Supply/Demand, VSA, Wyckoff with Petefader

Closed the rest of my trade i posted, at a former supply zone. 2 pins hv enough reason for me to close +50.

Cool, It always makes me wonder why we keep getting users posting on this thread and feel the need to rescue us from our profits???

I took this no supply trade. Lost. The bar was up ( arrow is pointing to), volume lower than previous two bars. I shorted it. It took off the opposite direction.

Itā€™s after 4pm GMT, no trades after that, if youā€™re in one and itā€™s working out, no need to exit, but donā€™t enter, and today there happened to be a lot of News activity with the rates in the US, and the FOMC statement, so bottom line, you shouldnā€™t have been trading.

I took the trade at 2:35 gmt, its now 3:07 gmtā€¦ but yeah the news activity with rates could have caused it

Trying to divert the attention away from the point of the original exchange again I see.
No-one is in the slightest bit interested in rescuing you from anything, let alone your supposed profits.

Petefader enquired why he wasnā€™t receiving as much love as some of these high profile guruā€™s on here & I offered a view.
As shadowline advised, scroll back up the thread & revisit the appropriate posts.
The subject focused on current background dominance & high probability bet direction, which Iā€™ll remind you was to the upside.

Once again you got sniffy when it was pointed out you were perhaps swimming against the obvious tide (a tide your mentor confirmed by the way), reverted to your usual childish quips & itā€™s all ended with you curling your bottom lip.

What an odd day, go to 29 mins on this video youā€™ll see what I mean!!

Ok, let me explain, first of all, around here we have a sense of humor, obviously you didnā€™t get the joke, not to worry.

Now let me tell you about the bulls and the bears, the bears want the market to go down, the bulls want to make the market go up, today there was a big fight, the bears were at it earlier on, then the bulls, then the bears, then the bulls, and hey me and petefader had a differing view, what a surprise, I think that proves the methodology works, if I may be as bold as to call it a methodology.

differing timescales were at work too, obviously, but I donā€™t feel the need to go into such detail with such an expert.

If anyone wants to continue with my little bit of fun go for it, but iā€™m off now.

Sorry all, for taking up so much space with nonsense, good will out of it.

Hey and hello everyone, Iā€™m new to the thread but now new to vsa. I have not followed it for long and when I did I looked at th e1hr time frame. I was wondering first, is there a volume indicator with low volume alerts and climax alert built in so one can get alerts around peak trading times?

If so can you direct me to the link if its on this thread? Second What broker provides a good feed for volume data. I know I read on another thread of purplepatchforex , he mentioned a broker but the name eludes me at the moment. Would be great full if someone answered that for me.

I would love it if anyone on here that is having success trading vsa on the 5 and 15 minute time frame could reach out yo me on skype, Dappadap1. would like to speak with a successfull vsa trader if he or she donā€™t mind, my questions will be quick and to the point.

IBFX has a good volume feed. I use Go Markets as there my broker ( second choice ) of this thread. Cheers,


I do a lot of forum reading. Not a lot of commenting.

Reading the conversation for the last few day has made me wonder, Pete, do you have your account tracked somewhere?
Forex factory? My fxbook?

Iā€™d be interested in seeing it.

Ok, now we are bullish today, you can put the farm on it :slight_smile: All agreed? Push Volumes?

Yes, waiting on a nice retracement to go inā€¦

Is this EURUSD?

yes, itā€™s kind of an unsaid convention by default its EURUSD, if not we quote the pair.

Ok, I wondered. Doesnā€™t it look like the USD pairs are coming to a halt?

I sent you a pm, but just to announce it here as well. This thread is meant to share my particular method. Iā€™m hearing from a few people that conflicting views/methods are a real turn off. I personally do not want it either, but I open to letting others share ideas. Now I see itā€™s a distraction and those ideas should probably be shared in a different thread.

Iā€™m also working on some material that should help noobies through the learning process more quickly. Looking forward to sharing that. :slight_smile:

I like the idea about definitions mentioned in some previous posts. To give names to all setups you use here (TF5min, TF1H,ā€¦) and short ā€œrulesā€ for each strategy. I know it is all said in videos and through the entire thread, but have it printed, short and all in one place, would be probably helpful for new people here.

Hi Pete, long time since I posted anything here. Iā€™m still here reading from time to time though! :slight_smile:

I think this is a great idea, a few people I talked with said it all felt so confusing and that the threads are just too massive to go through. So I think this will help a lot of people out there.

Take care :57: