Supply/Demand, VSA, Wyckoff with Petefader

I know what you mean, but I can be looking at a chart not seeing anything, then I might do something else. Next thing I know, i missed a setup. It’s frustrating.

I don’t really trade Asia open anymore but this could be nice…

Most trades I take are pre-planned from my initial analysis when I first open my charts. I’m looking for XYZ to happen to get into the trades. If they don’t, I reevaluate. Nothing ever happens by surprise that causes me to enter. You might want to try that approach.

…and going to do “something else” means you’re not looking at the chart so what do you expect? Maybe devote less hours but stay focused.

Thanks for the help. I’ll make some adjustments.

Nice preparation Pete for possible EJ trendline with confluence and volume, Pete can I ask you do you still use the TicksSeperateVolume indi which shows the sellers/buyers vol? I am reading through your 1500 pips per month volume thread at p46 and wondered if you still use it? Will read this thread from start to finish also, your charts are gold in illustrating, have you seen the way some make volume analysis so very very complex?! KIS!

Thanks for this pete, I spotted distribution on the AUD today, entered on bearish retracement and watched it fallll even further. Bagged 18 demo dollars, partaayyy.

Hello Petefader, I like your trading system simple and easy (?). You make good video documentation, unfortunately english is not my mother language. Is there any written documentation with an explanation? What are the indicators that we use now? Is it really interesting the “delta cluster” indicators? Thank you very much for your contributions and your time.

Hi Petefader,
I am rather a passive reader than an active contributor, but I read the thread frequently. Could you also post a video or a picture when your trade goes wrong? Or are you having just winning trades? As you trade for some time now, don’t you have some statistics? I would like to know how many trades you have per month and how many of them are winning ones, in average.

Hello Petefader,

I was reading silently your thread in last two weeks, and got the feeling to have to say “a warm hello” to my mentor…thank you for your invaluable teaching.

Hi Pete please can I ask a question? in post 2241 in the 1500 pips per month thread, you said ‘If price is in an up trend and volume increases [B]beyond the average of the up mov[/B]e, BUT price doesn’t continue up, then we look to sell.’

How can we see the average of the upmove? I am thinking that you mean average volume, ie. if price is in an uptrend and volume increases more than the last few volume bars, but price doesn’t continue up, then we can short the beast…

thank you kindy for your help

HI Jillion, I never found a practical use for that indicator. It shows up ticks vs down ticks. I think the Cluster Delta indie is more useful. And yes, I have seen the over complex VSA. Ever hear of a guy named Hidden Gap? LOL.

Just my threads and videos, I haven’t written a book or anything. You’re very welcome. :slight_smile:

Of course I take losses. One of my recent videos did show a loss on a AUD long, explanation given. If this was buy/sell arrow type of trading I could give you definitive live results, but VSA is information. Technical analysis is information. Not everyone will trade it the same.

There are however common setups that repeat, like the first fib retracement after strength/weakness to get into a counter move (one of my fav). Or a NS/ND after auto rally break with strength/weakness in the background. You might want to do some back testing on those type of setups to give you a better idea and your own confidence in the setups.

Hey Pete, I’m upto p.131 on the first thread and loving it! Its been a joy to read through, gold nugget city man! hehe OK back to business, the 50/61.8 fib pullback trades on high volume pins -would I be correct that most of these trades occur during the re-accumulation phase, ie. after accumulation and mark-up by SM? thanks agains Pete, really glad I came accross your threads!

OK I will attempt my first analysis from reading the first thread upto p.133 and looking at last fridays EURUSD chart, please feel free to correct me as I may be completely wrong lol!

EURUSD Analysis

On the 1H timeframe: After a recent mark-down period and high volume buying seen, Friday we see a wide spread downbar on high volume, followed by stopping volume and a bullish reaction which indicates further high volume buying by professionals.

The current downward trendline resistance lines up with the recent 50 fib level so we will be looking to see how price and volume reacts around this area. Confluence also with reverse polarity of support and resistance at this price level.

Hi, i wanted to say hi as well, iv read this thread and 1500 pips and want to thank Pete as well. I have been studying wyckoff for about a year and came across petes videos. Thanks

So I was looking at the 1 and 10 minute charts early Asian session this morning I noticed that whenever the price went up it was quickly heavily sold back down again, please see the chart attached:

If you have a moment please Pete could you tell me from your experience if this is distribution by the professionals or just another way that they push the price around on the smaller time frames? I will then be able to keep an eye on this behaviour which I thought was quite unusual. Many thanks!:57:

You’d have to add volumes to properly tell. :slight_smile: The USD, contrary to what many are saying, is seeing big money starting to distribute it…which means Accumulation is being seen in the USD pairs. I did actually short today though…seeing plenty of supply left for a down move to occur, that SM would buy into…and it looks like they did. I’m expecting an up move tomorrow on the USD pairs, but will have more info when I see how today ends (is this really the low?)…and see Asia’s activity.

…Look at A/U. It looks ready for a real move up, retracing much of May’s meltdown.

i was short EU as well and then went long on retracement

I also caught nice trade on EU/GBP but didnt caught the whole move, next time i try to be more generous with TP lol. I will post chart on that too.

P.S. that bottom image is posted by accident, cant get rid of it sorry