Supply/Demand, VSA, Wyckoff with Petefader

Thanks, confidence and results grow the more times I see Pete’s videos and read over past posts on the thread… This is an awesome thread!! I was about to give up on the whole Forex thing until I came across this thread!

Dang, the G/U was where it was at today. Instead of the crappy chop we got on the E/U I should’ve gone there!

Swings and roundabouts it makes up for that nice long I missed on the EURO yesterday.

Something I’ve been noticing while I’m developing my ‘indi’ is that it’s worth looking out for Trap up moves.

As defined in Shadow of The SM, - The first bar is up and closing off the highs, The next bar is a wide spread bar closing near the lows with it’s high higher than the first bar. This is designed to lock in poor Long positions.

It very often appears at market tops, you see 2 or 3 of them, then it’s a warning that the market is about to go down.

Interesting! Can you show a visual of this?

I can do a visual, but I won’t, I’m going to be ‘cruel to be kind’ but really I do hate that saying, but no, just get a pen and paper and draw it, do it as a learning exercise, then look at the chart and highlight a few, I promise you it will improve your trading more than me just posting it up, you might find that it’s something that you will ignore or of no use to you, I’d like to hear your opinion.

Definately, i’ll give it a shot. Should we look in the 5m, 1h or both?

Just do the 5m, it’s not something you can use that well on the 1hr, because your stops would be too large.

thinking of switching to VSA after 4 years of no success on other ways/methods…
so should i stick with it? r u guys profitable on it?
any software i should buy? i ve seen quite a few out there (not sure if i m aloud to mention them).

also should i use just mt4 or emini for better reliability?


A break through the big resistance line from my daily chart, then a highly compressed bar with very high volume and a long upper wick, on a mid pivot? This looks like smart money going short, a huge sign of weakness that plays into my overall bearish mindset (which itself is being called into question today).

Might this be the high?

Read trading in the shadow of the smart money by Gavin Holmes. No need for any software. All the best,


Hi Guys, here’s a trade i took today on Gold using VSA. feel free to gimme your opinions :slight_smile:

XAU/USD 1hr chart.

XAU/USD 15min Chart

Id actually be interested in the success rate of VSA. Ive been a long time follower and only just started real trading after extensive demo trading. My success so far is variable.

After reading this forum as well as books such as master the markets and trading in the shadows, the behaviour of markets seem to make perfect logical sense. All the examples given in the texts and especially success stories posted here could lead one to beleive that VSA is (almost) perfect. Forums in this way can be a bit misleading.

So what are the success rates of traders like pete and purple? What Id be more interested in is are you making losing trades, despite great favorable conditions and high probability setups according to VSA? And if so, Id love to see lots of examples of LOSING trades, and why we think it may have not gone the way we anticipated it to. After reading over 500 pages of VSA forums, I think ive seen enough VSA examples and patterns that Im not seeing anything really new these days.

Theoretically, in the absence of news, fairly predictable market conditions, obvious background as well as current indicators of SM actions, safe entry via obvious confirmation signals, VSA SHOULD be perfect, no?

Nothing is perfect. I can’t speak for other people on this forum, but I am very profitable. I use a scalping aproach eur/usd and gbp/usd . I use fibos and pivot points in combination with vsa. Cheers,


Like you said, everything you need to know is in this thread, as well as the videos. So far every trade, I’ve made, has gone the right direction as long as you’re trading in the 08:00-16:00GMT timeframe. As far as making it a losing trade or a winning trade depends on your target.

I have seen videos of Todd Krueger where he says his hit rate is around 70%, I have also heard Dr. Gary Dayton say his is around the same. Both of these guys are long time traders and wyckoff experts. That said, that still does not mean vsa is a 70% hit rate methodology. It can be more than that or less.

VSA shows you how to read the supply and demand in the market. If you regularly take trades when the opposing force is still showing itself you are gonna have a lower hit rate, but will be taking more trades. If you wait till you see an extreme imbalance before you even consider taking a trade you are gonna have a higher hit rate, but will be taking very few trades. Even then some guy out there with a huge account could hit the wrong button and stop you out. Its still a game of probabilities. Nothing out there is going to give a 100% hit rate even if you could read supply/demand with surgical exactness, because you can’t control the actions of all the participants. When it comes to the market, its best if you have absolutely zero expectations.

It just comes down to your risk tolerance and finding the balance that keeps the money flowing into your account at the rate you want. If you can take regular losses without it effecting your ability to get back into the market at the next oppurtunity, then you can enter into riskier conditions. If its hard for you to take a loss, then wait till conditions are less risky. Once you find your comfort level adjust your money management and risk per trade to make the kind of money you want. There will always be losses, just get used to it.

today looks abit tricky…dnt knw if we are on a mark down or mark up…wat do u guys think, but i tink we are on a mark down cos av not seen any stp vol…but carefull cos dere is so much strength showing up too…

I fear it might be like yesterday… very controlled tricky range…possibly awaiting ECB’s speech on Greece.

Looks like reaccumulation to me. SM snuck in a lot of buying yesterday as well as overnight, supply came in the keep the prices lower around 06:00. I’m looking for a long setup for mark up with the ECB around the corner.

Hi TassieFX,
Just wandering if you would like to meet up,I’ve got some spare time coming up ,so am pretty flexable.Would like to pick your brains about FX ect.

I just can’t see it, it looks like bloomin garbage to me, it always does with the Interest rate announcement, one minute it looks like a rabbit, then the next it’s a fox.