Supply/Demand, VSA, Wyckoff with Petefader


    Since going over both of your forums that you have set up in the past couple of years, I see that your information is some of the most valuable information I have ever come across.  Truly mind opening....I have looked at all of your videos and that added another layer of understanding to this framework as I like to call it.  I have yet been unable to attend one of your webinars that you have so generously taken the time to give due to other personal commitments.  I know you probably have had this question asked before however, would it be at all possible to have one of your webinars recorded so myself and anyone else interested to have the ability to watch it?   

I truly appreciate it and I thank you for your time…


That will be truly great treasure to get such a webinar recorded.Many thanks for your effort PETE and others traders in opening people eyes.


Can someone help me, I am having trouble with using this, I don’t neccessarily (clearly) know what phase I’m in, accumulation, distribution, redistribution, etc.

How do I know what I think is re accumulation is in fact distribution, reaccumulation can occur many times, what tells you its in distribution, and of course vice versa for redistribution etc…

My earlier post sums this up, I was lost with it. You might say look for ND bars, or NS but then that depends on timeframe you are looking at.

The earliest example vid posted by Pete F shows a phase where there are several NDs and NS in the same ‘region’. The trade decision seems to stem from the bias, i.e you are waiting for the right entry point in the direction you have established, what in the PA is telling you its wrong?.

Does this make sense. Re post 2097, I would have said (I thought) thats reaccumulation, not distribution.


Question - Can an Effort to Rise candle have a top wick or must it be a close right on the high? I would assume a wick would indicate supply down into the rise but that doesnt mean there is no effort to rise…

The high volume points and where/how they occurred determines the phase. I think Part 2 explains it best, check out the video again.

If I take an effort to rise (aka Push Through) entry, I like to see little to no wick, and volume can’t be high. Remember effort versus result. If we see an effort to rise, and there is a large pin on top, then the effort did not give a good result. A pin, along with high volume tells you there is sell pressure or supply still there in large amounts.

If the chart is right leading up to it, the outcome of this candle means the difference between me taking the trade or not, for this particular setup. If anyone is not aware of it, it’s in the video in the first post called “Push and test entry” at 1:20 mins.

Since VSA in Forex uses tick volume, does it stand to reason that bars with a high spread, and low volume, are indicative of large, smart money operations? High tick volume seems to occur when buyers and sellers are at odds, pushing the price back and forth. Lots of different price points in a small timeframe = high tick volume for that bar. But a high spread on low tick volume seems to me to indicate that price was overwhelmingly driven in a given direction, hence the operation of smart money.

can anyone help me out here?

example: high spread on high volume
price down 1, up 1, down 2, up 1, repeated over and over in a similar fashion to produce a bar that does have a high spread, but on high volume.

high spread on low volume: bar just jumps straight down – down 1, down 1, down 1, etc. lower volume, high spread, seems to indicate a more decisive move in the direction of that candle.



For what it’s worth I would read a bar with wide spread on low volume as one with little resistance to price. So, if say it was an up bar, it would imply there was little selling supply; the ‘smart money’ having absorbed it all in an accumulation phase at lower prices. Context however is key, as a ‘Smart Money’ test/up-thrust immediately` prior to marking price down from a distribution phase would also fit the description.

There seems to be much debate over what constitutes relevant volume in the FX markets. According to Tom Williams it is something of a moot point since trade or tick volume both equate to ‘activity’ and VSA is only concerned with the relative difference in activity (in relation to price) between bars.

Hope this is of some help, but I would defer to wiser, more experienced heads, such as PF, if they care to comment. If you’ve not read it, Williams’ book, ‘The Undeclared Secrets that Drive the Stock Market’ is worth a read.


Missed the webinar :frowning: Anyone record it and kind enough to post it up?

@zacm Low volume wide spread bars are only slightly more frequent than hen’s teeth, so they dont really come into the ‘equation’ , it’s quite a long and complex question being asked so if you could post a chart up it will be easier to give you a better answer.

Seeing some buying interest around this level. Hovering above 1.3105, First trouble area is probably 1.3130. Ill close partial there and decide next move.

But after profit taking on Friday, I bet it’ll range for the next day or two at least, so buys on lows and sells on high for a few scalps here and there maybe.

Yerp. Got to .3125 … Decided to protect my position and take some off after 5M pin.

Decent 1HR resistance as well.

The trade was taken after 16 GMT. The “Push thru Supply” can be used anytime ?

At that time of day, you’re playing with fire, the market can easily just die, and you’re stuck in a trade that will do nothing and then just reverse on you, although in this instance the 1hr was looking pretty good for it, but it’s definitely not a habit you want to be getting into, it’s not something that will make for good trading practice, and you are more likely to get bitten than not, so on the whole give them a miss.

Sage words being leeked there: better to go and look at the US equity futures around 19:20 (18:20 at the moment) for a potential quick end of day trade.

Anyone see any pre-news positioning, I can’t really, but it may look like reversals coming up, but the right trades could well be more shorts, anyone with anything better to offer?

For E/U, I can’t say that I saw this down move coming today…was expecting a long off a fib retrace. As long as that 1hr candle was, that goes below yesterdays low, it’s stopping volume/bullish reaction with a 5 min stopping vol/ns/push entry. I didn’t want to go long lol…but I listened to the chart, on lower risk, and made some $ after all.

Hi everyone, im new to the thread, have been following for the last week or two but working on trying to catch up on the previous thread and this one, still reading! Also half way through master the markets… Planning to get a lot more involved once i play catch up on the rest of the threads.

Really like the whole idea of VSA, understanding the moves behind what the candle shows us makes so much sense. Only posting at this early stage as made my first successful ‘textbook’ VSA entry today - as i see Petefader likes to call it lol


Entered on the close of the candle indicated after I saw the ND…
Hit a level of demand which i already picked out in the grey box… Closed half my position at +25 pips, and locked BE +1… Free ride from here…

Will be following along!

Happy Trading
