TCP - The car pub

Hey HoG, a new fan costs pennies. If it’s just that. Even a p4 shouldn’t eat up all your life savings. If you still can buy one, lol.

Anyways, as I elaborated in another thread at another time, a tower consumes probably as much power that you could buy a new laptop from the electricity savings with more processing power and all brand new, lol.

Personally I think I would junk that pc as well haha it sounds like it’s at the end of its life to me. You could keep it running by buying a new fan, but I bet some other problem would pop up as soon as yo do that (and by now like bucks said the processor might be shot if the fan has been off for to long).

HOG I am not sure how much shipping is to Scotland but I have a few computers (2 towers and a laptop) that I am not using. Would be more than happy to donate one to a fellow trader. The laptop is a dell I will have to ask the wife what kind as I dont remember or whats in it. the hinges on it broke and I just got her a new laptop. But I found the hinges on ebay for pretty cheap. The 2 towers are fine nothing wrong with them. I just had my IT guy refurbish them they are older. One has windows xp pro witch is a fast computer with no antivirus programs on it. It does have ccleaner though as I use that program religiously it works great. The other I am not sure what he put in it but its an emachines that he upgraded some stuff. It runs windows7 ultimate and you cant get a virus on it. Trust me we tried. HOwever that one stratup is slow but once it is running its a beast. He also has quite a few fire walls on it due to someone hacked my laptop I use now a while back. Because of that some charting softwares will not work properly till you disable the firewalls. You are more than welcome to one if you want it. Not sure what would be cheaper. To ship a computer there or just buy one but as they do nothing but take up room here. I figured I would offer.

You know my offer still stands but I just remembered when I live in England many moons ago. I think you all use 220 volts (or something like that) for power. These computers are made for 120 volts. Make sure you can use it before making a decision. You know us Dumb Americans we got to be different than the rest of the world lol.

Thank you very much bobnaninc for the offer. It was very kind of you. However, Mrs HoG has told me that since I have been a particularly good boy this year, (no details offered ! ) Santa might just bring me something nice. Obviously she could mean a puppy, but I’m hoping she is talking about a new pc.

But thanks again, the offer is very much appreciated.


These two threads are just a nice place to hang out!

(Although this should perhaps be called the Computer Clinic rather than the Car Pub lol) Sure we’ll get back to cars some time soon.

But to continue the computer theme - HoG we always have our PCs built up by Mesh, they’re online only, give a good, reliable powerful machine without being as expensive as some of their competitors. I mainly trade off a laptop supplied through them, but our main PC is also a Mesh build. I have nothing to do with Mesh whatsoever, so hope that the Mods are happy me recommending them…!!

Tangentially (sp!) still with computers: I mentioned on HoG’s thread that I am thining of buying the kids a Nintendo Wii for Christmas, HoG (very fairly) mentioned that they might not have the widest range of games. I already have an Xbox 360 (can’t live without Gears Of War in my life as an antidote to any trading losses I might incur lol), so we are keen to get the kids something that they will consider ‘theirs’. We thought that the Wii seemed pretty good for kids, but agree with HoG that there are not that many games, so I wondered if I could ask here if anyone has any opinions on a good console for kids? They are all boys, they are 7 (just!) and 5½. We also have a two year-old, but we aren’t buying with him in mind lol.

The bigger two tried a Wii at a friend’s house on bonfire night, it was their first ever gaming experience (I know, I know, this is the 21st Century), and they loved it inevitably, which is why a Wii was our first thought.

Anyway, sorry for hijacking the thread and hope you don’t mind me canvassing opinion. Mrs Templar is leaving it to me, and our other friends either have no kids or older kids or haven’t a clue!


Thats a tuff call I love my Wii but then I am also not a 7 year old kid. Or at least I was told not to act like one anymore. The playstation is always a nice console but I have gone through quite a few of them over the last couple years and to honest would still rather have my Wii. Just something about mario cart that I will never out grow.

I see no hijacking. This is a pub. With a car tone, but still a pub. :wink:

Albeit I can’t deliver anything for gaming. Besides a little bit of the fx game, lol. Maybe you can spend a fx computer with a metatrader to your kids. Plus a little money for an account. Then you don’t tell em they play with money, but it’s a soccer game. There are two teams and they play against each other. One can bet with the battles of one or the other team. If the preferred team wins, the score increases. Otherwise it decreases. :slight_smile:

If the score is 0 then it’s game over. If the score is 1 million, you are rich.

All together with account deposit it’s maybe cheaper than a xbox or someth. like that. :wink:

You know thats not a bad idea. My son love to push buttons on my computer when I walk away. But he has never lost a trade in his short career. Witch is alot more than I can say about his daddy

I’m going for the xbox with Kinnect ST.

Animal game I mentioned in earlier post is called Kinectimals:

Kinectimals - Kinect for Xbox 360 - official video game debut trailer HD - YouTube

Range of games just look better and more fun:

Kinect for Xbox 360 - You are the Controller - YouTube

As I said, I have a Wii, as a family we were initially all over it, but realised within a couple of months that tere wasn’t a whole load of games for the young one and everyone more or less gave up on it, except me with the Tiger Woods game.

All that said, I don’t have an xbox. I had the choice a few months ago of buying an xbox with kinect or a new Taylormade driver. Guess which one I bought?

But if I was going for a console now, with the kids in mind, I would buy an xbox. Range of games and xbox live would sway it for me.

Just as a little add on, there was a story in the national press not long after the Nintendo Wii came out about a guy who was playing a boxing game in his living room. He throws a massive right hook at the game at the exact moment his wife walks passed. Knocks her out completely. I think it went along the lines of, “Honestly, it was a total accident your honour!”

oh boy we got another tiger woods pro on the forums lol

Dunno about the “pro” part bob, but if you evr fancy a game online let me know and we will meet up

LOL. Then better let him trade. No, just kidding. :slight_smile:

Has nothing to do now with you, but frankly I think that most completely random trades would be a better chance than thinking what to trade if it goes to the majority of traders. If all would trade randomly, probably “just” ~ 55% would lose and not ~ 95%. Which means that 45% would win and not just(!) 5%. The other 5% goes for broker fees, tho. That’s why I took the 55% and not 50%.

Standing at the little one’s school just now waiting for her to come out. Belting down with rain. What is it with 6 year olds they can’t walk home themselves. It’s only a couple of miles for goodness sake.

Here’s a pub subject for you all, Hobbies ! I’ve been known to play the odd game of golf. Actually bought a new putter in Florida once and told the baggage handler at Orlando International on the way home that I didn’t mind if he misplaced one of my kids, just don’t lose the putter! (obviously just kidding, ahem :D)

And apart from golf, I don’t really have any other sports as hobbies. Just not that interested in them. Dislike football completely. But I’d love to take up snowboarding. I love puzzles, but not crosswords (hate them ) and if I ever got the chance, I’d love to have a flying lesson. Although I’m not too sure how that would go as I’m not entirely convinced I’m not scared of flying ! Did a parachute jump once. Jesus H !! Never again ! I’m not a thrill seeker or an Adrenaline Junkie.

The one thing I would like to try though is Scuba Diving. I think that would be good. I knew a guy once who used to go diving in the River Clyde in Glasgow. Apparantly the average temperature of British rivers is around 5 degrees, and he told me sometimes you need to pee inside your suit just to heat yourself up!

Don’t get me wrong, we’ve all pee’d in the sea (or is that just me?) but it wasn’t because we were cold. So I don’t fancy that, but scuba diving in warm waters, fancy that !

So there’s a new subject for the pub discussion team. What’s your hobbies? What HAVE you done, what do you like doing, and what would you like to do? Remember there may be children reading this, so nothing risque.LOL :smiley:


You dont need to scuba here HoG.

You can just snorkel. And you definitely wont need to pee in your pants to keep warm.

Its a must visit site list among divers.

Not well known to the outside world though.

Sipadan Island Malaysia.

Sipadan Malaysia - The Best Dive site

And this site. Its as best as being there yourself.

Sipadan : Underwater diving experience

Pictures look stunning Niki. I’d love to visit Malaysia some day, it looks like a beautiful country. Didn’t see a golf course in the pictures though LOL!

Agree with you, HoG, that this thread gives us an opportunity to get to know the members of our little trading community a little better.

Mrs Templar and I follow Formula 1 and boxing (yes, I have taken Mrs Templar to fights, I know how to show a girl a good time lol) - we agree with you on football! I feel that I ought to get into golf - my father-in-law is a club pro, and my brother-in-law plays off scratch, so I am the dark sheep lol.

I don’t play so much any more, but do enjoy a game of chess - I used to play for London and Yorkshire (depending on where I was living!).

I am pretty heavily into cars - always seem to be tinkering with something old, I have a 1960’s Sprite with a few period competition mods on it, a Land Rover, my daily driver is a 1979 manual Porsche 928, have a couple of other cars to play with, too. The latest project is an historic racing car, a little single seater. Good fun, but expensive… glad that November was better lol!

We like to travel a lot - we met during a languages degree, have both lived overseas, kids make it harder but we still get away when we can.

Like films, sci-fi, cult tv - watching The Persuaders at the moment and find myself hankering after a banana yellow Aston (Bahama Gold, I think the colour was called) - don’t worry, it’ll pass.

Have never tried diving as swimming really isn’t my strong suit…

We live in a slightly crumbling Georgian house, we both tend to like old things.

Spending time with our three boys is our current favourite pasttime, though - two, five and seven and have opened us up to all sorts of new things!!

I’m a Londoner who relocated to the Peak District when I left my first career and realized that I could live wherever I wanted - Mrs Templar (who is from Yorkshire originally) works full time, but splits it between home and London. Got into trading as it gives us the freedom to balance the different aspects of our life and spend more time living to our own agenda rather than that of others.

Anyway, there’s always more but that’s a bit about me.


I took a couple dives out there when I was doing some work in Sandikan. At a power station for remaco. After the Job we went out . I must say you have got to do it at least once. The only other place I want to take a dive is the great barrier reef. That would be cool.

Well, personally, I would describe myself as a jeans and t-shirt kind of guy. Don’t like getting dressed up, never have. Don’t even reckon if I won the lottery I’d go in for the whole bling thing, it’s just not me, or my family for that matter.

As I’ve said, the big passion is golf. Took it up when I was seven. (me and my two older brothers) Reached a fantastic level by the age of 14, then took a completely different hobby up for several years.

It’s funny you should mention chess though ST. During the dark days I had one of those Gary Kasparov chess machines. Would play it for hours sometimes, not because I loved chess as much, just trying to stay sane.

Anyway, myself and the HoGettes now live on one of those new soul-less estates you see on TV. No bugger talks to each other and they all think they are better than each other. Personally I hate the place, but it has been a good move for my girls, away from the area I was brought up in.

The girls both love ice skating. Every Sunday morning you’ll find me up the ice rink, eyes half shut, fixed smile on my face, trying to convince the girls I’m having fun and that I really did only need 3 hours sleep to get over a Saturday night shift LOL !

Mrs HoG doesn’t work. I take that back, she runs our home. My little one suffers from epilepsy and some-one has to be on hand at all times to deal with that. My wife loves sewing. She’s an arts and crafts kind of girl. My little one loves that sort of thing too. My oldest is very academic. Don’t know where she gets that from. Certainly isn’t me. I hear our milkman is a very intelligent guy…

I think the HoG family are all taking up snowboarding after Christmas, oldest one has started already as she’s going to Colorado next year with the school.

I’m not a cars kind of person, which my wife thinks is odd for a guy. But I’ve told her, it starts with cars, before you know it you’re drinking coca cola and it’s all downhill from there…LOL !! Having said all that I saw an old capri on the road the other day, looked good as new, and a Morris Marina.

I think if I was to try to pick one thing I’d like to do, I’d struggle to be honest. As long as I was doing it with the kids I’d be happy. Looking forward to the snowboarding with them, so I’ll probably pick that.

I think, to be honest, that is part of the drive behind wanting to eventually trade for a living. To free up some time to spend with the girls. However, I actually enjoy trading, so I guess that’s a big part of it too.

So sorry for boring you all to death with the HoG family story, but every good pub needs a guy who goes on a bit too much.

Take Care, going to get some sleep now. I’m eating into my 3 hours writing this.



I think diving would be great fun bobmaninc. Not so sure about the Australia bit though. My oldest daughter watches ‘Bondi Rescue’ on the TV and she’s almost trance like watching the Lifegaurds. I think that would worry me too much. Does anyone know of a nice warm place, where the diving is great but the lifegaurds look like Trolls??