Supply/Demand, VSA, Wyckoff with Petefader

no demand is confirmed on m15! going off the H1 resistance

Be aware of this. You want price to start moving down before looking for a ND, donā€™t try to pick it on the very top!

I have to admit as to only reading most but not all of this thread. I am currently using the Trade Guider system that comes with a ton of education material. Itā€™s not cheap, but some members may be interested. Good luck to all,


I always wait for a confirmation on m5 after it! besides there is some weakness on H1 =)

Good job in here navigating some choppy conditions. Supply/demand is quite mixed at the momentā€¦balanced. Itā€™s close together price wise, which is the first thing noticed opening the charts. That usually causes a range for a while.

I took a short after the 1hr uptrhust and 5min push though demand, although on my smaller side accountā€¦aggressive trade due to the mixed background. I set BE pretty early due to sudden demand popping upā€¦not really a surprise, so I got out at even in the end. Now, just waiting for a clear imbalance.

And here that possible no demand on M5

One aggressive trade for the day is enough for me lol. Really, I canā€™t sell here because looking left there are areas of high volume demand. I would be selling right into it. Range is to small, zzzz.

Iā€™m kinda dissapointed with the market right now. :slight_smile:

Due to a very stupid mistake (not cancelling a pending order) I lost a big chunk of my account over christmas. LoLā€¦ I know itā€™s just silly stupid mistake but it scares me that it could one day ruin my whole account. I guess I should start double checking those orders huh?

Anywaysā€¦ the market is so indecisive I am just letting it go, day by dayā€¦ No trade opportunities. I guess one just have to be patient and stick around. Iā€™m not very good at navigating through these rangy days. :wink: Thanks for your opinions on the market, Petefader. I was afraid you might have abandoned us! :smiley:

Historically speaking, there is 100% chance that it return to normal. :slight_smile:

for now! my no demand was right! H1 resistance and fridays high is too strong to be brokenā€¦ and H4 previous candle shows an upthrust from H1 resistanceā€¦

see no deman again on m15 ( previos candle)

I need a little help.

Have i marked correctly the zones as resistance areas ?

Where was the time to enter the trades ?

May I just ask how familiar you are with VSA?
Have you read Master The Markets?
Have you looked at the videos on this thread?

Iā€™m a newbie.



Iā€™m talking about the this video.

Ok good, the thing is, it will always be open to interpretation, so there is no correct answer as such, they kind of look Ok at a glance, BUT, you have marked them in a small range area, itā€™s only around 60 PIPS from top to bottom and the price action is very rangy, so itā€™s an area you wouldnā€™t want to be trading in.

So in summary my answer is, yes it look OK, but I think you are looking too hard, hope that helps.

Ok, so at long last (pardon the pun) we go long, weā€™ve had an accumulation phase followed by a pretty decent shake out, followed by more accumulation with a little long shake out, now we finish the accumulation and go long.

Anyone thinking along those lines?

Call me crazy, but Iā€™m expecting a new weekly low today. :22:

I was thinking along the same lines PPF. Lucky I didnā€™t go with it (still checking charts etc as I have just come home from work) as it has reacted badly for those who would have gone long.
I am hoping for some good trade/s tonight though :slight_smile:

Oh Tassie you get me confused!! LOL!

Itā€™s still dark here, and all of a sudden I thought it was night, where had the day gone? How many pips did I make? Who am I? What did I have for lunch?

Not sure about that reaction, nothing on 15m, 5m looks pretty strong I think.

This is just about my analysis aswell. I would like to see how price behave above the 50-61.8 fibs (if not a high amount of demand shows up below) to convince me about longs, otherwise Iā€™m still gonna be looking for shorts.