Supply/Demand, VSA, Wyckoff with Petefader

:slight_smile: That’s great Bill! You’re very welcome.

I would be careful using a 4hr chart for ND/NS in FX. I bet many of them are low because of the time of day.

Also, I personally don’t look for a ND at a high, or resistance level. Generally a ND is valid to me when price is moving down, not testing a high price. Same in reverse of course. I don’t look for NS at a low price or support.

If SM is strongly bearish, they should be selling into high prices, which would not create low volume i.e. ND, but increases in volume. This is my “sustained versus temporary” principle. Sustained or continued selling into up moves gives better probability of a down move to come. Technically VSA wise you are not incorrect. This is just my version after changes I made based on observation.

And big news days like Non Farm. I’ve been seeing plenty of people trading my method on days I wouldn’t and doing well, so I guess it depends on your level of skill, experience, appetite for risk etc…

Cheers Pete
I will keep that in mind.

I see absolutely no setups anywhere LOL.

UJ is my new AJ :slight_smile:

Not VSA related I don’t think. But theres a triangle bout to break on GU. Too bad im about to head to work :frowning:

GY Long on 5min to continue the 1hour trend. I’m not as confident as I would like to be but this ticks a lot of boxes, there is a possibility it will go down and test the 1hr trend line. Reason for taking this trade is the buying on down moves and high volume spikes showing strength at support, accumulation before a Mark up as I understand it.

Nice setups today. :slight_smile: I took A/J long and G/U short, both on a 5 min push through.

Im guessing you went long on A/J here somewhere.

On that push, correct.



That second ND on EURUSD M5 must be a real text book example!?
We can se No Demand on the spot where previous support now has become resistance and this is where we should expect to see some demand if the SM is still bullish right?

Similar pattern in G/U


If you did, where was your entry/entries on this setup?
Did you enter after second NS confirmed or on the pullback?

I would have entered on a breakout of the N.S candle.
First N.S considered aggressive.
Second N.S a better entry but on my charts maybe invalidated itself with the close lower on the next candles.
Pretty strong sign of strength with stopping volume.

Where do you get your Volume feed from westpest?

also @petefader where would you reccomend to get your volume from if someone ist only trading a small account and does not want to pay for eSignal?

i cant strictly speak for Pete but MetaQuotes is overall still very good. But it is best to have at least two if not three seperate GOOD volume feeds going at one time. To compare and contrast. I use bothe MetaQuotes Demo and my live Alpari UK account. Both feeds are good and are very similar 99% of the time, sometimes one of the feeds may play up then you can compare and contrast to see which one you should follow.

tbh they both even out over longer usage. Whenever i get big mismatches between the two, thats when i know something is dodgy with the feed but you can usually tell which one it is that is playing up. Like recently MetaQuotes started to play up a bit for one morning where its vol feed went pretty flat, it was flatter than its previous average range and i could see Alpari was still showing decent vol. It happens time to time but it is still fairly rare tbh.

If you want absolute accuracy, you will need e-signal, but a couple of good vol feed demo accounts can be just as good +90% of the time IMO.