Supply and demand taught

well what I learned… bad trade… breathe in breathe out… move onto the next trade… so hopefully next week will be better. I’m planning to start live trade soon with a small $100 account. Hope we can share some ideas in the future.

are you on Twitter mate?


my mistake :exploding_head:

I’m not on twitter mate.yeah I’ll definitely be posting in here.ill show you a pic of basically what I look for.the big yellow zone is 1hr level then a w pattern

and good luck mate make 10% consistently on demo before going live that’s my best advice for anyone

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wow this missed entry because of the kids :sweat_smile:

:rofl::rofl: I caught the one before where says entry :rofl:.playing up wasnt they so wasnt at the charts :rofl::rofl:.but that’s basically all there is very simple stuff really.once you’ve learnt it.

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If anyone would like to follow me in twitter.i will be posting my daily trade ideas on there from monday.already jonas230 has.and I’ve already started to teach him :+1::ok_hand:

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trade idea for the week coming if price gets back into those weekly daily 4hr demands and shows me confirmation of opposing zones being taken out.ill be long

Sorry I’m going to be abit quite this week spending some quality time with my kids and wife so taking the week of trading :+1:

I really hope someone got on this yesterday!i know jonas did.well done mate :+1::money_mouth_face: Screenshot_20200918-103245_Chrome|473x1000

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nice counter trend trade setting up price has broke the 4hr base that caused an hh if we get a pullback to that 4hr grey 1hr yellow nested zones I will enter in here for at least a 90pip move

What course did you do?

I found someone in a supply and demand discord group.and hes taught me.hes actually just start a signal service up now guaranteeing 500-1000 pips per month but he actually hits about 400pips per week tbh.if you like to join

Supply/demand forex signal that’s a different forum I’ve started.please message me we want to help

Thursday trade banked 130pips in one session…15 pip stoploss for 130 pip gain

analysis for that trade

Just for tradeforex007

Multiple timeframe analysis consists of you marking your fresh demand fresh supply on daily chart.abd seeing where price is sitting is it in the middle travelling from daily demand to supply I’f so drop to 4hr timeframe and look for pullbacks to demand to get in for a long trade simple.vice versa

I’m not sure why you’ve explained multi timeframe analysis, its freely explained on the babypips course. All I’ve seen are posting charts and how many pips you made lol. Theres been no teaching of supply/demand and now you want to start a signal thread.

If you want to help people and there are some people who trade price action and would be interested in learning this, then you should actually teach. I see you’ve already touched on that you paid for your teaching. I’m guessing you’ll want to charge others too. Like i said, please be transparent. Be straight forward. Dont come with I want to teach you then you beat around the bush.

For anyone looking to learn supply/demand they should research:
Chris leet
Sam seiden
Alfonso moreno
There are others too who I’m sure you already know of.
You can learn what you are saying for free. No need to pay.

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No dont search for anyone of those none of them teach you how to enter.i know that because a friend of mine who is a institutional trader had a trader come to him from Alfonso and he didnt even know how to enter with confirmation or where to enter so by all mean everyone crack on with this stupid not asking for a dime from anyone I make enough money from trading where oon here have I mentioned money…go ahead and let people search them they will teach you how too draw zones that about it nothing about nested zones or anything else

Also the signal service is from my friend who’s a better ttrader than me not me my self just doing abit of advertising for him to help him out abit

I’ve been dabbling with SD a bit in my thread here (there’s more if you scroll up), it’s something that interests me very much.
From what I’ve read so far, you’re not supposed to use the same zones twice, so it makes more sense to me to use the 1H timeframes where there is more volatility.

I look forward to learning more. I’m not following anyone, I’m taking bits and pieces from my research and applying that with my current knowledge of the markets.