Political Opinion

You feel better. :+1:

You are right, there is nothing to fear, Project 2025 will bring structure to America.

Project 2025 head says ‘second American Revolution’ will be ‘bloodless if the left allows’

The president of The Heritage Foundation, a right-wing think tank, said the Supreme Court’s presidential immunity ruling is encouraging and that the group, known for Project 2025, is already in the process of “taking the country back.”

“We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be,” Kevin Roberts said in an interview on Steve Bannon’s “War Room” podcast on Tuesday.

The Supreme Court granted former President Donald Trump limited immunity from prosecution for official acts in the ruling that split the justices 6-3 along ideological lines. Justice Sonia Sotomayor said the ruling dangerously expands the chief executive’s power and makes presidents “a king above the law.”

Roberts said Monday’s decision is vital to ensuring a president won’t have to “second guess, triple guess every decision they’re making.” He also alluded that it will help usher in Project 2025 if Trump wins reelection in November.

The 2025 Presidential Transition Project, as it is otherwise known, is a detailed 900-page “Mandate for Leadership” that lays out an administration-in-waiting for the next conservative president. It seeks to redefine the executive branch, including overhauling several government agencies and replacing civil servants with political appointees. The plan has critics up in arms and concerned about its “apocalyptic” and “authoritarian” nature.

“In spite of all this nonsense from the left, we are going to win. We’re in the process of taking this country back,” Roberts said Tuesday. “The reason that they are apoplectic right now, the reason that so many anchors on MSNBC, for example, are losing their minds daily is because our side is winning.”

I don’t mean to be rude to anyone.

Time is limited. There are levels of importance. I also respond to things where I have information to add or I believe an error is being made.

There’s a lot going on right now.

EU is trying to take down X.
X is the only social media platform allowing free speech right now.

The Democrats in the Senate just voted against SAVE Act. Michigan prohibited election recounts due to fraud allegations.
A lot of people are being registered to vote through DMV due to NVRA.


Each person has their own level of importance, so no one should feel disrespected :+1:

“EU is trying to take down X… X is the only social media platform allowing free speech right now…”

I wasn’t even aware of this… It hasn’t been covered by any media outlets here in Australia…

This is exactly what I was referring to in a previous post… The Left are terrified of free speech and transparency… You lose control of any perilous narrative once free independent and social media start publishing reality and reporting on facts…

As happened toward the end of the Pandemic… And even more recently with President Biden’s cognitive decline… Once the media started reporting facts… Both authoritarian driven narrative’s fell apart right quick…

The SAVE Act. needs to pass… Or the Democrats master plan of flooding the United States with millions of illegal immigrant votes will be very dangerous to Democracy in the November Election…

I have no issue with what or who’s content you reply to… No harm done…

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Trump, 78, offered to “go with” Biden, 81, as he takes a cognitive test, writing on Truth Social that he would… “Take one also . . . for the first time we’ll be a team, and do it for the good of the Country.”

Trump said Biden’s “performance since that very eventful Debate evening has not exactly been stellar,” pointing to Biden introducing to Ukrainian President Zelenskyy as “President Putin” on Thursday, before quickly correcting himself, what Trump called “an unpardonable gaffe.”

Prominent Democrats, including Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and Reps. Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi have also called on Biden and Trump to take cognitive tests since the debate, but Biden has rebuffed the calls, insisting in an interview with ABC News last week “every day I have that test,” referring to the challenges of his job…

Humiliation is the strategy now in play… I don’t think the Democrat Elders will run cover for him this time… It’s going to be easier for all concerned having his neurologist tell him he has a neurological disorder and it’s time to step down…

Than pressure from key Democrats or Fundraisers… Partisan Media… Or Hollywood Elites…

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The President of the US just said he chose Trump to be his Vice President because he would do well as President. Followed by “So let’s start there, number one”

This is elder abuse. I’ve never seen ridicule like this.


Starting this fall, public schools in Florida will be required to display the words “In God We Trust

  • The state statute (1003.44) specifically says, “Each district school board shall adopt rules to require, in all of the schools of the district and in each building used by the district school board, the display of the state motto, “In God We Trust,” designated under s. 15.0301, in a conspicuous place.”
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BREAKING: Shots fired… Secret Service rushes Trump off stage

Former US president Donald Trump was rushed off stage with blood smeared across his face after a shooting at his campaign rally in Pennsylvania this morning, Australian time.

The local district-attorney, Richard Goldinger, has confirmed that Mr Trump was “grazed by gunfire but is safe”. He appeared to suffer an injury to his right ear.

Before the Secret Service moved Mr Trump off the stage, he stopped and raised his fist to the crowd, with blood smeared across his right cheek. He was then ushered to a car…

A true American Patriot… Risking Life and Liberty for the American people… Not a the Stumbling… Bumbling mess like the current US President…

Biden…took almost 90 minutes to respond…and was unenthusiastic…" Even the Australian Prime Minister responded with a statement before sleepy Joe…


Eyewitnesses recall the moment shots were fired at Donald Trump

Trump turns his head a split second before he is shot… That saved his life… God was looking out for the USA… I wonder how the ‘Binder’ is going to spin this at the next press conference???

