Supply/Demand, VSA, Wyckoff with Petefader

AH, I didn’t realize the meeting attendee limit would be hit so soon. This should be fixed, so keep trying to join if you didnt get in at first. Thanks.

Just says session is full for me

Mikey, you need to put a - in between the numbers.

Meeting is currently maxed out. Keep trying though as you will get in eventually … hopefully.
I’m going to sty out this time and let newer people in to see what it is all about. Petefaders meetings that are posted here are very educational. You also get a real idea how experienced and knowlegable he is. Very patient man who loves to pass his knowledge on :slight_smile:

That was fun guys. Sorry to those who were not able to attend due to the limit being reached, I will have that raised for the next one so all can attend!

Good, sorry I couldn’t stay on, had to go out for a bit, then I didn’t like to disturb after, next week then.

Hey guys, 1st time around this thread… great webinar! hope to see the next one.
Now I’m off to the 1st thread to make it through +_+, it’ll take some time xD

I left work early just to catch the webinar.

I caught only half of it, but it was worth it.

Thank you Pete

Is there any way you can record the webinar for those that couldn’t get in?

I was thinking about it that day. I think it is definitely technically possible to record everything that Pete says. But I would have to get Pete’s approval because I don’t want to violate his rights in any way.

As mentioned in this thread, Peter has quite a few nuggets of gold for us to learn on YouTube. If you haven’t done so yet, I would suggest going through them all. Huge amounts of info there for us all :slight_smile:

I accidentally stumbled upon pete`s videos and watched all of them several times. Thanks, I love it when VSA is simplified and I like the way pete focuses on the essence of it all.

It is easy to be distracted by the terminology, the commercialized versions of vsa have many different names for each and every bar/candle…in the end it is very tiring and mushes your brain.

What is otherwise named as " strength/weakness in the background " is explained by pete using the original Wyckoff phases of accumulation, mark-up etc., …and he shows it on the ebb and flow of the 1h. This is brilliantly simple and intelligent. Although his charts look too easy to be true, I think there is a LOT of trading experience behind all of this.

I had subscribed to some vsa threads on Forex Factory, but I love THIS one here, and there is no bickering amongst self-proclaimed vsa gurus and hidden marketing.

Thanks again and hopefully I will be able to post some charts as well and contribute.

Michael :57:

No Supply entry this morning. That upmove at session start off the “spring” looked like covering of the big gap down over the weekend. I placed a small long order near a low volume test just before Asia. Then added this to continue my long.

I guess I could’ve stayed in the the trade, but weakness and inside bearish close. Broke Friday’s resistance on low volume, so I guess supply really didn’t show up. Oh well, can’t complain too much about 47 pips in 35 minutes.

Push through supply. Another reason to enter.

Missed 30 pips here, oops. GBP/USD

Looking for a potential bounce at 1.5611 on GBP/USD, only if confirmed by VSA.

Could anyone ellaborate more on traderjoo’s setup? I was looking at the same thing but it just didn’t fit in my book… It is definitely not the traditional Push through supply as explained in the video.


Mikey, I have no idea what you’r doing or why. Could you drop the indicator at least for the sakes of clarity? It’s hard to even see the bars! It would also be great if you could save your screens in PNG and make them a tiny bit bigger. Also, mark the areas which convinced you to take the trade and explain them.

Otherwise it’s useless. This is not a trading diary. Thanks.

Sorry about that. Just trying to post fast. There are two no demand bars in a row and it is coming off a fibi. I have a 15 pip stop if I’m wromg. Heres a Better pic I think. Cheers,


Girlfriend just came in, going to lunch. Got out with three pips. Probably more there, but more oportunities later for sure. Good luck everyone,
