Supply/Demand, VSA, Wyckoff with Petefader

Please explain! I have no idea what you are trying to say fabulono.

I know what you mean, fabulono - whoever taught you English, Iā€™d ask for my money back :slight_smile:

when u are confused about the trend of the marketā€¦dats were the indicator comes inā€¦take a look at d pics i postedā€¦now dats wat is happeningā€¦lol

EU, stopping vol at 618 then NS. Background is a bit mixedā€¦see how she plays out.

E/U - 1H

Nice channel


In a buy or sell climax what are the market makers actually attempting?

Looks like a redistribution is in progressā€¦

They have to Hedge their net orders to clear any risks and pass them from the clients to the liquidity providers.

No, no, no, no, thatā€™s just not how it works.

e/u - 1h

How does it work?

Read the thread :wink:

Go to 9:30 maybe that will answerā€¦ The Truth Behind Price Movement Part 4 - YouTube

Hello Petefader, first of all I want to say thanks for sharing your knowledge with us :slight_smile:

I got interested in the Forex in college when one of my schoolmates told me about it, then I opened a demo account and made 300% return in my first week lol, I didnĀ“t know anything about Forex back then, I guess I was just a lucky newb. But that made me realize the potential of the Forex and I have been learning a bit by myself since then, thatā€™s how I found babypips and I think itā€™s the best Forex learning site out there.

Iā€™ve been reading your Mad Scalper thread and the 1,500 pips per month thread and I have to say they helped me a lot to understand how the market behaves. I just started with Mad Scalper on a demo account (I use Oanda and have a small live account there, any thoughts about Oanda?).

I will be following this and your other threads, greetings :smiley:

A lot of you guys might be jokers. Only saying " I made 25 pips" without showing proof and reasoning. Every response should Have proof, a chart, and reasoning behind the trade.

Your welcome. :slight_smile: You reminded me. My first demo ever (2003 ish?) I was messing around and gave up on it, but left a trade running, G/U I think it was. Came back 2 weeks later and it was up $2,500 lol! ā€¦and the rest is history.

Yes, learning how the market behavesā€¦putting in that screen time, even with a system like mad scalper so you can get a feel and have some bearings. Start to work in VSA, supply/demand, over timeā€¦that takes longer to sink in and become second nature. Eventually you will probably want to drop the indicators if you get that far with VSAā€¦thatā€™s how it worked for me. Then you can post hereā€¦but be sure to post the reason for your tradeā€¦that guy might get pissy lol.

I know this chart is not forex, but is a futures. I want to show this as an unclassical no-demand. A no-demand should occur on a downtrend, and this bar occured on the top of an uptrend. Since theres weeknes in the background, would this be an acceptable trade?

Technically itā€™s a ND that some VSAers might take as a signal to short. I personally like to see weakness on up moves shown on high volume to stop the up move, suggesting fresh supply in large amounts coming in at higher prices. In your example the buyers run out of steam. If you compare the two scenarios and consider which gives the higher probability, you might see why.

As a channel freak and Fibonacciā€™s fan, I am observing Fibonacci channel tool. Here is a TF-H4 (e/u) chart, with long term TL and gray reference points where price respects Fibonacci channel lines. Quite interesting - might help finding good VSA trades.

Glad to read your experiances with it, if any.