STOCHASTIC-indicator and the ZIGZAG-indicator! Know the truth!


I had relegated him to the “avoid” basket after reading the MA method he prescribed. I said what I did so that he would have the room to open his mouth first and be forever silenced than.

But then like you ST, I kept coming back to read more. I wanted to keep reading the statements that the earth was flat indeed.

It entertained me, albeit in a very morbid way.

And I was too embarrassed to admit, but I did check on the Short, UCHF signal he gave on the 19th of October before deciding once and for all.

Anyway good entertainment, while it lasted.

Like looking at a car wreck by the side of the road.

While we are in confessional mood - I must admit that I was looking for a trade earlier in the week, had a few setups but only wanted to take one, I elected not to take the EUR/USD one as it was a Short and s/he was so adamant that it was going to shoot up to 1.3919 or whatever it was that I left it. It was fine, the one that I took worked out so it did not cost me anything - but looking back now the EUR/USD Short would have worked out too. So CERTAINTY reinforced an old lesson that I thought I had learned a long time ago - trust your own analysis.


I would have liked to read C’s explanation of changing the ZZ settings to match price on the daily time frame. Of course the real reason is obvious. That’s why he would not reveal the settings but did he think no one would figure it out? Sometimes people are so transparent, it’s like looking through a glass window

TalonD, I think he never thought someone would be quick enough to test the settings and match it to the posted picture?

He didnt think that veteran members like yourself would have seen it all.

Seldom that I pour the coffee over my keyboard. :smiley:

Don’t worry. He will come back. He came back already a couple of times. He just takes another nick name by then. I knew it was him (xtraction or whatever other names he had) after 3 of his posts. Always the same habits: Feels as an attacked victim if anybody asks questions or even if somebody just has another opinion, comes with some other nicks or troll buddies who praise him like god and leaves in a mess. His ideas at first seem intruiging, but at last it’s just a contrary thinking without essence. One theory of him 2 years ago was there is no trend, lol. Never. I must say I have nothing against that thinking, just the style of habits is unbelievable.

Anyways. Frankly, I don’t miss him like Colombo and my guess is the mods did their job well. I am not a big fan of banning in general, but if somebody just shakes the forum and waste others time it’s probably the best thing one can do.

Back to business.

Sort of like a KISS retirement tour… Or a staph infection…


so much hate. what is going on here?

Welcome back Kotter. Can you please explain the reason for changing the settings on the ZZ indicator on the daily time frame?

Why do you care if you weren’t here at the time?

And Tang’s post was funny!!

Oh 2morrow2day,

As they say in the classics: “you ain’t seen nothin’ yet”. Just wait until one fine day, when the mood takes me (again), I happen to (again) post something about the trading of equity futures and commodities vs. spot FOREX trading!!! LOL!!!

To be (well try anyway to be) serious: no ‘hate’. These forums are here for traders to discuss trading and help each other out and for traders to support each other (both new and seasoned traders alike) NOT for ‘playing guessing games’ or for a member to try to ‘make a name for themselves’.

From my point of view: ordinarily I’d not get ‘involved’ in a thread such as this (not anymore anyway) but I know from bitter experience, from some years ago and being a new trader at the time, how deceiving the ZigZag Indicator can be. That in and of itself was bad enough. But when the statement ‘DEEPER things are not free’ was made and those asking for ‘specifics’ were told that they were being ‘UNGRATEFUL’??? Well: I couldn’t help myself. There are a good number of seasoned spot FOREX traders here that spend a lot of time, and go to a lot of trouble, helping and supporting other traders, particularly new traders, out and they don’t NEED to do it i.e. they just do it because they know all the ‘tips and tricks’ and can easily recognise the ‘trolls’ and they genuinely want to help out. They have nothing to gain nor lose for their efforts. EXCEPT ME of course i.e. I’m here to solicit new clients!!! LOL!!! At least I’m honest about it!!! LOL!!! (Alright: that’s not STRICTLY true so don’t be afraid of me)!!! LOL!!!



