Supply/Demand, VSA, Wyckoff with Petefader

Alparis bars repaint they increase and decrease slightly if you watch them…
Gkfx is a 6 candle week broker so there volume and candles are off.
With a combination of a few brokers feed your gonna get the picture.

hi guys im newbe and i dont know if i can ask this question here but have any of you bought pete’s vsa course?

Is he charging for the course. Or is it from his forum. Either way, I believe it is useful. You can gather a lot from his forum, I believe without paying if he is charging and his videos are free as far as I know, those are helpful to. If you haven’t watched them check them out. I use some of his techniques especially the no supply and no demand bars.

yes he has courses on sell in his website,i just wonder if any guys here have bought them and what they think about his courses, and yes i have seen his videos in youtube but i need

Are you sure they repaint? i have never seen them repaint. I have seen them “move” but that is only because larger recent vol data comes in so the rest needs to change size in comparison, are you sure this is not what you were seeing?

I have never seen volume on any broker repaint. When new larger volume comes in the other bars have to decrease in size in comparison to the newer larger bars to make it all fit in the data window and to keep the relationship between volume bars accurate.

I have seen every free video Pete has many times but have never bought his training package. I know i have heard him say that if the free videos are not enough then his paid vidoes go through EVERYTHING he does in great detail. From setting up your platform to drawing S/R and Fibs to Trade entry etc. Im not sure what it costs but if your serious about learning his method and need more assistance then im sure its well worth it. The method works.

Thank you billko.I think the course is $450 but ill will keep watching the free videos for now.

Yeah i guess that’s whats happening.
Just a bit worrying when your looking at your volumes and they are moving but i suppose they are adjusting.

I thought I’d chime in with a nice setup I found this morning.
Although the Euro, and most other majors, have seen the USD retrace against them, the overall trend is still USD Bullish. With the break of a 3-Week High in the Euro, the 5 Minute presented a valid entry short riddled with No Demand entries, highlighted in red. Minor demand has came into the market as I type this so I’ll be sure to actively manage.



Earlier today…

Lesson webinar today covering entry signals. Webinar & Online Conference | GoToWebinar meeting ID: 118-716-579

EDIT: Lesson Over.

Loving it Mr Fader. Brilliant.

Has anyone else found the markets quite inactive lately? Even with news abound. I guess it’s the time of the year.

Take care,

  • Josh.

Hi Pete
Are any of your webinar & online conference recorded as I have been unable to attend?
many thanks

my platform put in alot of volume at the close today, im reading it as negative for the usd across the board, im thinking negative for the s&p 500 as well, anyone else got a read or is it just my platform

I haven’t seen too many opportunities based off of Climactic volume, but medium to high volume entries have been around. Im USD long on a couple pairs now. At this juncture, I’m not sure how things will fare with Christmas and New Years closing the markets.

this is what i was talking about lots of volume on a tight 3 pip doji more than the 8:30 news, lots of volume at the close today too

Hey All,

Just wanted to wish everyone, especially our fearless leader Pete, a very happy holiday season and a successful new year! I haven’t been on much lately due to work and a bad case of bronchitits. And, as Pete will attest to, AINT NOBODY GOT TIME FOR THAT!! :slight_smile:

There were some very big, very predictable moves in the Dow during the past couple weeks and I have been meaning to post a video about that as my small contribution to this wonderful thread. I’ll see if I can get to that this weekend.

My New Years resolution is to get a more regular trading routine going. It can be challenging given that I’m still suckling at the corporate teet, but I’ve gotta make it happen! VSA is too valuable of a knowledge / skill to not put it to work.

Anyway, hope everyone is doing great and I look forward to doing a little trading with Pete and you guys in 2015!

PipDaddy AKA Ryan