Supply/Demand, VSA, Wyckoff with Petefader

If the thread isn’t consistent enough for you, I don’t see a gun at your head forcing you to read it.

Find what works for you and go with it. If this isn’t it, then find it elsewhere.

I am perfectly happy with it. It has helped me become a consistantly profitable trader, so I am all for staying with this.

Not everyone in here is an expert yet and they are learning. They may have had their interpretation of the charts, looked at what Pete said and saw what he was on about. That is not sheepish mentality, it is people posting what they think and considering the responses, then acting on that. Well, that’s my opinion anyway.

On GJ 1hr Widespread down bar hv, next bar up so technically sv. No big juicy wicks though. This my 5 min entry. Not the cleanest but banked 25 and stop is +.

Looks like we might have an issue or two coming to the forefront. :slight_smile: This is good. I want to take the time to go through every word of the past posts, after trading, and consider some adjustments in the presentation etc.

Gee Wizz, some of you guys are over analyzing.

Ok, I understand now why this rally happened :slight_smile:

Ha, corker that made me laugh!

Who is over analyzing?

I am not getting into that discussion, life is too short, but just bear in mind that it is easy to over analyse.

Anyone want to help me keep this short rally going then? :slight_smile:

I believe you made the initial comment.
If you don’t want to engage a reply to a comment then perhaps it might be best not to make it in the first place?
Otherwise folks might get the impression you’re sulking. :slight_smile:

It’s ok, I’m not sulking, when you learn a little bit more, you’ll understand who is over analysing and who is not.

When I learn a little bit more.

So lets recap this over analysis shall we?
I pointed out to you that the current 2 week bias is to the long side on eur/usd & I offered my reason why.
Monday’s drop bounced Friday’s low & it’s closed bullish all week.
It’s printed higher highs & higher lows on a 1 hour chart.

That represents a very basic, rudimentary current technical background from which to establish the execution & management of high probability bets.
Exactly what part of that constitutes over analysis in your book?

I’ve just had a browse at some of the threads you’ve started since you’ve been here. I notice you’ve encountered this problem of correct background identification before haven’t you.
1st page of your 15min trend vsa thread you got a little confused about ranging & trending behavior on a 15 minute chart as I recall.

Why don’t you pm Petefader if you’re struggling & maybe he can offer some input or recommend alternative threads/material to assist you with identifying & recognising basic background strength/weakness development.

I find it interesting that you have criticized him, and yet you don’t admit he made money on the trade. How much did you make ??

Thread-killing-flaming-trolls detected. :18:

Proof’s in the pudding!

No, not thread-killing-flaming-trolls, how about experienced knowable traders getting tired of see the lambs being lead to the slaughter.

I think you’ve lost focus as to what this was all about.
Go back & re-read posts 2641, 2645 & 2656.

I’m simply returning his sarcastic, clever comments back over the net with topspin. I can hit the next one over the baseline if you like & close out the game?
The light is fading anyway + the Fed are clearing their throats.
That’s bound to offer far more entertainment :wink:

Dear god, please tell me you’re joking.


I don’t believe in god!

You’ve changed you’re tune!

But Why? I’m not being ****y or anything on this, there must be a very good reason for you to say the above? What is it?