Political Opinion

State media is focusing on Kamala Harris with predictable accusations against critics.
Trump versus Harris election is looking probable.

I said it before and repeat that I am hoping Trump picks Tulsi Gabbard as VP (for a very long list of reasons).

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Republican strategists have already switched their attention to Kamala Harrisā€¦ So obviously they know more than we doā€¦ Everyone is now aware that Joe wonā€™t be the Democrat Candidate by the end of Julyā€¦ There is going to be egg on many, many political and media facesā€¦

Iā€™d rather see the entrepreneurial and dynamic Vivek Ramaswamy as the US VPā€¦ The United States needs a fresh approach to recover from this 4 years of disastrous policiesā€™ and mismanagementā€¦

But I agreeā€¦ Tulsi Gabbard ticks more of the boxes for a Fire and Ice Presidential teamā€¦

Will this push by Republicans hold up in court, Religious people say this is a good idea, how will the current Supreme Court decide, we shall see. Religion vs The current Supreme Court

Red statesā€™ religious mandates for schools ignore basic history

In recent weeks, red-state Republican officials have revived a long-running conflict over religion in the public schools. In doing so, they have created an ahistorical justification for the Supreme Court to immolate long-settled precedents.

First, Louisiana adopted a state law requiring that a copy of the Ten Commandments be posted in every public school classroom. Not to be outdone, Oklahomaā€™s Superintendent of Public Instruction then announced that the stateā€™s Board of Education would require public school teachers to use not just the Ten Commandments in their instruction, but also the Bible.

Normally, we could state with confidence that both measures would be struck down by the courts, simply because the Supreme Court already struck them down decades ago. In 1980, the Supreme Court ruled that a Kentucky law requiring the posting of the Ten Commandments in classrooms was unconstitutional. The courtā€™s ruling against state-mandated Bible reading is even older than that, a 1963 decision striking down a Pennsylvania program.

But we no longer live in normal times. The current Supreme Court, one of the most radical in American history, has shown staggering contempt for long-established precedents and a willingness to fabricate new constitutional rationales out of thin air. Republican-led states, recognizing that the old rules no longer apply, have resurrected divisive culture wars issues that were once assumed to be settled.

In an apparent effort to provide the courtā€™s conservative majority with enough pretense to cast aside precedent, the new requirements in Louisiana and Oklahoma have been framed in an unusual way. The previous rulings by the Supreme Court naturally deemed mandates to promote the Ten Commandments and the Bible as ā€œplainly religious in natureā€ and therefore clear violations of the First Amendmentā€™s ban on the establishment of religion by the government.

.Red statesā€™ Bible and Ten Commandment mandates in schools ignore basic history


That conservative push to sway the Supreme Court might allow GOD, religion, and the Bible back in schools, what the majority of Republicans desire, and get rid of secular science, we shall see.

How Trump talks about his faith: ā€˜God is the ultimateā€™

Texas education leaders unveil Bible-infused elementary school curriculum

The proposed curriculum overhaul was released a week after the Texas GOP proposed requiring the Bible to be taught in public schools. School districts that opt to use them will get more funding.

Elementary school curriculum proposed this week would infuse new state reading and language arts lessons with teachings on the Bible, marking the latest push by Texas Republicans to put more Christianity in public schools.

The Texas Education Agency released the thousands of pages of educational materials this week. They have been made available for public viewing and feedback and, if approved by the State Board of Education in November, will be available for public schools to roll out in August of 2025. Districts will have the option of whether to use the materials, but will be incentivized to do so with up to $60 per student in additional funding.

Texas leaders push for Biblical content in grade-school lessons | The Texas Tribune

ā€¦ President Biden has introduced Ukrainian President Zelensky as ā€œPresident Putinā€

From this, Vegas odds just shifted to Kamala Harris as being the next Dem. President nominee. Passing Joe Biden.


US President Joe Biden will hold a press conference for the first time since his disastrous debate against Donald Trumpā€¦ The 81-year-old US President rarely holds solo press conferences but will place himself in an unscripted setting for the first time since November as he desperately clings to powerā€¦

$175 B to Ukraine for President Putin to fightā€¦ Putinā€¦ Canā€™t wait to hear how they spin this oneā€¦

ā€œMake no mistake about what is happeningā€¦ Democrats are chumming the waters with blood and sending Joe Biden in for a swimā€¦ā€

Mmmm ā€¦ with Kamala the Democrats might just lose EVERY State in the next electionā€¦!! But yesā€¦ I donā€™t see the Democrats with any other viable candidate except maybe inveigling Obama to come back.

It has to be Kamala or apparently they have to refund all campaign contributions collected to dateā€¦ Starting from zero $$ at this late stage would be impossible for the Democratsā€¦

The trouble isā€¦ All the younger Democrats do NOT want to face Trumpā€¦ They fear that (1) the election is already lost and (2) they would thus lose their chance for a tilt at being POTUS in the futureā€¦!

Furthermoreā€¦ The USA ā€¦ Just like Australiaā€¦ Is bereft of any new intelligent, dynamic & courageous leaders prepared to take hard decisions. All they and we have areā€¦ More of the sameā€¦!! Party animals and opportunists trying to climb the greasy pole with the sole aim of enriching themselves at the cost of the peopleā€¦!!

It is absolutely gold watching the Democrats turn and eat each other, watch how the DEMā€™s use the media they control to take Joe outā€¦

We need to get the conservative agenda out and running.

Disregard the short-term agenda that will please a few, itā€™s about suppressing secular science and bringing back the Bible, Religion, and God back into our schools which will affect the future of America.

Another state requires public schools teach the Bible, Ten Commandments

OKLAHOMA CITY, Oklahoma ā€“ All Oklahoma schools are required to teach the Bible and the Ten Commandments in their curriculums as of Thursday evening.

Oklahoma State Superintendent of Public Instruction Ryan Walters said the Bible is ā€œone of the most foundational documents used for the Constitution and the birth of our countryā€ during a state board of education meeting Thursday.

Every classroom in the state from grades 5 through 12 must have a Bible and all teachers must teach from the Bible in the classroom, Walters said

Another state requires public schools teach the Bible, Ten Commandments - cleveland.com

Biden faceplants on very first question

President Biden makes an unfortunate gaffe, calling Vice President Kamala Harris ā€œVice President Trumpā€. ā€œI wouldnā€™t have picked Vice President Trump to be Vice President if I think she was not qualified to be President, so letā€™s start there,ā€ Joe Biden repliedā€¦ Ouchā€¦

Humiliation is the strategy now in playā€¦ Democrats have no option but to feed Biden to the media Sharksā€¦

Under the DNC rules Biden cannot be replacedā€¦ The only change that can happen now id if he pulls outā€¦ And with his evil, elder-abusing queen that wonā€™t happenā€¦ She loves the glory too muchā€¦

Almost all DNC delegates have pledged to Bidenā€¦ If he goes Harris becomes President and the automatic nominee for the upcoming electionā€¦ The only way she doesnā€™t is if she steps down after being appointed President and her nominated VP becomes Presidentā€¦

Very convoluted but thatā€™s the Democrat Partyā€™s system and it is very rigidā€¦ Having said that the DNC doesnā€™t have a viable replacement, all are very flawedā€¦ Newsomeā€¦ Whitmerā€¦ Hillary or God forbid Michelle Obamaā€¦

None are going to beat Trumpā€¦ This is a good thing, four more years of the far left ruining America would ruin the world, need to get someone in who will do good for the country, not themselves like Democratsā€¦

This is a man who is dragging us into WW3ā€¦ The west has lost its mind by provoking Russiaā€¦ NATO has never been a defensive alliance that it claims to beā€¦

Continuous wars is the name of the gameā€¦

ā€˜Iā€™m determined on runningā€™: Biden

US President Joe Biden has wrapped up his nearly hour-long press conference by declaring he is the best qualified person to win the next presidential election, while also rubbishing polls that put him neck-and-neck with former president Donald Trumpā€¦

Despite the Democrats being exposed for the blatant liars they are with the whole Biden charade, people STILL think that they have the citizens best interests at heartā€¦ Itā€™s amazing how much logic and facts people will ignore in order to cling to an ideologyā€¦

They know not what they doā€¦ Itā€™s all about Trump bad, even though he withdrew troops and did not start any new conflicts ā€¦ rare event for any president in the USAā€¦

These people would rather have WW.III than Trumpā€¦ Itā€™s crazy stuffā€¦

US diplomacy has been such a success under Biden hasnā€™t itā€¦

Fleeing Afghanistan with their pants down for the world to seeā€¦ Russian invading the Ukraineā€¦ A terrible war starting in Gazaā€¦ China openly threatening Taiwan

Meanwhile under Trump:

No new wars startedā€¦ Ended the war in Syriaā€¦ Facilitated a peace accord with Israel and UAEā€¦ Facilitated a peace accord with Israel and Bahrainā€¦ Facilitated a peace accord with Israel and Sudanā€¦

And you want to talk about existential threats???

