The Adam Theory of Markets by J. Welles Wilder Jnr


Found your thread while searching for info on the Adam Theroy of Markets & find it most interesting. I am looking forward to it growing as time goes on. If one would purchase the book can the method be learned from that source alone. I own a copy of Delta & just could never put it to good use. I think I read that Adam is somewhat more concise & easier to understand & put to use. If you create another thread I will follow along & contribute as I learn.


You joined here in November 2007 and this is your first post??? That MUST be ANOTHER new record!!! LOL!!! I feel PRIVILEGED that you decided to make THIS your first post!!! LOL!!!

Oddly enough: I was just about to ‘solve’ Adam for EUR/USD, Gold, and Silver when an ‘Instant Email Notification’ came through to me notifying me of your post.

Well first: you can download a .PDF copy of the book from my forums ( BUT: all I ask is that you BUY the book from whatever source you choose. And the same goes for ALL the books that I host for download on my forums. ‘Coy’ as it may sound: ‘it is the right thing to do’ for starters. What’s more: there isn’t a single book hosted on my forums for download that has NOT paid for itself MORE than once. I own all the books hosted on my forums for download (with the exception of Adam Theory which has been ordered from Amazon and is on its way). I didn’t scan any of the books available for download on my forums i.e. I found them all on the Internet and simply made them available for download from a site (my site) that is virus free, banner ad free, a sort of ‘no nonsense download site’. But the intention is to give traders the opportunity to start trading the systems in the books WHILE WAITING FOR THE COPIES THAT THEY HAVE PURCHASED. Am I doing the right thing??? I’m not sure and probably not because I’m willing to bet that nobody takes heed of my ‘warnings’, ‘requests’, or ‘disclaimers’. I’m not superstitious by nature EXCEPT WHEN IT COMES TO THIS BUSINESS!!! So use the .PDF copies of the books that I’ve host on my forums for download, without actually buying them, and giving their authors what is due to them, at your own peril!!! I made just over $300 on ONE trade using Adam Theory (and unfortunately had to close it out to cover another position otherwise the trade would still be open showing WAY more profit than that RIGHT NOW). The point is: the book has ALREADY paid for itself MORE than at four times in one trade. I feel very strongly about this but, of course, I cannot force anybody to ‘do the right thing’. I can only hope that they do.

Right (and now that we gotten THAT out of the way):

The Delta Phenomenon is just a ‘tad’ ‘over my head’ to be honest. I’ve tried to ‘solve’ Delta with mixed success. Sometimes it’s ‘spot on’ and sometimes it’s not. It’s just too ‘vague’ for me. BUT let me qualify that by saying that I never really gave it a ‘fighting chance’. As with all trading systems: there are people that ‘swear’ by it and there are others that say it ‘utter rubbish’. Personally: I believe that there definitely IS ‘something’ to Delta. Exactly what that ‘something’ is I do not know. But it is complicated. What is odd though is that Wilder’s Delta Society was formed and was in operation BEFORE The Adam Theory of Markets was published. In other words: I believe that The Adam Theory of Markets is a ‘simplified spin off’ of The Delta Phenomenon. Either that or that’s (The Delta Phenomenon) where the idea of The Adam Theory of Markets originated. Not sure. You be the judge.

Please remember that at the moment I’m just testing Adam Theory. But I’ll say this: ‘so far so good’. I’ll tell you this too (and this was my original reason for posting about this book): even FORGETTING about Adam Theory for a moment the characteristic ‘no nonsense approach’ of Wilder’s (his insights, his logic, and his trading rules) in The Adam Theory of Markets is worth the money and will save ANY trader from ruin if his guidelines are followed. Adam Theory I only started ‘messing about with’ because I was curious (after reading the rest of the book several times). So even WITHOUT Adam Theory the cost of the book is justified!!!

So basically: what you’ve read or heard about Adam Theory, I would say, is quite correct. I think the MAIN difference between Adam Theory and The Delta Phenomenon is that Adam Theory keeps you ‘forcibly’ trading WITH the market whereas The Delta Phenomenon has a ‘predictive element’ to it. I know I’m tending to ‘blur’ Adam Theory with The Delta Phenomenon’s ‘predictive element’ but as time progresses I’m starting to see how and WHY Adam Theory works.

