Supply/Demand, VSA, Wyckoff with Petefader

Gee’s we have a quick learner here, good on you HR4.

Are you unticking ‘Retrieve File from URL’ ?

pls pete my connection is so bad dat i cant really watch any vidoe…so am begging,if there is any way u can send dis vidoes to me pls do…dis my [email protected]…pls

wat phase are we on now…is it redistribution or accumulation?

Ranging mate.

We have not yet seen the stopping volume we’re looking for so we’re not yet on accumulation phase.

Hey fabulono1. One thing you can do is download the youtube vids so the connection speed will not be a problem. Two ways to do it. Start the youtube vid and hit the pause button and then wait till the bar moves to the end, showing that it has been temporarily downloaded … or you can go to You can type the web address of the video and physically download it to your hard drive so you can then watch it when not on line. Hope that helps :slight_smile:

HR4, don’t feel too sorry for me. losses are part of the game, and with the right knowledge, those losses will be reduced as much as possible. I did set S/L to my desired risk yesterday, so only lost what I was willing to lose. Disappointed myself a bit by not looking correctly into what I sold in to, but that is all in the process of learning. Small loss in the end, and hopefully will learn to not repeat in the same scenario :slight_smile: I had a nice 2.6% trade on Friday, so still in front when comparing those two. Am still 8% in profit since I went live, so it is all good :slight_smile:

Let’s see how today goes for us all :slight_smile:

So it is ranging just now because at the bottom of the range and the top of the range the volumes are about equal. Imbalance is not in place. However, if we see volumes start to become higher on bars at bottom of the range compared to those at the top of the range, accumulation is taking place. Is that correct? Do we also NEED to see volumes increasing on the bars leading up to the top of the range and decreasing on down moves during this accumulation phase? Or simply focus on the upper most and lower most bars and ignore the middle?

I’m trying to figure out how much to carry over to my account from my shares trading account, so can anyone tell me what their average amount of pips in a week is with Pete’s method? Obviously no week is the same, and it depends on your win/loss ratio, but I’m curious to hear (from those willing to share) regardless of your success level, how you are doing on a weekly basis pips wise. For example, I notice yesterday and today things have been a bit subdued, so no real strong entries. Does this happen a lot, or do you go searching in other currency pairs on those days?

Right accum needs higher volume at the bottom, to be called accum…technically that’s all.

Please, open a demo and start trading. You’re asking how much to put in a live account when you don’t know the method. Many of your questions will be answered if you just dive in with a demo and think about trading the setups.

Hi Guys,

Just a question to test my understanding of Pete’s last video, does this qualify as push through supply as in the video?

All replies welcome, thanks.

Thanks for the accumulation answer.

Also just to clarify, I’m not asking how much to put in, I wanted to know rough pips per week, so I could figure out how much cash I would transfer over from my stocks account (and potentially more on top of that) in relation to what I’m earning right now trading stocks. I am going to continue doing both, but I’d prefer not to have idle money i.e. if that money could have been used trading stocks while nothing is happening on sedate Forex days, then I am losing out on possible stock trades, but if I knew the average pip gain per week, I can tailor my account size to attain the same average gains I have on stocks during a week.

Hopefully that makes sense.

Wondering the same thing…

I an tell, however, that there was not a very convincing amount of stopping volume on the 15m or 1HR.

Technically correct. 1hr phase is markdown…so longs are more risky.

Took this trade based on Pete’s latest vedio ,
could be a slight variation as price did not come back to test the level !!!

locked BE and will let it run :smiley:

ok, I dunno…seems like you like to do things backwards lol. You are new to VSA. Trading real money is the last thing you should be thinking about as we are looking for setups mid session now etc. I dunno, you’re a strange fella lol.

It’s in the direction of background with a decent climax so yeah. Just for the record I have to say…take it easy! lol
I don’t want people over trading now with this new info. I didn’t take it because I’m looking to short higher AND there wasn’t a proper ND in that setup. Good trade, I just want to make sure people find a balance now in choosing what setups to take. May the force be with you. :slight_smile:

Lol, thanks! :slight_smile: I do tend to think everything through VERY thoroughly before committing to anything. I’m technically not that new to VSA and have been using it in stock trading for quite some time with success, however your thread really drilled it into me in much simpler terms than MTM managed to convey. I have also successfully traded (stocks) using your method with great results, in what are VERY illiquid markets compared to Forex. When I look at the Forex charts the signals are so much clearer as every bar is packed with reliable information compared to only a couple of small trades as is the case in stocks. I have no problem with putting real money on the line (at very small capital risk) in Forex from the start. I am a very risk averse person by nature (no, really I am!). :slight_smile:

Right, sometimes you don’t get the test which is why the push through is the more aggressive entry. It get’s you in the trade even without the test. After the proper test, the probability is increased so that’s the less aggressive entry.

Pips alone will not give you any sort of profit level/target. You may take a trade today and make 40 pips out of it and pull 4% profit, but you may also make another trade and make 40 pips pulling 2% profit. To work out a profit level, you need to address your entry price, your % risk, how many pips to Stoploss along with how far you get your trade to run before locking in your profits. I have seen possible entries in the last three months that could possibly get you 10% with how some of the big rallies have been going.

What you would need to do (in my opinion) is to have a look at the babypips school to get a basic understanding in forex trading. That will teach you about risk management, leverage, types of trading styles. Then you should be able to have a look at threads such as this and see if that style of trading resonates with you. Then you should open a demo account and trade that system religously for maybe 6 months, to make sure you learn the system as well as the trading platform you will be using. Then it should be time to put money into an account and try it with real cash.
Forex can be seen as “like” stock trading and vice versa. But a car and truck can also be seen as being “alike”. Both have engines and drive on roads, but very different vehicles to learn the intricacies of.
I have been “into” forex for about 15 months now, and into this VSA methodology for about 5 months. I have only just started trading with real money about 2 months ago, just for a comparison for you if that helps. In that 8 weeks, I have been fortunate to have increased my account to its current position of 7.95%, after a 2% loss yesterday.

It looks like end of year/holiday PA is starting to creep in now. Look at 1hr volume compared to the past. There is no consensus or positioning by SM. I’ll probably call it a year on my main account…if volume picks up, I’ll be messing with the side account. ahhhh, time for a drink or something lol…is it 4:20 yet? :wink: