Supply/Demand, VSA, Wyckoff with Petefader

Okay guys thanks for looking out. I paper traded before I went live. I was really successful when I paper traded, that’s why I went live in the first place. It’s Live trading where the difficulties arrived. IDK, I’ve read Douglas’s Trading in the Zone about the psychology. I told myself the only way to master Live trading … is going Live lol. Guess not.

I’m not necessarily saying you should trade demo, I just think you need more experience without the pressure of having to make it work now…do or die as you said. If you want to trade live, maybe start very small. Again, with no pressure to make money but to gain experience and hopefully some pips in the process.

Thanks Pete, way ahead of ya. I’m going very small, two to three lots for the time being.

Do Automatic rally’s only apply to the moves after the highest volume of the day is seen?
What if we see high volume just shy of the highest of the day, can we draw that moves automatic rally to trade the break/test/continuation?

Wow …I said it and look now it happened …closing it now …1.5460…happy man now

hehe fabu… when i opened charts today and searched for G/U i saw that nice move and had to think of your big smile :smiley: gratz to this one :wink:

Watching E/U and G/U closely now …let give it time …eyez wide open.

It doesn’t have to be the highest.

hmm looks sweet… time will tell :wink:
e: dont forget news in 45minutes…

Accumulation on A/U? Also U/J not looking bad here, weakness.

A/U is paying me…that was easy.

Can we see a pics and explanation ? …cos I can’t find d setup …pls

This was my AU setup.
High volume down move. Top level resistance held for about 20 minutes, and when it broke, long taken.
Sadly I sold half to BE at that after that push thru on high volume of an older resistance but I’m still in so I’m not complaining.

Really? OK, I’ll post something.

My requirement on entering on a push candle is closing at or near the high without high volume. This one closed way off the high. It was also on news. Were you aware of that? You entered literately on news. I’m not saying you can’t ever do that, but hopefully you were at least aware of the additional risk. I took the background as pre-positioning for the news move. Notice your push thru is also a NS confirmation. I entered exactly :08 after news.

By the way, I didn’t consider that as AR because it didn’t really pull back down off of it, but like you said 20 mins and couldn’t get above so I’ll give you that…a good read on things.

Also notice this setup is a fake break off the days low. That made me more comfortable with an early aggressive entry close to news.

…and congrats you managed to get in the same trade as me just minutes before. Keep it up.

I knew there was news at 10 but I admit it slipped my mind at the time. The reaction seemed so nonchalant and indicative of natural push thru I didn’t notice. But I’m taking note of the requirement to close near the highs on a push thru.
Thanks for the insight, I hope to enter many trades you take lol

I’ve done that too with news. Luckily I have people around that usually remind me lol. You could set an alarm. There is even an indicator that connects to news on to warn you. Do a search on that site if you want it.

Hey All,

I’m newly registered to the site but not new to this thread. I’ve been a lurker for months but decided it was time to get involved in the conversation to further my trading. I have read MtM, Pete’s entire first thread, and right now I’m ~100 pages into this thread. I go through things very carefully and take notes and right now I alternate between reading through this thread from the beginning and reading the new posts everyday, so it’s taking me awhile to get through it but I keep learning more and more. I want to say thank you to everyone for contributing to these threads, but a special thanks to Pete as this is an amazing resource. I think I need to post a few more times before being able to post charts. I am going to try and get some quick posts so I can ramp up my learning by contributing and asking questions. I feel like I have a reasonable foundation but have a lot to learn.

Thanks for having me!

Hello baby pips,

I’ve followed the first 2 threads and MTM by Tom Williams, but this is the first time actually participating in the thread. I am a new trader currently experimenting with VSA and I am not entirely sure that I am on the right track. It seems to work 50/50 for me which I know should not be the case.

I suspect my fundamentals may be wrong and was hoping someone could shed light on my analysis?

Thanks in advance, and safe trading!

hello rlee,
when u followed these 2 threads u should recognize a no demand candle :wink: the one u show is NO “no demand”. one criteria is lower volume than 2 candles before( well, it fits) . BUT to make it a valid ND-candle the next or one of the next candles has to close below the low of the ND.important is that no candle closes above the high of the potential ND!
reading one book and these 2 threads and then asking this question is a bit strange :slight_smile: maybe u should watch the videos too :slight_smile:
No Demand & No Supply Explained, VSA. - YouTube (all about NoDemand and NoSupply)
but nevertheless… good luck!