It’s being reported by witnesses at the rally… “Secret service and police ignored people that tried to tell them they watched the shooter climbing up the building with a rifle and were pointing at him for minutes before he fired his weapon…” WOW!

How compromised is the Secret Service if they let the shooter enter the area armed, climb up there, get into position, take aim and get off a shot before they do anything?

Well this could make a lot of people sitting at home who weren’t going to vote, go vote now…


He also got right up after being shot, looked at the crowd and yelled “fight! FIGHT!”

Strictly speaking from a game theory perspective, after the Trump v. USA ruling, stopping Trump in the courts became a more difficult option than others. Also relevant, I can think of more.men than I can count on one hand that would consider it an honor to continue the fight even if Trump had been assassinated.

Elon Musk just endorsed Trump.

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Despite the BS, America must stay strong

How compromised is the Secret Service if they let the shooter enter the area armed, climb up there, get into position, take aim and get off a shot before they do anything…?

Whoever was responsible for scoping the area for potential shooters and vantage points needs to be held accountable… If bystanders were able to see him then law enforcement and secret service should have seen him…

Something doesn’t seem right with this situation…! Security was either in on it or way to lax…! This appears to be getting really insidious… If two and two ends up equalling four…

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Multiple presidents, former presidents or candidates have survived assassination attempts

In the pre-Civil War era, President Andrew Jackson was shot at while attending a funeral in the Capitol. The shooter fired twice, but the gun failed.

Former President Theodore Roosevelt, like Trump, was trying to get his old job back during the 1912 campaign. He was shot on the way to a speech in Milwaukee by a saloon keeper. Roosevelt later said a folded-up copy of his 50-page speech slowed the bullet, which stayed in his body for the rest of his life. He gave the speech despite the shooting.

Franklin D. Roosevelt was president-elect when a would-be assassin fired at him in Miami in 1933. The shooter, Guiseppe Zangara, missed Roosevelt but killed Chicago Mayor Anton Cermak. He was put to death by electrocution.

Harry Truman, who took over the presidency after Roosevelt died, was shot at across from the White House by Puerto Rican nationalists in 1950.

Alabama Gov. George Wallace, a segregationist who was running for president for the third time in 1972, was shot after a campaign event outside Washington, DC. The shooting left him paralyzed from the waist down, and he later rethought his politics.

Gerald Ford faced two assassination attempts in quick succession in 1975. Lynette “Sqeaky” Fromme, a follower of cult leader Charles Manson, was foiled before she could fire at Ford in Sacramento, California. Weeks later, a woman named Sara Jane Moore shot at Ford in San Francisco but missed because a bystander grabbed her.

Ronald Reagan was shot in 1981 outside the Hilton in Washington, DC, after giving a speech. His press secretary, James Brady, was more seriously wounded than Reagan and later became an activist for gun control. Reagan’s shooter, John Hinckley, spent decades in a mental institution. He was released from court supervision in 2022.

An Idaho man was charged with the attempted assassination of Barack Obama when he fired shots at the White House in 2011.

CNN Breaking News: “Trumps ear brutally assaults mid-air bullet fired by a mostly peaceful TDS afflicted assassin…” Quick… Get Alvin Bragg on the line…

So the secret service provided multiple snipers to watch the rooftops which were right outside of the venue, but no one thought it might be wise to restrict access to those same rooftops which had a clear line of site to Trump?

This is so sketchy…

America is divided, and Now in Very Dangerous Territory.

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This is very weird… You telling me they saw the shooter beforehand with a rifle in hand and waited for him to shoot first before taking him out…?

Watched a few clips of the event now… Something doesn’t make sense… This will be called a “cheap fake” video any minute by KJP and the extremist Leftist Media…

Lots of questions!! Why was the secret service sniper already aiming at the assassin and waited for the shooter to shoot before taking him out…? Why was that building not secured? Now the assassin was killed immediately after getting off about 7 rounds…

Unfortunately/Fortunately depending on your Political outlook… We will never hear from him…!!

It would be interesting to see what theories you come up with

Trump got shot but Biden will take the political hit… This rather major chain of events will hand the Trumpster the keys to the Whitehouse in November…

Fundraising will no longer be an issue for the Republicans… The Merch that Trump will sell from his attempted assassination will bring in millions of campaign dollars in the next 4 months…

Almost a recreation of the iconic photograph of six United States Marines raising the U.S. flag atop Mount Suribachi during the Battle of Iwo Jima…

The image of the flag raising was reproduced thousands of times in the media for morale and propaganda purposes… For U.S. service members and the public generally…

It symbolized the country’s resolve to continue fighting against formidable odds…


There’s a possibility that was a warning, that America won’t tolerate a dictator or wannabe dictators in the future. We will fight for our freedom.

Keep your chin up America, we must get through this.