Supply/Demand, VSA, Wyckoff with Petefader

yeah, I do analize every single candle for some nugget of wisdom. I can run you throught my thinking really quick.

I see the 50. fib at 1.20033 and I see the candles have tested it, so I look down at my volume. I see on the 6th candle back its an up candle with no volume at all. So I think price will drop. Then I look at all the volume before that and how the candles start at teh .50 fib, and dip down then flatten out. I have no idea what that means and its just alot of volume that all looks the same to me.

I see currently the one green up bar and it has more volume than the candle 2 before it, so it canā€™t be a no demand.

I see the current candle with 20 seconds to go and its half way closed with mid volume so maybe it met resistance?
what about the candle that looks liek a no demand candle though?

I see the two down candles around the ā€œfake NDā€ candle have high volume so am i suppost to know this is a mark down test, or is this just a bunch of buyers selling? what about the wick on the right side candleā€¦ it has medium volume and finished half way up.

I should sell because there wasnā€™t high volume
I should buy because there was a wick

Well, cut it out! :stuck_out_tongue:

Seriously. Thatā€™s your official diagnosis my friend. Analysis paralysis. Up to you now.

I mean its hardā€¦ take the double top for instanceā€¦ I see the first part has high volume reaction, the second part doesnā€™t. It also has a no demand bar in there.

VSA says that if you run into selling, there will be volumeā€¦ so why was there none the second topā€¦ to let me know the price was gonna drop this many pips?

and what set up am I looking for now? a high volume pin to stop this down trend and for it to reverse? or what?

Go to the pharmacy and get a bottle of perspective. ok that was cheesy lol.

that was cute. I really would like to understand this. I watch your videos and understand everything. I can see exactly what your talking about when its pointed outā€¦ its me seeing it on my own Iā€™m having problems with.

I mean, I understand that. If you look throught your 300 page old thread Iā€™m sprinkled throughout there everywhere. It not that I donā€™t read its that maybe I need it explained a different way.

Iā€™m definitly following only your methodā€¦ concidering I started traiding and started using your method only at the same time Iā€™v never really tryed anything else. The problem isnā€™t mixing methods, its understanding your set-ups, but worst is understanding what Iā€™m not suppost to be looking for.

I know youā€™ve explain everything a hundred time, Iā€™v seen you do it. Itā€™s that i donā€™t understand the way you explain things because you explain things the same way everytime. That is no fault to you of course.

It just seems to me there are so many difference scenariosā€¦ what if it pins with volume near a reistance, what if it pins with no volume, what if it has high volume and is a solid bar with a doji, then a high volume up bar? what if it breaks through. What if there is a no supply or no demand, when do those matterā€¦ ectā€¦ thats the kind of questions that are keeping me confused because Iā€™m not sure what knowledge to appy in what situation.

The videosā€¦thatā€™s the best I got for ya. I havenā€™t even found it necessary to hold webinars because I see people are doing it on their own just fine. Besides, I would just be saying the same thing. Thatā€™s the best I can explain it.

Letā€™s end this here, we are really cloging the thread. Contact me on skype and Iā€™ll take some time with you. My skype name is Petefader. (Admin, if you give me an infraction for trying to help this guyā€¦lol)

I am just getting immensly frustrated.

I see the no supply bar, on the up move. AS SOON as I place a buy order, the next arrowed bar pins, with volume and moves down. the next bar is a down bar with less volume than the 2 before it, but price still moves down with yet another red bar that has more volume than them all.

I donā€™t understand where my logic is wrong and I keep doing this over and over and I really would like to bang my head into my keyboard im so frustrated. Iā€™v been making some stupid mistake for the past year and a half and it keeps causing me to fail.

it says your not onlineā€¦ mines kendallb183

I must have said 100 times not to trade this time of day. Please stop posting and contact me.

And now back to our regularly scheduled programmingā€¦ :slight_smile:

Kendallb183 have you read master the markets by Tom Williams? Donā€™t pay attention to the trade guider hype. Once you grasp that then you will understand petefaders videos and vsa.

Also the little crib sheet posted on this thread?

I had to block him, thanks for trying though. After speaking on skype, I donā€™t think he can follow a method correctly at this time. He is breaking all the rules and just making excuses. Iā€™ve never seen anything quite like it. The excessive posting was also disrespectful.

Totally agree with you, itā€™s the best way to help this guy.

ahh I donā€™t think he understands the vsa concept the whole wick thing etc so wondered if he actually took the time to read itā€¦

Do you have a group in Skype? For all to jump inā€¦? Joined a few but people just wait for calls and itā€™s not really helpful

Great analysis Pete. Can I just ask about the part marked ā€œlow vol testā€. In this case, it is not a ā€œno supplyā€ bar as it does not have volume less than the previous 2 bars, but it does look like that given the shape of the candle. is it the fact that the move in then back out of the push through area is on ā€œrelativelyā€ low volume and happened quickly that is the important point here as mentioned in your video. I thought that a move back into the area we wanted to see high volume moving it back out quickly, as per the video? I assume the ā€œtestā€ is considered as both bars, the into push-through-zone bar, and the move back out and up straight after it?

Whenever I hear I have to look for a low volume test Iā€™m typically looking for bars that are a ā€œno supplyā€ bar with confirmation, or the classic VSA test bar that goes down then closes near its high with confirmation on the next bars. This appears to be neither.

In the video he shows a short setup where it pushed through and went back into the rectangle to test, and the bar was a small spread with increasing volume compared to the bar before it. The volume should be relatively low compared to the stopping volume bar. This is just like that except its a long setup.

In this case it went back to test and demand overcame supply. He also said its better if this bar is a true NS bar as then it would show there is no supply there to impede the mark up.

Iā€™d stay, stick to the NS and ND for entry until you are more experienced, it works for me! But also, something thatā€™s cropping up on the 15 min chart is that a couple of push and test an the 5 min have shown up as ND/NS on the 15m, donā€™t take it as fact, but I think itā€™s something worth looking at, after all it kind of makes sense when you think about it.