Biden is done, Trump has already won the election

Now itā€™s time to focus on America Future

@SmallPaul Good always overcomes Evilā€¦Your faith should teach you thatā€¦

The American political situation has been manipulated so strategically, I refuse to accept that the Democrats and those behind them have bumbled so spectacularly in setting themselves up to win the 2024 electionā€¦

It is time to move beyond the health of Bidenā€¦ Heā€™s a dead man walkingā€¦ The spotlight should really be on the motive of a Democratic party and high profile supporters who would have known longer than anyone else, but were happy to say nothing and continue the charadeā€¦

What did they hope to gain by having a puppet there who they knew could not function?
And who is/are the person or people that would then be functioning then on behalf of Biden, or have been?

Theyā€™re either the most one-eyed, incompetent group of inner supporters on the planet (amongst some very stiff competition for that mantle), or thereā€™s something else that has been going on, and the current Presidentā€™s long known decline, now exposed to the public directly - has caught them all with their pants downā€¦

Unless one had a more duplicitous angle one was playing, any normal party membership at a senior level would have yanked him ages agoā€¦

How can anyone in their right mind, trust a party who only now have (publicly) come to the obvious decision that heā€™s not appropriate. If they canā€™t see that, then what else are they not seeing?

Your belief in GOD should teach you that

Eventually, most Americans will fall in line with Project 2025 and GOD.

It has already started in some republican states.

Christianity and science are compatible. Science was born in the Christian world.

What that passes for secular science is in danger? The Democrat ā€˜trust the sceinceā€™, ā€˜the science is settledā€™ (completely unscientific), men are women, women are men, women have penises, there is no reality other than language, and oppressed vs oppressor is the only moral.
The Democrats already have a religion in schools. Should we fear that the religion of neo-Marxism and postmodernism might get supplanted by Christianity?

Not frightening. Thatā€™s a step in the right direction, even if youā€™re an atheist.

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For every creation believerā€¦ There has to be a Devilā€¦ Project 2025 is his latest Devilā€¦ Once againā€¦ Iā€™m not even going to entertain his arguments about shadows and things that arenā€™t really thereā€¦

Ramblings of a Madmanā€¦

Iā€™m just going to let him continue waffleā€¦ Trying to deflect from whatā€™s really importantā€¦


This is the first time I have seen a male constantly run to another male to talk bad about another male, and he even attempted to involve that person in his battle, The internet is built differently, Until this day, I would have told him to get to stepping and donā€™t ever try to get me involved with your nonsense.

In saying this, I have witnessed this behavior with females, so I apologize if I was dealing with one all along.

@SmallPaul Your post aboveā€¦ More Ramblings of a Madmanā€¦

The reason I reply to @Xanaphlaxes postā€™s is he lays out his considered thoughts and comments in well constructed paragraphs and sentencesā€¦ Not just one line brain farts followed with paragraphs of cut and paste contentā€¦

Nothing to do with me trying to get him onsideā€¦ @Xanaphlaxes doesnā€™t want to get involved in the stupidity in this threadā€¦ And fair enough tooā€¦ He has no time for meā€¦ Otherwise he would possibly respond to more of my moderate contentā€¦

He and I are also of similar ideologiesā€¦ Itā€™s you who is flying in the other directionā€¦

Wakeup to yourself.ā€¦ When you start posting considered thoughts and commentsā€¦ Iā€™ll start to reply to your contentā€¦

Why would he try to put someone else in his nonsense.

He behaves like a female, back and forth looking for support.

In saying this, I have witnessed this behavior with females, so I apologize if I was dealing with one all along.

You may have the last words, screaming and shouting.

@SmallPaul Your post aboveā€¦ More Ramblings of a Madmanā€¦ You do realise that posting in Bold Font in a forum is screaming and shoutingā€¦

Donā€™t abuse the bold, italics and underline stylingā€¦

While these features can be used to emphasize a point, too much of a good thing goes bad quicklyā€¦

Using bold upper-case letters is bad form, like stomping around and yelling at somebodyā€¦ An email full of bold, italicized and underlined text could come across as aggressive, or even rude.