely appalling breach of trust…

Madman continues his Rambling.

True, yet missing the bigger picture.

Mark Robinson made the point clearly in the speech you posted. Trump is fighting the media, the Communists, perverts, the Democratic Party, and adversaries abroad. Yes, he is sometimes mean.

I’d add that there are no perfect people. You want a polite brawler? I want a beer without hangovers and water that is refreshing but never gets my socks wet. But, there are no unicorns.

In 2016, I wore a shirt that said “Cthulu for President, why choose a lesser evil”? I didn’t like either candidate and I voted for Gary Johnson.

Then, Trump won and I saw what he accomplished. Results changed my mind.

If the Democrats pick the nicest person on planet earth, or get one of the Care Bears to run as their candidate, I am still voting for mean belligerent Trump, because the Democrats are hellbent on tearing down our country and Trump is just as motivated to make the country work for ordinary people.

I don’t see Trump as being mean, and bigger picture or not, the man acts like an unstable adult, we must do better on both sides

It’s funny you see that but can’t see the same with your boy,

It’s because so many millions agree with you that he’s available as a candidate to be voted for. We get the politicians we deserve, and we demonstrate that we deserve them by voting for them.