Supply/Demand, VSA, Wyckoff with Petefader

Is it possible to use the same concepts of the 5M in the 15M?. Today I lost the signal to go long because I was going to work…

Yes it is, very similar.

Damn I missed the ND entry on the EUR 15m.

We got 3 high volume bars on the 1HR, then pin bar, I’d say that is short, so any ND’s turn up now at a sensible spot, I’m short.

I’m looking short as well. You’re about to get another chance with this fib retrace coming up. I’ve been looking for that entry for the last hour.

just want to know what time you’re talking about. I get the time above the thread, I hope.

it’s started to look a bit unclear now though, be best to wait until Bernanke opens his mouth, see what response we get to that.

Agreed. Things acting a little funny today. Just breaking through an area of support, and it may keep heading down, but I just never saw a clear way to enter without selling into demand.

I think Longs now, the hourly is reacting to those lows, high volume on down move on the shorter timeframes matching up, it’s looking very much like a potential SV on the 1hr too, my predictor comes in handy sometimes :slight_smile:

I love your session volume and predictor. It’s awesome and thanks for putting it out there.

Yep, I’m very cautiously looking long. I especially like a/u. The 5min shows buying all the way down. SM already positioned in there. …could play out tomorrow though, we’ll see.

Yes, it’s going down, exactly like I said yesterday, it’ll look long then go short, missed the boat today big style with that ND entry on the 15m.

It didn’t show supply coming in up there. If it wasn’t a proper entry, then you didn’t miss anything lol…so to speak. Maybe make a Gutfeeling.mq4, then set some alerts. :30:

If only I could Like it twice! That made me laugh, proper ROFOMAL.

I did, I have, but it had obviously crashed.

I thought it had a lot going for it, a lot of confluence, it was just a bit too much underneath the Fib, because most of the time, they pop up over your Fib and you get an entry on the way down after, it’s the only thing that put me off.

Yeeeeup, bought au and eu around Aisa open…but we know I’m just the luckiest guy in the world, Volume doesn’t work in FX. :wink:

You are long on EU?? already, a little aggressive?

Oh of course Asia open, yes, I get it.

Nearly a copy cat setup from yesterday on the 15m, not quite as good, but I didn’t let it pass me by today! short from '58.

suprisingly i almost concluded volume doesnt work until i started looking more closely esp the nd they r normally soo perfect with volume less than the previous 2 bars,u serious it doesnt work i think it again i read somewhere there the correlation btn tick volume and real volume in fx is over 90% surely in this world of fx one can only stick with what works for them and for me vsa works real good i just need to fine tune my trades.thenx again for the videos av been watching em

Of course it works, that’s why we never really defend VSA, we don’t have to, sometimes you’ll find some postings on other threads, and we will help out potential new VSAers and try point them in the right direction, then you’ll get the odd post saying ‘it’s crap, it’s this, it’s that, you’re idiots’, we don’t respond directly to them, we here know exactly what works, and we know exactly what brings home the bacon.

Indeed. Thanks to Clint for this…

Yep, you could say that but the 1hr spring, the buying all the way down yestersday, a NS on e/u, it was there. I feared more waking up today to see that I missed the move then taking a loss lol. With all the buying that went on into the down move yesterday, I also figured that SM was a little nervous and would bring it up to cover their ass before news today.

Yes, I couldn’t get over the amount of knowledge, thought and research he put into it, quite a guy.