Supply/Demand, VSA, Wyckoff with Petefader

I’m not sure what you mean. It’s at that price now. Drawing a 1hr fib on the up move today, assuming it’s the top here, gives the 50 to 61.8 zone that is ideal for a long tomorrow. Nice confluence with a resistance level from today, so its also a break/test/continuation pattern.

Of course things can change before then, and you have to watch the reaction when/if it gets there and get the setup. I’ve called it the Golden Setup in the past btw.

The thing is with predictions, is that things can change so rapidly, you can picture a scenario that may play out, I attempt it now and again, and quite often fail miserably, sometimes the plan does play out, it’s good to have a plan sometimes so that you are ready to trade that scenario if you see it starting to play out, but also you need to be able to adapt and re-evaluate at the drop of a hat.

Anything could happen overnight, BOJ could drop a whopper, Bernanke might break his leg, you just don’t know.

Well pete you have another follower but I had to comment and say you sure are not making it easy on anyone. I read I first post on here it says to read your last thread that 300 pages. I think to hmmm 300 pages ok no prob. I have learned price action, studied ICT’s thread and have had good results with all 300 pages combined with these 217 to learn VSA and add that to my many weapons. Then I get to that thread 3400+ pages. Damn you man. Goes to show you gold is not cheap. Always has a price tag. Enough said I will be back after my eyeballs pop out my head once again lol.

Hey bobmaninc, just pace yourself. The best place to start is with the videos. There’s only about 9 and they are not long. Make sure you absorb everything there. As far as the old thread, I recommended reading the second half to save time, my method was still being refined throughout…always more to learn and experience to gain to make improvements. Once you get going, I’m sure you’ll be able to post some charts here and get involved pretty quickly. Start with those videos…maybe get some eye drops, keep em moist lol.

just watch like a hawk what happens inside this bar, looking 4 any ns or test low volume, as long as we stay above it its good 4 longs… see on sec pic where we peak yesterday, what a coincidence :slight_smile:

i disagree with ur analysis …i see dat high vol. as weakness coming in the market…and mind u dat place u mark are retracement level on 1hr fib…lookin to see a good sell for me…pls pete what can u say on dis 1?

i see m8 its supply in, thats why i wrote about test and ns in that area also pete’s fibo zone 50/61 there, chill out:), if u look on 15min today there’s nice nd, so long side should be careful anyway, its friday and its all about finishing off weekly bar, should be fun when ny open

I agree with Pete. Market is looking for a stopping volume on up bar in order to reverse and continue its way down (see daily channel).

When did I say that? Yesterday I said it was going to be a long of fib zone today ideally…and yeah. :22:

we had stopping volume in 1h as i have shown but the next candle dint close higher does it mean i should skip the trade and not look for ns in 5min? price really has shot up am i asking a question that has been answered in teh thread? pardon me if so.

Help with analysis.

The shaded box represent areas where the attempt to go down, ‘Supply’, was met with buying pressure ‘Demand’ which is indicated by the arrows showing the increase in volume. SM was active at these areas.
1 Hour Chart
Bar A: Price has made its way back into “Point of interest 1” on high volume. I interpret this as the selling that was in this area has come back. However there was no immediate bearish reaction. So it seems as though SM absorbed the selling in this area.
Bar B: Price back into this area on increased volume closing off the lows shows more buying in this area. Bullish.
Bar C: Closes on the low. I interpret this as SM not interested in absorbing more of the selling.

15 Minute Chart:
The two arrows point to two bars which show a lack of demand in the area where before absorbing took place.
I placed a short under that. My logic was that if SM is not going to step in to buy the supply, won’t price continue to fall?

I placed a short under the no demand. Why was this wrong?

Right, the 1hr wasn’t picture perfect on the stopping volume, but no new low after that demand, it’s right in the fib zone, and the 5 min backed it up. Going long now though is far from ideal. Either you got it properly or not. Maybe a NS entry once price starts pulling away from fib zone, but not after it’s gone so high already. I don’t chase big moves, it’s too noobie and bad RR. In these cases, I wait for a pullback, but I wouldn’t now…it’s a lot to expect to finish out a Friday.

cool al wait for next week and post better setups thenx pete

Simply put, you went short during reaccumulation…an ideal place to go long. Check out the 1hr phases in the videos.

Would you agree that the start of accumulation happened where i have “Point of interest 1” on my chart.

If this is the case, would “No Demand” bars no longer be valid after this point? Or are they still valid but only to be traded with caution?

Yea, I made a mix of my view and your interpretation of market (maybe I misunderstood you). Anyway, it is happening so…market went up, and I made nice 150 pips of profit so far :slight_smile: Not bad for Friday!

Accumulation happens off the low technically, but that area did show demand. No demands are for getting short, you would be trading against the phase…probably the most risky way to trade the method I can think of. VIDEOS! :slight_smile:

…and maybe I’ve gotten lazy not posting charts to make things clear for the newer guys. I need to start doing that again. Congrats on your trade!

1h where u did mark as C, its perfect ns in previous high volume area, meaning supply absorbed , next bar up on higher volume= SM about to take off so please get out of the way:D
entry of 15min chart, last check whether we’re clean, next bar close above, and off we go, basic VSA

Yes, Pete you probably should :slight_smile: I really like your posts and analysis, videos also. But I have a question for you - I am studying VSA for a year or so and when reading Tom Williams, founder of VSA (and watching his videos), he is scalping too. He said, whenever you have proper VSA signal, you make a trade, safe trade of course. If there is SM intervention in 61.1 fib (and market “mushroom-over”, and in the same time you know the up-trend isn’t finished yet, why wouldn’t make a long trade? If you make it safely, it can bring you some additional pips? Todays example is perfect for it.