So: all I can say is a big ‘welcome to my Wilder World’. Download the .PDF version of the book, ORDER IT, read the .PDF version while you’re awaiting delivery, and follow my ‘solving’ of Adam which I do on a weekly basis at the moment (manually using nothing other than Deltastock’s MetaTrader 4 charts and PC Paintbrush if you can believe that). Unfortunately because I’m doing it manually and have, as yet, not been able to write an indicator for it, it’s not practical to ‘solve’ Adam for the shorter time frames (I unfortunately have loads of other ‘stuff’ to do during the day) BUT, as Wilder notes, it will work on ANY time frame and I’m quite keen to get to the point where we can test it on the 1-hour time frame but I believe an indicator is going to be necessary in order to achieve that. Trading Adam on the daily or weekly time frames??? Be prepared for HUGE stops and to have LOADS of patience. That being said: Adam trades are really pretty much ‘low to no maintenance’ trades that have the potential for HUGE profits with NO whipsaws OVER TIME.

As I noted: I’m going to continue with Adam on THIS thread for a while and once I’m convinced of its merit I’ll ‘bestow upon it’ its very own forum on my forums and then begin ‘solving’ Adam for MY markets (the markets I trade i.e. CFDs on the Major Indices, Futures, Commodities, and the rest, which is what my forums are ‘geared’ for i.e. they’re not ‘geared’ for FOREX although FOREX has ‘crept in’ for better or for worse).

Again: welcome.

Read the book. It ‘speaks’ to you!!! LOL!!!

Alright: once again I’ve gone a bit ‘overboard’ with this LONG post so I need to go do some chores before I ‘solve’ Adam for the week that has just passed but will do so in a hour or two (or more likely early tomorrow morning all depending on how long it takes to feed myself and my dogs)!!! LOL!!!

See you around and keep in touch and your opinions and questions and observations will always be welcome.



Attached please fine Adam ‘solved’ for EUR/USD (daily and weekly) for the week ended 20/01/2012.

Personal observations:

EUR/USD, in spite of a pullback this week, is still well on its way down. As I’ve noted last week: the negative correlation between the major indices and the EUR has turned positive in the last week most definitely. Problem: the major indices are ‘partying hard’ e.g. the Dow has gone up in pretty much a straight line since the beginning of this year. It will correct as will all the other major indices. When that happens: down goes the EUR along with the major indices. EUR problem: it’s going down from a far lower base. But this short trade has been missed i.e. it would have / should have been opened WEEKS ago in my opinion. Given that I was just testing: I got ‘in’ short very late in the trade. So again: this short EUR/USD Adam trade would have already made some very decent profits and you would have been getting ready to move your profitable stop on the coming downturn (on the daily time frame anyway). On the weekly time frame: you’d still be vulnerable to a loss because by my calculations and observations there has not been a projected pullback as yet so you would not have moved your stop as yet i.e. it’s gone down pretty much in a straight line.

Gold and Silver to follow.

And I’ve been looking around and another fine candidate for ‘Adam analysis’ would appear to be EUR/JPY which I think I’ll solve too either later or tomorrow ‘just for fun’.


Dale. (31.2 KB) (37.5 KB)

I love the way you’re superstitious about trading forex and stocks, Dale.
‘Feel free to download the book, but buy a hard copy, too’ … ‘IF YOU DON’T BUY THE ‘REAL’ BOOK THE MARKETS WILL PUNISH YOU FOR TAKING WITHOUT GIVING!’
Has it worked for you so far?


Like I said: you ‘crack me up’ every morning!!! LOL!!!

I really am superstitious when it comes to trading. I kid you not. Not for any good reason I don’t think.

The books???

I suppose I’m on a bit of a ‘slippery slope’ here really. I mean I have a veritable collection .PDF downloads of OTHER books that I’ve not bought and have no intention of buying either. But (and yes this is ‘lame’) I don’t USE those books for trading!!! LOL!!! I’ve READ them (like that one that you told me to download the other day I’m probably going to read today) but I don’t use them for trading. And I haven’t uploaded them for download either so in MY mind I’m not perpetuating the ‘robbing’ of the authors of the monies due to them for their hard work. How’s THAT for ‘self justification’!!! LOL!!! Nobody ever said I was ‘normal’!!! LOL!!! I have an ‘innate ability’ to ‘rationalise and justify’ ANYTHING to suit me I guess. LOL!!!

