Supply/Demand, VSA, Wyckoff with Petefader

Hi Pete. How about posting the one you lost for a change?

i think your entry was very aggressive ā€¦ good it played out very well ā€¦nice newbies donā€™t try this at home ā€¦lol

From1easypips1 Hi Pete. How about posting the one you lost for a change?

 we don't talk about those. We like seeing Pete's winners on his charts though.:54:

pete im just now begining to understand and soak in this vsa goodness, would enjoy a video from you about your weeks trades, the setups etc, after the video i think i wil be ready to take on the marketā€¦ Thanx for showing me the way pete

Its only aggressive if thereā€™s enough supply available for a down move. With volume at an extreme high on a very long wick pun followed by accumulation taking whats left and struggling to go down, this suggests SM has bought up all the cheap stock and is about to mark it up. The push through wasnā€™t breaking past the high of the Pin ill give you that but it was all I needed to know the mark was about to happen. Also I like entering before 38.2 because it usually means I can lock at BE within 5 to 10 minutes and usually do. That decreases risk which for me makes it less aggressive.

I havenā€™t actually posted anything yet this Month but sure. Iā€™ll just show you my 1 losing trade out of 7 in the next video. Makes it much easer for me. :wink:

Kidding. Iā€™ll try to show all my trades from the last two weeks in the next video. :21:

Great! And i wasnt being negative or something just really want to see the trade you lost ^^

Itā€™s all good. I did it. Iā€™m just waiting for the video to process now.

The Euro trade was Wednesday and I said Thursday a couple times. Iā€™m such an air head sometimes. :30:

Btw MLK day is coming up. This means we should not trade on monday right?

I normally donā€™t trade Mondays and yes it could be more slow. Considering the PA to the left from yesterday on some pairs and the uncertainty that may follow, I would wait for Tuesday anyway to have a cleaner background.

ALPARI might be going out of business because of yesterdayā€™s move, even FXCM might be in trouble.

Nice video, I like the bit as well about just keeping your account at the level you need to trade with ,which I hadnā€™t thought of ,thanks for that.

I started trading 1,000$. I was lost it.
At the second time I decided that the SL will be 2%=20$.
I decided that the SL will be minimum of 150 points (120 for the movement + 30 for the theft) also.
I was need 0.1 lot position size.
When my gain/loss ratio improved 70/30, then I switched to 0.2 size position.
Today my size position is 1 lot.

Good job! How long ago did you start trading?

I started the forex in 2008, but only discovered Pete at the beginning of 2011. (1,500 PIPS PER MONTH with this method, VSA/SR/fibb etc.)
The second trading account opened in February 2013 . The performance were just about 50-50 % or worse during one and a half years.
Now I play 1 lot because I dared to invest, because of a sharp increase of performance in the latter half of 2014 .

Looking at the Ā£Y 1hr chart, its tested resistance and broke past it, now support , has been tested and bounced off. This is shown as a double bottom on the 5 minute so I took an aggressive trade there. A valid entry NO SUPPLY appeared right after.

FX is a ghost town right now. If you go to your 5/15 min chart and zoom way out to compare to last weeks usual activity you see it it. Itā€™s dead. SM is not trading right now. Most likely trying to figure out what they are doing next and looking at each other for a clue. No trade right now would be considered high probability. #****happens LOL.

Ā£Y done, This isnā€™t the typical trade I admit but definitely ticked enough boxes for me. I did my best to stay in longer than I normally would as thats something Iā€™m working on. So I exited in 3 stages:

50% at 29pips
25% at 40pips
25% at 57pips

Has anyone noticed a higher success/failuer rate of a trade depending on the confirmation barā€™s volume?