Supply/Demand, VSA, Wyckoff with Petefader

Just catching up on past posts. Remember guys, there are many entities out there that affect price. Sometimes they are on the same page, sometimes not. In the end all we want is a HIGH PROBABILITY SITUATION. It’s all about probabilities and repetition.

That may be correct Dappa, however, we don’t Need t be in a trade all the time. We wait until the odds are stacked with us and then make a trade. otherwise we would be no different to a gambler. One big thing that newer traders need to learn is that the first thing that you need to say before a trading day is “I don’t need to make a trade today”. You need to wait for it to come to you. That way, you don’t bend rules just to get in the market - a true way to failure. There have been periods of weeks before where conditions have not been ideal for VSA trading, and in those cases, I have not traded.

As you said above, there are times when price moves without a VSA signal. VSA is a technical way of trading, however, there is also the fundamental side of trading. Fundies such as interest rate changes, Core inflation data, another hiccup in the Eurozone etc will all cause currency fluctuations and at times, are a complete surprise, so it wont be seen in the volume. That is fine though, because we would not have traded then without a proper setup.
An actual example for you. I watched the charts closely with a few others Tues - Thurs this week, and of those 3 trading days, one trade was made. With the patience though, the EJ long on Tuesday made 1% profit and that was after locking some profits away, moving SL up into positive territory and seeing if I could have the trade run a while for me. It hit my stop, but it gave me 1% for the trade. 1% week this week. Slow? Yes. Consistent? Yes. Would a person be happy doing that every week? Yes

I hope that helps around the mindset bit for you

Hey Pete! Perhaps a weekly video recap on the entries you took this week? :smiley:

The first trade, e/u short, has a video. The other two I mentioned in yesterday’s post, you should be able to spot easily.
Perhaps you can post the chart showing the setups? :smiley:

Damn i got shot in the head :x

The daily EU and EJ is in accumulation. And the usd is at a strong resistance line it has been held under for two years. Let’s see what Monday and the rest of the week bring us. Charts coming when I get to my computer.

The EU is trending down big time. It’s best to short on the pull-back. VSA short set-up preferred.

It’s dangerous to marry to bias.

I may be wrong, but it’s looking bullish to me. :33:

A bit of a double bottom at the moment, however, I’d be hesitant to pick the bottom. Trade with the trend. In that light, I’d probably be looking for a retrace and short entry … possibly. If it doesn’t shout at me, I wont put my money on the line :slight_smile:

EU: double top at 61.8% fib line 2 pins with increased volume at the height of range (on both 1H & 5M). 5M long bullish candles with bearish reactions around those pins. also a few ND’s.
am i naive to take the short?

Also had higher 5min volume and rejection at the previous low 40 minutes ago. Personally, I don’t see a trade in either direction at the moment. We did get the ND’s earlier, but that was half way through the current trading range. Entry would/could have been around 1.22897, but we also had a support level near there at 1.22833, only 6 pips away.
Not a high probability setup anywhere at the moment - just my opinion :slight_smile:

:frowning: you win. good thing i didn’t take it. honestly i feel like i always identify the exact opposite of what is happening. you would think i would be rich by now. just hire someone to enter the exact opposite trade; you know, so i don’t game theory myself, thinking about what i thought i thought and all.

any advice/guidelines how to identify background strength / weakness? i’ve watched a lot of petefaders youtube videos and read a lot of tutorials. i just seem to have everything ass-backwards :33:

[edit + 1]
right now i am looking at this

50-618 FIB zone; on daily pivot point with pins; high(er) vol; all following a down “trend”

EU climbed all day today.if it breaks the high of 2322 we know where it is taking us. 2288-81 is our support area. if broken bears will be going for the low. the usd is bullish right now and kissing the pivot. :33:

EU climbed all day today.if it breaks the high of 2322 we know where it is taking us. 2288-81 is our support area. if broken bears will be going for the low. the usd is bullish right now and kissing the pivot. :33:

Hi Pete,

Just starting to study Wyckoff and somehow you show up. Anyway, love your videos and was wondering if you have a recommended reading list on the Wyckoff Logic and VSA.



You can read pete’s posts. you can read Clifton’s vsa thread on You can rean bullbear’s thread on vsa on

Better stick to what Pete’s teaching rather than scouring for vsa stuff here and there…
Even in vsa there are many different methodologies…you dont want to muddle your head learning all of them…
Its wise to stick to one method and perfect it rather than trying to master 10 different ones.

The proof of the pudding is in the eating so once you’ve studied this method practice it and see if it works for you…only then you’ll be able to find out whether this method is compatible with your style of trading…

True, and my method has come about through initially learning vsa/wyckoff from others and spending real time with the charts, finding what works best. I really do lay everything out in my videos and webinars.

Here’s a short which i took in GU today…

the usd appears to be in re-accumulation, however, it is facing a lot of resistance with heavy supply directly above price. for the last 2 days it has made an inside close. and today may well be the third. but when that inside bar is broken it is going to break strong to whatever direction it breaks in. i am looking for it to brake to the upside due to the buying i see going on on the down moves. this may very well be a slow bearish day for the dollar.