The Adam Theory of Markets by J. Welles Wilder Jnr

Thanks RC64. Appreciate your input.


Hi everyone.

You know me: ‘tell it like it is (possibly at your own expense in the future Dale)’!!! LOL!!!

I’m ‘out’. I’m ‘back’ to where I was on Friday night. No profit. But no loss either. Just ‘square’.

Should I be happy??? Yes. Should I be proud??? No. There is NO way I’d have managed to accomplish this had I not GROSSLY overtraded my account. And, well, of course, the markets have come down (yesterday and up until a short while ago) as fast as they went up on Monday and Tuesday. So: I guess (I’m ‘man enough to admit’) that ‘luck’ played a part here. Alright: HUGE positions with very tight stops BUT following two of my trading systems ‘to the letter’ (as if that is justification). It just happened to pay off. So THAT IS IT FOR ME FOR THIS WEEK (trading anyway)!!!

UNFORTUNATELY: it came at the cost of my short Adam EUR/USD trade i.e. I used that to cover whatever losses were still not covered. Given the position sizes I wasn’t prepared to take the chances of waiting for stop and reverse signals etc. from my trading systems. So for the record: I got out at market at 1.2848. BUT BUT BUT: I STILL have EUR/USD shorts (based on Adam) on those other ‘no deposit bonus accounts’ so let’s see where THEY end up (I got short at pretty much the same price on those accounts anyway). And I’ll keep ‘solving’ Adam anyway (positions open or not).


Why carry positions??? My NORMAL ‘modus operandi’ is to close profitable positions and leave losers open on a Friday (if, of course, my trading systems have not signalled me to do otherwise). I also remove all stops on those open (losing) positions because I know they’re not worth ‘sh*t’ on a Monday and normally ‘like clockwork’ the opening gap on a Monday will retrace ALMOST to it’s open anyway. If it doesn’t: I wait for five minutes after the open (and the gap) and then place a stop above the high or below the low of the first five minute bar to close. Usually: price turns. It it doesn’t??? ‘Oh well’!!! Works for me anyway.

Anyway: ONE MORE LESSON LEARNT!!! (As a matter of fact I think there is a thread that someone started just before Christmas about ‘when to trade’ or something like that). The lesson: stop trading the week before Christmas and stay away until the beginning of the second week in January. At least if you’re a trend trader and tend to be ‘always in’!!!

‘Whew’!!! Talk about ‘dodging the bullet’!!! Although I shouldn’t be ‘making light of this’. This was NO joke. “Don’t try this at home”!!!

Put it this way and no matter what: TECHNICALLY I don’t start my ‘feeling positive about life’ year with a loss!!! LOL!!!



Hi Dale,

Glad to hear that you managed to square off.



Yeh well as I said: nothing to be proud of given my methods used. For anybody that has even the slightest respect for me please promise me one thing: ALWAYS ‘do as I say and not as I do’!!! LOL!!!

Honestly though: I don’t believe that there was ANY way that I could have ‘seen that coming’ last Friday. There wasn’t even the slightest hint that the markets would ‘reverse on a dime’ and I know because I sat here until the last ‘tick had ticked’ (and even THEN some). Honestly: I was expecting a huge gap DOWN if anything. But hey: there is one very ROUNDABOUT confirmation of ANOTHER important lesson here!!! Had I ALREADY been overtrading and not managing risk on Friday it would most DEFINITELY have been ‘game over’ AGAIN. Think about that!!!



There is no way to really ‘see’ something like that coming dale. Unless somebody has a special crystal ball somewhere I don’t know about? Worst part is that you can’t even control your positions at all until it’s too late! That’s why I’m saying that you can pray for the best but you should prepare for the worst. In this case I say perhaps close your positions before the weekend or lower your risk so that if it does gap against you it isn’t so catastrophic? Anyway, just my two cents :wink:

Hello RC64.

I really do appreciate your input.

