Supply/Demand, VSA, Wyckoff with Petefader

Protekst did you enter purely from the 50 fib bounce or did you look at VSA? Also why do you think that price may go up?

My entry is on the pic.
I observed 5 min TF and saw some high volume pin bars - tought it may go up and actually reach 61.8 fib. But this was back then, other story now.

E/U - 1h
Lots of confluences here, worth of observation. Please, see it just as my view not as definite prediction. Market is full of surprises :slight_smile:

Big picture with possible forming channel (green lines)…

Pete, just don’t tell me you intend to print it - in the age of internet this would be really self destructive :slight_smile:

Online promotion and constructing “marketing” web pages is my primary business. I would be honored to help you promote your e-book, when it will be ready.

Protekst, I have no way of contacting you…can’t pm you yet.


Trade i just closed now +31, saw the stopping volume on the 1hr, and this set up. COuld of banked some and put stop be, and left it to run. But im not that experienced and 31pips is 31pips lol.

Now I am waiting a Confirmation ( NS ) for Selling Climax

any Comment Mr.petefader

E/U - TF-5min

But it was in the wrong place, the price was not making new higher ground, remember to read these setups in context.

Actually I took this short trade and made 23 pips out of it, just based on this signal. But yes, it is not our usual setup.

pls can some 1 tell me wat phase we are on now?

a stay the heck out phase

Looks very much like the mucking about phase to me :slight_smile:

dis is wat i turn to most time is am confused…d indicator is saying distribution or redistribution…price going up and accu/dis going down…let just watch…waiting to sell it at 1hr stoping vol.

lol, sorry man I couldn’t help it. I doubt anyone here uses that indicator.

I AM that indicator! :slight_smile:

if you’re really confused you should try the Lap/Cross indicator. :confused:

Hi Pete, :slight_smile:

Thanks for your great thread(KISS), your thread is far much better than Master the Markets by Tom Williams(very hard to understand) and also tradeguider & better volume indicator are too complicated.

[U]BTW I will definitely get your ebook & let me know when it is ready[/U]:slight_smile:

I watched all 10 VDOs(few times) and read up to 80 pages of second half(your previous thread)

Is it possible to apply your strategy into daily chart?

I’d say we’ve definitely got some distribution going on there on the EURUSD, so shorts I think.

Another day another gj trade for me, this pair has been moving nicely along with other yen pairs. I know most in this thread mainly look at eu an gu. Heres my trade today.