Supply/Demand, VSA, Wyckoff with Petefader

hello tassiefx,

thank,thank you very much for this helpful repky.

i will follow your suggestions

i appreciate a lot

best regards,


Looking good…banking profit as it goes.

Nice stress free long Pete :slight_smile:

I would love to see the return of more of these, even though profit isn’t jumping through the roof on it. High probability setup, only small drawdown but with confidence still and soon moved tot hat Fib level. I locked in BE there and soon after took half my position. 0.7% locked in the bank and no risk on the rest. Bed time now and see if I have a nice surprise in the morning :slight_smile:

Patience is the holy grail of trading.

Nailed it in one Aswilled1

The best thing i have ever heard from a 1st poster :35:

All I did today was take profits. :slight_smile:

Yep, that’s a must have. I’d sum up the holy grail as being…

  1. knowledge - A solid understanding of how things work.

  2. Experience - Time to witness the different behaviors of the market and yourself.

  3. Patience - Being at peace with doing nothing at times.

  4. Discipline - Staying the course, sticking to your principles.

  5. Balls of steel - Putting big money on the line with no emotional response.

For me:

  1. Experience

  2. knowledge

  3. Patience

  4. Discipline

  5. Patience

  6. A little more Patience

  7. Discipline

  8. A little more Discipline

  9. Balls of steel

thanks. took seven years to find it.

looks like re-accumulation.

I’m with you on that but, I’m seeing supply at the higher levels suggesting the upside is limited. Testing yesterdays high now, let’s see the result.

Nothing climactic at the highs, no trade for me today. Best looking setup was around London open before I was on, on a/u bounce off fib zone.

and I totally agree with you on both posts. the eu market fizzed out. and it will probably range until asia/london. you know pete, i am part of cicr group on facebook. where we trade using cicr (currency index cross referencing) and marking price. and both these methods produce a lot of pips with a 90% win ratio if done correctly. When none of the cicr or mprc levels are giving market direction during accumulation/distribution phases, I come in and tell them which way it is going to go hours before it actually do by what vsa is telling me. but my seven years of experience argues with vsa all the time. and when vsa wins, everyone asks me, “how did you know it was going to do that?”. and i tell them volume. and tell them how you, along with clifton on ff, taught me how to read the market properly. and not to try and predict the market. thanks so much for all your hard work and dedication in helping so many achieve the knowledge to obtain financial independance during these hard economic times. :15:

Took these 2 trades today.
GU - Pocketed 33 pips (5% on this trade)
EG - Pocketed 10 pips although not much on 1 hr but 5 min showed perfect setup (2% on this trade)

Pete/Kyle - Comments/critique are welcome…

Here’s an example of that fake breakout Pete keeps talking about…got hunted as had kept a tight stop…
Stood to gain 45 pips had i listened to Pete…oh well…
Lesson - Dont let Pete’s advice fall on deaf ears.

Sorry for the low res images…they seem to crystal clear on my PC.
Dont know why they fade a bit when i upload them!!

we appear to be going for weekly highs…

Hey aswilled, do you think you can help me with vsa, Im still not getting how to interpret volume, I understand the entries on low volume bars, but what I don’t get is how to interpret high volume. For instance, you can have a igh volume bar on the chart thats a down bar and lets say it closes 1/4 of the way up from its low. what does that really tell you? do you have to look at the next bar to tell you what happened in the previous bar or , wether it was more selling or buying in that previous bar? I have tried to understand the concept but it seems like everyone interprets vsa different. Can you connect me to this circ thing a magig that you use as well so I can look into it.

Here’s a nice looking setup on GU…won’t be able to trade it though as have to rush for work now…

EG is at a significant level…we may be in for some markdown here…