I’ve been sitting here thinking that it’s a trade (or trades) that actually should be analysed to be honest. Normally: I just ‘take them as they come’ and ‘plod along’. But I’m willing to bet if I look back two weeks from last Friday I’ll in all probability find a few good reasons for my not supposed to be even BEING in those trades (trading systems aside i.e. that part was correct). Little to record low volume on the NYSE for starters I remember distinctly from Bloomberg TV. And I’ll ALMOST ‘bet’ that with proper market data you’ll find something in the data that indicated that ‘something’ or ‘someone’ knew JUST what was going to happen at the open on Monday and was positioning themselves for it. What I’m saying is that it’s a bit of a ‘stretch’ for me to believe that late Friday it was all ‘gloom and doom’ and the DAX ‘shot up like a rocket’ at the open on Monday morning because ‘something’ or ‘someone’ just happened to wake up in a good or a ‘long’ mood. I think this is where you start getting into the ‘nitty gritty’. I mean: had there been any news data over the weekend or whatever then that could be explained away no problem. But there was NOTHING.

And one thing I DID do wrong for sure: the losses were almost miniscule on the losing positions I had open on Friday. I know from experience that if the USA is not open then NOTHING ‘behaves’ normally. So I SHOULD have said to myself ‘just take the losses and be done with it’. Alright: in fairness to me I honestly thought that the US Futures would start trading in the early hours of (my) Monday morning. I had no idea (until it was too late of course) that they would only open for trading at 13h00 GMT+2 on (my) Tuesday. So: another mistake. I didn’t do my ‘due diligence’. As a rule: when I know that the US Futures are going to be closed for trading I don’t trade. Simple as that. So again: my fault there. Also not thinking. It was the DAY on which New Year (and Christmas) fell which was different from previous years anyway i.e. extended holidays were the result. That ‘played into it’ as well.

Anyway: just ‘thinking’ (posting) ‘aloud’ is all. More to ‘learn’ and to not ‘rinse and repeat’ at the end of THIS year (and, well, it may help others too).



By the way:

Don’t anybody go thinking I’m some kind of ‘hero’ for ‘getting out’ once I was ‘square’!!! LOL!!! I’m doing something that NO trader should do and that is monitoring positions that I WAS in!!! LOL!!! There’s nothing quite like watching, say, EUR/USD, ‘tank’ a LOT further and I’m ‘out’!!! LOL!!!

Then again: it does remind me of a ‘saying’ (that used to be somebody’s ‘signature’ around here at one stage and one which has always ‘stayed with me’). It went something along the lines of:

“I’d rather be out of a trade, wishing I was in, than being in a trade, wishing I was out”!!! LOL!!!

(But no: it doesn’t make me feel any better)!!! LOL!!!



If you are doing something you shouldn’t be then why are you doing it dale? :wink: New year! Time to do as you say instead of just saying it! Stop worrying about the profit you could have made and focus on the fact that you haven’t lost anything! If you look at that book that this thread refers to…“if you mind the losses the profits will take care of themselves.”

Do you mind if I ask how many instruments you trade and how many “systems” you use? If you can’t get your discipline down, maybe it would be best to focus on one instrument and one “system” until you can!


Because I cannot help myself!!! LOL!!! I’m ‘human’ you know. I’ll only feel better once price is going against me (against where I was)!!! LOL!!!

YOU should know that you can ask me anything. You’ve been a member here almost as long as I have and I’m sure we’ve ‘interacted’ before???

I trade ALMOST exclusively Wilder’s Swing Index System. Now and then though: I’ll trade any one of the other systems presented on my forums (normally in addition to an open trade using Wilder’s Swing Index System). Gettting ‘square’ here can be attributed SOLELY to Wilder’s Swing Index System and Turtle Soup Plus One (Kathy Lien and Boris Schlossberg).

Instruments: ALWAYS CFDs on the major indices. Pick any one you like. The Dow, S&P, and the NASDAQ being my ‘darlings’ (unless I can find a trade within my risk parameters on the Spanish IBEX or the Italian MIB40 because THOSE, as Master Tang would say, ‘can make you move in ways that you never thought possible’ i.e. when they MOVE they MOVE)!!! LOL!!! And basically: never more than three or four positions at a time (although a single position may be made up of multiple CFD units or ‘contracts’). That’s about it. This EUR/USD trade was nothing more than an Adam ‘experiment’ really (although as much as I hate to admit it: it played a major role in my getting out of the ‘you know what’ because I was able to ‘pile on’ to the position at certain intervals as it was going down BUT let me qualify THAT by saying that I ‘piled on’ based on Wilder’s Swing Index System and NOT based on Adam Theory).




Well, can’t say I’m familiar with the Swing Index System anymore (It’s been quite a long time since I read that book!). What time frame do you use? Do you take every trade that the system signals or do you use some sort of filter? Just trying to better understand what your trading plan is (do you have a plan that is set in stone?!) before I offer any suggestions.

WHY are you being so ‘nice’??? I always get ‘suspicious’ when people are being ‘nice’!!! LOL!!! I’m only joking. As I said: I appreciate your input.

Wilder’s Swing Index System??? ‘In my book’ (‘in HIS book’) is one of the finest and well thought out trading systems around. While it may not make 100% ROI PER HOUR: it’s ‘special’. I know that sounds strange. But: ‘it works for me’.

No: I don’t use any filter. According to ‘the old man’ (as you probably know that is my ‘term of endearment’ for THE Mr. J. Welles Wilder Jnr.): one SHOULD use ADX as a filter for ANY of his trading systems. While that does ‘hold true’ for commodities: it’s too slow to react to the movements of, say, the S&P as an example. And from my experience: ‘tinker with it at your own peril’. Wilder was a commodities ONLY trader. And they (commodities) DO move differently from anything else.

Timeframes: I SWORE ON MY LIFE that I’d only EVER trade the daily timeframes (as did Wilder). But, for the past few months, with the odd ‘anomaly’ that one needs to be aware of, his Swing Index System works JUST as well (if not better because of the closer stops and my addressing these little ‘anomalies’ that occur from time to time) on the 1-hour timeframes and that NOW is what I trade MAINLY.

I would say that my ‘trading plan’ IS INDEED ‘carved in stone’ but that’s mainly because no matter what: I always seem to revert to his Swing Index System. It just ‘suits me’ I guess. I’m not ‘into’ these trading systems that keep you in a trade for an hour or two for a few points here and there. It’s ONLY drawback is the fact that you DO get ‘chopped to death’ in a range bound market but I’ve learnt to live with that and be at ease with it. Could I make more money by staying away from range bound markets OR trade ONLY in the direction of the prevailing trend on the timeframe that I’m trading at any given time instead of stopping and reversing as the Swing Index System would have you do??? Hell yeh. But the solution to THAT problem is ‘in the coming’ as we ‘speak’ (REALTIME Market Data to give you a clue)!!! LOL!!!

But please: offer suggestions ANYWAY. Forget about my ‘dogmatic’ approach to things (I’m ‘bad’ with that type of thing). I mean to say: we’re all here to ‘share’ and ‘aid’ and ‘assist’ (well MOST of us anyway and those that don’t ‘cut the mustard’ don’t last too long let’s face it)!!!

Look: by Wilder’s OWN admission his Volatility System is his ‘best offering’. But that is for L-O-N-G term trading on the daily timeframes. That system had me long on the Dow and the S&P and the NASDAQ for MONTHS. The problem??? What to do to keep my mind occupied during the day??? With THAT system: it’s a question of taking a look at a daily chart once per day for a minute and then going to bed. While that may SOUND like ‘heaven’: it can ALSO drive you INSANE no matter HOW much money you may be making over a long period of time. His Swing Index System has ‘just the right amount of action’ for somebody like me. As I’ve noted: Adam Theory (the TEXT in the book) is what ‘spoke’ to me. But then I started looking at Adam Theory as a ‘filter’ for the Swing Index System. As I’ve noted (once again): I don’t think that’s viable. His Swing Index System a) reacts far quicker and b) is more ‘clearly defined’. Unfortunately: I’m one of those people that needs a sort of ‘trade-by-number (paint-by-number)’ type trading system. Leave me to my own devices and interpretation??? It’s a ‘no go’!!! LOL!!!



You seem to be the type of person who wants a lot of action (this can be a bad thing if you are trying to have discipline!). One suggestion would be to use a filter that will decide whether you are going to ONLY act on buy signals or ONLY act on sell signals during the entire course of the day with your hourly Swing Index System. How will you determine this filter? That’s easy! All you need to do is look at yesterday and ask yourself, “Did yesterday go higher or lower than the previous day?”. If it went higher then you will ONLY buy today, if lower then ONLY sell. The book states that the simplest form of a trend is what? Exact Repetition! If yesterday went higher than the previous day then what would you think today would do? If you wished to add another filter you could also apply this same idea to the previous week although that would obviously lead to less trades. Since you seem to watch multiple markets you might still be able to use both the daily and weekly filter to satisfy your appetite. Food for thought.

