Supply/Demand, VSA, Wyckoff with Petefader

Trades dont work out 100% of the time.

Obviously. :stuck_out_tongue: I guess you meant you were unsure based on your analysis and were being cautious. Understandable.

How’d you get the futures volume onto your ibfx demo??

Don’t worry found it; market volume ver 1.3, just googled. Being able to compare tick and futures volume sounds great!

Hey thanks for mentioning this indi:35: so market volume v.1.3 displays Futures vol data on IBFX?

Forgive my ignorance, Pete do you use this is your analysis? :45:

BR Jil

Traits of a Successful Trader is a great thread too Pete :57: Positive vibes! PS_on my trading office wall I have written ‘Control your mind, control your future’

Spot and futures are highly correlated, so if you see climactic action in one you’d expect to see in the other. While spot uses tick volume futures uses actual volume of contracts. Basically if you’re dubious of your tick volume in any broker (not specific to ibfx) you can check for similar volume pattern in the futures.

I got my futures Volume indie from here: - …use google translate. Only issue is that it slows my computer down if I put in on a bunch of pairs. Monkeyzu, are you having that issue with market volume v.1.3? Maybe I should try it.

Same indicator - But yeah, slows down MT4, get some freezing when switching timeframes. Pity, it’s an interesting indi. High volume on the futures feed is much higher, really ‘spikey’.

Yeah those spikes are a real heads up that SM is active. Although it’s high on tick it doesn’t stand out as much.
Could just use another platform with Futures charts, for now I’m applying it on 1 or 2 charts at a time only.

A/J short setup.

15 min.

5 min.

Was also highest volume of the day on 1hr on an up candle into fib.

thanks for the nice analysis Pete, please may I ask you about the Delta indi at the bottom, does the histogram in red seperate the volume somehow? many thanks - that looks kinda interesting :32:

thank you kindly for your explanation, that helps me as I am quite new to VSA and thoroughly enjoying reading this thread, I will compare my current broker volume feed with IBFX and check the levels to see how they compare, as I don’t yet have an Esignal account. Much appreciated thanks again for your help, good trades :45:

5:28 Looks like bouncy time. :slight_smile:

It’s the net buying/selling in the futures. A company called Market Delta also provides this indicator, so you might want to check out their material just to further understand it. They also have youtube vids.

thank you Pete for the information, much appreciated Squire!

I’m realizing trading might be boring. Sitting in front of the monitor all day/night waiting for a setup.

I’ve been doing it for 3 years. Many more days not in a trade than days in a trade. It may seem boring, but it also depends what you do with that time when you are in front of your charts.

If there is absolutely nothing there after looking at them, take a break from them or pull up some things to study on your method. Maybe look over old trades and see what was right or wrong with them. It will make you a better trader.

LOL. You have a strange way of wording things so I’m not sure if that’s a complaint or a realization. I’m in front of the charts about 3 hours a day, but if I had to do 10 hours a day I would…happily.

Went long on the fake break confirmation on the 15 min. Took partial profit, it got as high as +50 but came back to hit my BE. There was supply shown earlier at the high, and those sellers returned on the attempt to break.