Supply/Demand, VSA, Wyckoff with Petefader

Hi there!
Another newbie inc :wink:
A little help (a simple summary ) would be great for newbie traders.
I am following this thread for a few weeks but i think i just started the learning process. A summary on the first page with

  • setups
  • entry
  • exit
  • best practices etc. would be great ! :slight_smile:

Ps: sorry my poor english

Hi Sprengstuf,
A great way to start is to go through all the videos at the beginning of the thread. Try your best to understand them (it will take a while for a newbie), but once it clicks for you, it will make thinks much simpler on this thread :slight_smile:

I believe stopping volume when entering accumulation/distribution is greater than when entering reaccumulation and redistribution. I am going through the videos again but are there any other signs to show which phase we are in?

I got confused a few posts ago when someone was stating that bars going in the opposite direction to the expected trend would have the greatest volume when in accumulation or distribution eg. down bars in accumulation would show more volume than up bars. This being after stopping volume.

I’m a newbie trader and I’m reading VSA
after doing some research I found out that in the manuals they start to boast their traderguide product
saying they offer the better volume indicators etc…
and there’s also a debate on the 2 kinds of “volume indicator” one is the tick and the other dunno what.
I’m using dealbook from gft and they offer one kind of volume indicator and I’m not sure if that one
can be used for volume spread analysis or vsa

Anyone been there and can shed some light?

Hello Mate,

you don’t need trade guider (really, I trade VSA exclusively now).

It could give you reassurance on a trade but for the most part people (I could be wrong but I’d be suprised) on this thread who trade VSA do it manually. Spend a month, learn and absorb and then it just drops into place.

Ask yourself, would you rely on a program to run your money that you have not coded and have never met the people who coded it.

I’m sure its not that bad but get your head round this approach/VSA concept and I guarantee you will be better.

How much does it cost out of interest ?


I got confused with the whole phase thing, it actually works hand in hand the other way round, think about it like this, stopping vol drives the phase. You don’t know when its going to happen but SM will step in at some point and do the business, then you are into a identifiable phase.

Just rely on the SV, use the background to decide if its mixed or not. The whole phase thing is just a background as to whats going on in the markets, what they do each day. On a daily basis work to the SV, being aware of how it works (phases)

I’ve tried to explain that as simply as possible, keep at it, it will make sense, you will see it and you will do quite well.


It costs 100$/month depending on the package, but I don’t like using anyone’s package I’m happy with mine :slight_smile:
The only thing that I want to know, I mean, to start applying the method, is to make sure dealbook is actually showing me the right volume indicator.

I asked the same Q when I started out, few weeks later it wasn’t the best Q to ask but we all do as noobs. have a look over the charts once you’ve got your head round the method and you’ll see for yourself if its right for you.

Remember, you can lose money with the best method in the world, it actually boils down to you. This month, April, has been my best trading month for years but as much as the method it has (old cliche) boiled down to discipline.


Well you could sign up for PF trading room for $99 a month and get the whole thing opened up to you, with ability to ask Qs and watch real trades.

I started a month ago, I tell you from experience its the best $99 I ever spent.

It is your choice but I will say one thing, once you get it, VSA clicks, you’ll be in full control, it does take effort.

I missed it this morning but I guess yyu are online now, Eu this morning, Fri 27th April, SV kicked in, you see that, 8 45 No Supply bar confirmed (or thereabouts depending on your broker), price 13172, a beauty. You just see them (annoyed that I missed it actually but they’re be another on Monday and so on)

So do you generally look for SV and then wait for signs of NS or ND? I have been looking at bars near to SV to check for signs of the phase we may be entering. For eg. if a very high volume bar appears soon after SV then this may be a sign of reacum. or redist. If the bar is only moderate then a reversal may be in place. Looking for signs in the middle of the phases just loses me.

you got it ;).

when you go back through the vids the finer detail will all gel.

see 1hr SV
best to wait for next 1 hr to confimr, or as close as dammit
drill down to 5 min and pick the entry using info from the videos

(I make no excuse I am encouraging you to revisit the videos again now you’ve ‘clicked’ this… I had to as well so you not on your own…

things like AR, you will find on the videos, these are the details you need to fine tune the entry. You are going the right way.


Fine tuning is the right term, going over the vids again, probably 4th time. I often try and make the ‘story’ fit the bar pattern/volume but many times it just isn’t clear.

Any ideas on what phase we are in GBPUSD? I am hoping I am watching selling into buying.

I agree, i see selling into the buying as well. keep in mind it is in a strong uptrend and a short would likely be a retracement. wait for confirmation, don’t try to pick the top

If you’ve got a lot of activity on a upmove, big volume, highest today, and then the 1 hr next candle confirms bearish then yes, they decided to stop that move and send it down, distribution is here.

Don’t concern yourself too much on what phase we’re in, the chart is telling you whats going on, later you can look back and say “oh, SM decided to move us into x phase” They choose when.

If you are seeing SV on an upmove then SM is most likely putting an end to that move, get ready to load. The phases is a background/understanding to what happens each day in the markets, its what they do. You can’t second guess when but you can see it unfold, you can work with them.

Occassionally even bigger SM will step in and ruin the party but most times its good. If they can suck anymore prople into buying then they’ll want to get a better price before they unload it, buy high sell low etc.

Keep your risk low, don’t chase it, be patient, the entries come along almost everyday, several times.

And practice. If you are not sure then step back.

More to come…

I added a “Commonly asked questions” section at the bottom of the first post of this thread. It will be continually updated.

Hi Pete,

It seems this video is marked private. Was that intentional?? Cheers,


Yes, I hope that doesn’t lead to any trouble for you guys to watch it. Not looking for that kind of exposure…just to help out around here.

I tried on my tablet, phone and laptop, it won’t play anywhere. :frowning:

Changed it from private to unlisted, try it now.