BTW, ever notice that if you just draw a line from the first bar in the adam theory technique to the last that it gives you the same information about the trend without all that reflection business? wink wink

Hello again.

Well I have to say: your post is MOST insightful. An ‘all rounder’ and quite simple and ‘to the point’ (unlike my ‘novels’). Thank you.

I wouldn’t categorise myself as someone who wants a lot of action. I would say that six years ago that’s what I THOUGHT this business was about i.e. ‘buy’, ‘sell’, every thirty seconds. It doesn’t work that way. At least not in my experience. That’s ‘Hollywood’ and, in my opinion, is the ‘magnet’ that ‘draws’ the uninformed to this business. Floor traders??? Yes. MAYBE. Online retail traders like us (me)??? No way. Sorry to upset any of the SUCCESSFUL Scalpers. If you’re ‘quick and nimble’ enough to be profitable: I couldn’t be happier for you and I mean that. It’s just not for me.

Your insights are interesting. Although I’m a ‘Wilder junkie’ I do have other ‘heroes’. Larry Williams being one of them. He’s got many S&P trading systems and one of them, oddly enough, and I forget what it’s called, also works on the premise that if the DAILY close is in the upper 80% then only long trades the next day (and of course visa versa if the DAILY close is in the lower 80%). But you know what??? Me??? Even ‘venturing’ into Adam Theory is a ‘step out’. I spent too many years and lost too much money ‘jumping from trading system to trading system’ (usually after two or three consecutive losses). And that INCLUDES Wilder’s trading systems. I kept making one of the typical new trader mistakes. Now: a few consecutive losses don’t bother me at all. No: it’s not NICE when it happens (the ‘profanity abounds’ after the fourth or fifth consecutive loss) BUT I’m alright with all of that now because I NOW have learnt (and ONLY from PAPER TRADING which is something I DID NOT do when I started out) that EVENTUALLY, and given the implementation of risk and money management, my trading system of choice will not let me down IN THE LONG RUN.

I GUESS what I’m saying is that EVEN ALTHOUGH I’m not in line for ‘trader of the century’ and I’m not capable of making 100% ROI per DAY: I’m at least ‘on the right road’ and don’t really want to ‘mess’ with anything. But that’s NOT to say that I don’t constantly listen, read, and ‘take heed’ of advice given or shared. And YOUR advice given and shared I will most certainly ‘look into’.

Thanks again.




Well: here it is. Adam ‘solved’ for EUR/USD (daily) after the close yesterday.
Any bets on 1.2500 or parity with the USD??? LOL!!!

The way I see it: one could STILL ‘just short’ the pair. Go short at market at the open on Sunday night, set your SL at 2%, 5%, or even 10% of your account, and forget about the trade. The point is that it only has to go down another few days and you’ve ALREADY got an indication of a possible reaction at which point you will move your stop at which time profit will be locked in. Of course: ‘solving’ Adam DAILY would be ideal and far more accurate so for anybody in the world where the sun is still shining when Deltastock’s Daily Charts close then feel free to open a DeltaStock MetaTrader Demo and ‘solve’ Adam for us!!! I’m afraid my going to bed after midnight doesn’t do anything for my personality the next day!!! LOL!!!

Oh and if you take the trade: don’t blame me if it goes awry. Moan at Mr. Wilder. And his telephone number is … LOL!!!



P.S. I’ll get to Gold and Silver SOMETIME before Monday. Because I’ve been ‘out’ since Thursday (which of course I’m KICKING myself for now ESPECIALLY after seeing the attached chart) I put that time to good use and had QUITE a few drinks so even putting THIS chart together was a ‘feat of note’ for me today!!! LOL!!! (30.8 KB)


Well: as promised here are the ‘solved’ Adam charts for Gold and Silver (although a day late: sorry) for the week ended 06/01/2012.

These are a little more difficult to analyse and to voice an opinion. That being said: I’d be inclined to wait for another DEEP correction and then start looking for a buy signal at a very low price rather than try to catch both the short and long movements (with Adam Theory anyway). But as we (should) know by now: Adam adjusts to the ‘NOW’ so the ‘big picture’ could change at any time.

At some point in time it may be a good idea to start comparing these Second Reflection Charts to what has ACTUALLY happened in the markets (I’m just not sure that we have enough data yet to make an accurate comparison although, thus far, Adam has ‘performed pretty perfectly’ on EUR/USD let’s face it).



