Supply/Demand, VSA, Wyckoff with Petefader

Every valley has a pretty decent volume increase since after the big rally. It looks like slop which is characteristic of accumulation as well.

Ok, so whatā€™s occuring, itā€™s Interest rate day, Rule No1, dont trade till after 1PM GMT, since there is plenty of time, make a trading plan.

On the 1HR it looks like distribution, High volumes but nothing really stands out though, but say we are looking for shorts, we want a Mega High Volume bar after the news, and it will be widespread up bar, wait for confirmation to go short.

How does that sound?

F****** great point, that agrees with what Iā€™ve posted on the Market Tops and bottoms thread, accumulation, which as the bottom of the market is a messier affair than the tops, distribution looks a little more tidy, yes?

I do not know if this has to do with this, but I notice in the 5m that the drops yesterday are a bit more choppy/jagged than the up movesā€¦ the only clean drop in the EU chart is drop due to greece last night and another drop at around 9:40gmt.

ā€¦Maybe profit taking from herd?

Or a Bull or a Bear??? :slight_smile:

It looks like itā€™s the pound thatā€™s following the script :slight_smile:

Umā€¦ is it ECB day? Becauseā€¦ it sure doesnā€™t look like it.

What ever it was that caused that spike, I got in long the NS the showed in G/U at 1305gmtā€¦ at 5865. Got out when I saw the gap(thanks, PPF!!) between the 1310 and 1315 candle for about 10 pipsā€¦

thanks for the answer.

so far i m trading with macd, divergence and fibs. but my problem is filtering out the good divergence that will rally. will vsa help on that?

Itā€™s not what I meant at all, look more into High Volume wide spread, shows weakness on up bars, strength on down bars.

High Volume Bullish Bar, is weak, wait for an ND for confirmation.

No. It wonā€™t.

Alright! Got it! Thanks.

So uh, as the E/U is going crazy, did anybody else take that weakness/ND Short at 9:45???

eu 1hr volume say it alll look for selllllllll selllll selllllllllā€¦lolā€¦i love vsa

Think itā€™s distribution, gbp/usd ( 1 hour ). Looking for a huge fall. Any opions welcome.


Yeah, thatā€™s the highest volume upbar since this mark up beganā€¦ wait for bearish confirmation in an hour then iā€™d be looking for shortsā€¦ even though its starting to get a bit late in the day.

ermā€¦i am confused. I entered long twice around 1.3240ā€¦before and after the news. these two trades netted me over 100 pips already. still have small portion running though.

believe eur/usd going for one more spike before droping. as always, want feed back.


I can say it on this thread

DIVERGANCE, ROFL ROFL ROFL MA and all that, ha hah ha hah ah ah hee hee LOL LOL LOL, phewwwww.

No need to be confused. You did not trade VSA as such. You traded the news. Very risky and could have easily gone the other way on different news. Iā€™d suggest you get a news feed (many free ones) so you know when not to be in the market. You did well this time, but there will be others where you get nailed to the wall with it as well - and quickly :slight_smile:

I think we have all done that at some stage, but it is higher probability to stay out on med-high impact news especially.