Supply/Demand, VSA, Wyckoff with Petefader

i tink that move was a reaction to the gbp news that was to come out 9:30 gmt…

ok thankyou

eu 1h has retraced to 61.8 fib level with high volume we should switch to 5min to look for long if am not wrong

What do we see off the highest price made yesterday, 1hr? I’m not buying into that. Supply was shown, so as a SM buyer, it tells you that you’ll probably get lower prices. The herd is probably all over this now too, with stops at 1.3130 area.

yes, market went up, then as always we get a TEST bar, my favorite of VSA bars, and what u see? failed test= weak market, so be careful with longs, on AU look on page 188, according to my monthly analysis, which u guys here seems to ignore higher timeframes, there’s about 1000p to be made on the slide, so taking long of 5 min chart may not be very wise, on equities the party is just warming up, i see dow jones on 9k, I’ll be watching:P way to go IMO…

i got a nice 42 pips today from my NZD/USD trade, pete :slight_smile:
should get more and also from AU, but i have to go out, so i choose to close… thanks pete :slight_smile:
i hope this can be a good system for me :slight_smile:

now i knw am confused…pls what phase are we in now ? i tink its time to stand aside…the market is not clear to me …pls help me wit wat to do?

Hello Pete,
Can you explain me something over that 1 hr bar (mrt 19, 15.00 hr GMT)?
What shows there is supply ? Is it the lenght of the wick compared to the whole bar with high volume, or also the outcome of the next bar?
And of course the background. And why was the wick of the 12 hr bar yesterday just a pause? Can you read that of the chart?
The 1 hr red bar today from 9 o’clock has the highest volume, almost no wick. The next bar is up. Could you know this in forside? The downmove is stopped there for the moment. Or consider you the 61,8 % fib from 1.3143 to 1.3264 , and the old resistance = now supportline as possible reason for a change in direction? Btw the next green candle is a no demand? So the next bar has to close below for a short entry? Or do you think that will not happen, because of …
A lot of questions. I hope you will solve them.

ok now am getting it that huge candle closing with a wick means theres supply so i shouldnt look for buy at retracement till all the supply is cleared thenx for that pete

so that means we stay aside till a clear setup shows up 1st in 1h

Not just the wick, but the high volume as well. I’m not even going to tell you guys what i just did lol.

ok I will…for those who are very experienced in this method. I sold after that [I]failed push attempt[/I] on the 5min off that potential trick long setup off fib…yes sold right into a 618 fib level for the scalp…background. Don’t try this at home kids.

pls pete can u mark up a chart for it…cos i was waiting to sell but did not find any entry.

I expect price to test a high volume wick bar on 1hr - there must be lots of loosers waiting to go up (or to close their weak position), so SM can get better price there. Maybe, maybe not :slight_smile:

for quick fingers;d

looks like ny wants to have a test bar on daily today, loving it :smiley:

looks like u managed to pick the setup corrrectly how did u analyse that bottom instead of the other previous one

Yea, we will get beautifull sell-setup soon!

Yep, if the reaction to yesterdays high area is supply coming in…maybe some distribution activity and fake break (upthrust), we could get a short…today/tomorrow.

take it easy, this bottom will be broken:) just look on 4h charts, its 4th day in a row when ny is doing so called hidden selling, on 1h its even more obvious
still got 2h of london trading, so lets see how they’ll close dax 2day
how i do it? after hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of hours of screentime u just do it:) pete probably will confirm:P there’s no shortcut in it, but it’s worth it, trust me:)
if on monthly they’ll manage to do test which for now it looks so:), things may get tricky…ok i better check how macd is doing LOL

i was asking ur entry based on the strategy on this thread,now ur looking at macd?well ignore my question


Is it make any sense (chart attached) or it is just luck?