Dale. (32.6 KB) (34.6 KB)

Thanks for the work in getting the charts Dale!

It’s my pleasure.

Actually: I’m getting pretty ‘quick’ at doing them now. But not quick enough to do them in real time on the 1-hour charts unfortunately. That would be interesting.

One or two other interesting things ‘in the coming’:

Wilder mentions nothing of stopping and reversing so I can only assume that you trade in one direction until stopped out and then wait for the next trade??? Not quite figured that one out yet.

The true test will come when it’s time to move a stop and see what happens then (probably much the same thing as above). Unfortunately: ‘solving’ Adam without having the Y-Axis pricing doesn’t make things any easier (I need to find a way around it and unfortunately it’s not QUITE as simple as simply extending the Y-Axis pricing because the chart scaling may have changed. Well: I’m not sure about MetaTrader but I know it will change with Delta Trading because as the earlier bars ‘fall off’ the visible chart window the ‘best fit’ chart is displayed). I can just see myself sitting here with a slide rule and a compass!!! LOL!!!



Hi Dale,
You mentioned that you use Swing Index System. Do you use it on forex?


Sorry: no idea why I missed your post (although I’ll tell you that some ‘fuker’ has gotten a hold of my main email address and all of a sudden I’m getting spam emails from everywhere i.e. from porn sites to casinos AND NO I DO NOT FREQUENT SUCH SITES and NEVER HAVE before I get some 'smart are’ remark)!!! LOL!!! The point is that my ‘Instant Email Notification’ of your post for this thread probably ended up with those ‘Shift-Delete’ emails!!! LOL!!!

The Swing Index System??? Yep!!! That’s ‘my system’. The best trading system on the planet (well for me anyway)!!! LOL!!! That’s the good news. The BAD news is that I failed MISERABLY trading FOREX with it. BUT (as I’ve noted many times): after my very LAST MISERABLE failure (about three years ago now???) I stopped trading FOREX completely and started trading CFDs on Futures, Indices, Commodities, etc. with the Swing Index System BUT ALSO with a lot of ‘hard lessons learnt’, a lot of back testing (paper trading), etc. In other words: it wasn’t just a simple change of the markets that I was trading that ‘turned things around’ i.e. there was a lot more to it. THAT BEING SAID though: I DID INDEED, last year, open a demo, for some or the other ‘contest’ (well it wasn’t really a ‘contest’ i.e. it’s a long story), at FXCM, and could ONLY trade FOREX for this ‘contest’ (let’s call it a ‘project’). Bottom line: same trader, same trading system, different instruments (FOREX vs. CFDs), and, alright, different broker. The end result for the same month (period): I lost 10% of a $100 000 demo account and made 10% or thereabouts trading MY markets (CFDs on the Indices). Alright: DID I CONCENTRATE AS HARD on the demo??? Probably not although I did follow my trading rules, trading system, and money and risk management rules. So this is still a bit of an ‘unknown’ to me. Honestly: I believe that FOREX ‘moves’ differently from equities and commodities. I believe it’s ‘just that simple’. What’s more: ALL the trading systems that I use (there are a few that ‘from time to time’, depending on the setup, I MAY use) were developed by either equities or commodities traders and NOT by FOREX traders. I believe that makes a difference too.

One thing that IS worth noting though: I HAVE traded it profitably (not often though) on ‘exotic’ pairs (most of the pairs that most traders wouldn’t ‘touch with a bargepole’ given the HUMONGOUS spreads). Whether it’s my imagination or not: it appears to me that the ‘exotics’ ‘tend to trend’ WAY better and for FAR longer than the FOREX majors (and remember that the Swing Index System is, after all, a trend following system). So there’s a bit of useless (useful???) information!!! LOL!!!

Anyway: make of the above ‘what you will’. I’m quite happy to help you if you want to try it to trade FOREX and frankly I’d be quite happy if you proved my ‘theories’ wrong. Given that ‘everybody and his dog’ just HAS to trade FOREX it kinda makes it WAY more difficult to solicit clients on the basis that you’ll provide them with the tools necessary to trade profitably from the very beginning BUT just so long as they don’t trade FOREX!!! LOL!!! That’s a ‘hard sell’!!! LOL!!!




Do you have any good reads on swing trading systems? Were do you recommend I start researching…