You guys enjoy this, admit it lol. So ya…Certainty’s last post was yesterday afternoon before getting banned. Early this morning we have this. 301 Moved Permanently I responded, not realizing at first.

As if trying to get people to trade off the zig zag wasn’t bad enough, now we are taking the opposite trades of a secret losing system. In a very sick way, I can see how this could be hilarious for the person behind it. Having people talk about this nonsense, and even better, start following the trades. Have fun over there.

It’s quarter to six on a Friday evening, it’s getting dark outside, my wife just took over the childcare, I am not in any trades, I am chatting on a boxing forum and checking in on BabyPips, I’ve just poured the first beer of the weekend… and yes, at this point it’s just quite funny.

But perhaps our posts should carry a health warning: don’t trade the ideas in this thread without doing independent research.

The timing of CERTAINTY’s ban and the other, new thread which you just mentioned, and a few similarities in prose style were not lost me, either, and I am sure that I am not alone.

I guess this is the recreational end of trading lol. So can we take it that you now have a different take on your own post on the other, why why why thread? You were very patient and helpful!


I see CERTAINTY is back. I bet he she still wont give a rational explanation of the zig zag manipulation.

I got censored :58: :smiley:


I’m a complete newbie here–first post–and I know that CERTAINTY has been banned. But as the thread has not been taken down, I’ll assume that it’s safe to comment.

After several or more hours puzzling all this out, it’s my belief that CERTAINTY was/is onto something. His style, to be sure, is on the opaque side: but in reaching for a descriptor here I don’t know whether to go instead with “tantalizing” or “cryptic” or whatever else. Just enough information is divulged that even a relative dunce like me CAN work it all out, with some thought. Just enough info withheld that anyone too impossibly dumb or know-it-all or lazy won’t get it.

And I think he’s right: why make it too easy? Why not instead provide just enough clues? And the brilliant thing is that you don’t have to try too hard with this approach. It’s really quite simple, if thought through step-by-step. You’ve just got to go back to the first post on this thread and read and evaluate each word very, very carefully. Then apply a bit of intuition/inference to fill in the blanks, which are not too big.

My own small contribution here will be to say that targets seem problematic. If contradictions must/will be corrected, as CERTAINTY insists, 99.8% of the time, might that mean riding out a 500-pip swing against you (with obvious MM implications) to gain just one pip? My tentative solution is to look for stochastic crossings of the 50 line as possible exits. At times that may get you just one pip, at times 50 or more. At times it may cost you a pip or two. It all depends on time frame, clearly.

Thank you, CERTAINTY, if you’re out there and reading.

P.S. I’ll go way out on a limb here and make a real-time prediction. It’s Jan. 23, 2012, two am my time, a Sunday, markets still closed for the weekend. EUR/USD sits at 1.2919. I see it going down to 1.2900, very likely within the next day, possibly after wading upwards some distance. If wrong–well, I’ll have been wrong, and no reflection on CERTAINTY, whose system/method I may well be misreading. This will be my first (and perhaps last, who knows) attempt at prediction going off my simulacrum of his ZZS. Hint: I’m going off smaller time frames (hence the small target), and honestly, I’ve got no idea what’s going to happen next (ha, who does?), but if right–well? And if wrong–well? Let’s see.

Oh my–into profit as I type? Must type faster, or won’t be believed. Target still not hit.

P.P.S. Target hit within the past few minutes that I typed the above P.S., so I can’t trust anyone to believe me (that I really did it in real time). I’m working from behind a proxy in China, and simply making an edit for spelling takes a little time. I’ll post more such predictions on demand, if there’s an interest.

Hi Certainty…is this it?

Hi Certainty, I think I have figured it out…

Look here…

…And…There you are!!!

Ok…This is my example B…Here is the first screenshot…

Now, here is B2…Have a close look…