Has it worked for me so far??? Probably not but that could be BECAUSE of the books that I’ve mentioned above!!! LOL!!! Maybe Von Tharp ‘put a spell on me’!!! LOL!!!

From a LEGAL standpoint: ‘New Concepts In Technical Trading Systems’ is no longer subject to copyright (that comes direct from The Delta Society). The Adam Theory of Markets has some fancy copyright ‘lingo’ in it which makes no sense to me so on that one I’m not sure. The book by Kathy Lien and Boris Shlossberg makes no sense to me insofar as copyright is concerned. I bought (and paid for) the E-book but every system in the book is detailed ‘as is’ free on Investopedia (‘spot the sucker’). ‘Street Smarts’: gotta ‘watch it’ on that one I think. The Turtle System Rules: no problem there as that was PURPOSELY put on the Internet by either Covel or Faith (cannot remember without checking). ‘Mastering The Trade’: probably a problem too (but frankly he can go and fu*k himself to be honest i.e. I sent a very nice VERY SHORT email just to ask him a question about a certain trading platform and a certain broker and to date have never received a reply so I obviously wasn’t deemed ‘important’ enough for him to even bother with the likes of me not unless, I’m guessing, I signed up on his site for a few KAJILLION USD). On THAT score just BY THE WAY: Wilder on two occasions has actually, via his son, replied to two of my emails sent to him. That speaks VOLUMES (to me anyway) about the man. I think those are the only books hosted on my forums really. And all of those I ‘physically’ own or have paid for (or, as noted, am awaiting delivery of, as is the case with The Adam Theory of Markets). So ‘technically’: I’m in the clear. What’s the worst that could happen??? I suppose I’d get a ‘cease and desist’ order from one or two of the authors of those books.

Come to think about it: isn’t that what all this ‘hullaballoo’ is about of late (the US Government want to restrict access to sites that host content that it subject to copyright)???

Do I buy (for download) high quality CDs from the Internet. Yes. But I DO ALWAYS buy the original CDs if whatever I’ve bought (for download) (for a FRACTION of the price of the original CDs by the way) are ‘keepers’ in all fairness to me. I’d hate to think that I could be responsible for Amy-Lee (Evanescence) sitting on her kitchen floor and having her last packet of instant soup and a slice of stale bread for dinner and not knowing where her next meal is coming from!!! LOL!!! Pirating music I DO feel very strongly about but that’s only because I am (was???) a musician and music means more to me than ANYTHING. And, well, I guess, coming for a ‘small’ country, and having heard interviews with various local musicians, ‘Joe Public’ REALLY doesn’t actually ‘make the connection’. ‘Stealing’ (pirating) music REALLY is the equivalent of walking into a store and shoplifting. Every CD that is pirated here is literally ‘money out of the artists pocket’. Then again: one could also always make the case that the world over: the actual artists get a fraction of the proceeds of their music sales after all the ‘lowlife bottom feeder’ managers and promoters and record companies have taken ‘the lions share’ of the proceeds. With music though it’s PROBABLY a ‘double edged sword’. I mean: I’ve found bands on the Internet that I would not even have HEARD of had it not been for the illegal MP3s available and then gone out and bought ALL of their CDs and DVDs FOR REAL. Who knows??? Maybe it ‘balances itself out’ over time. Not sure.

OK: so maybe I’m acting ‘pious’ here with the books. I don’t know. I don’t have the answer to to be frank.

I know ONE thing though: I find it nigh IMPOSSIBLE to read and absorb ANY book on my PC (so you won’t find me dashing out to buy a Kindle or the equivalent)!!! LOL!!! I need the actual BOOK in front of me. Just you TRY to read and fully understand and code Wilder’s trading systems in ‘New Concepts In Technical Trading Systems’ doing it from your computer screen!!! LOL!!! And printing the stuff out??? It’ll cost you more in toner in most cases than it would to just buy the book!!! LOL!!!

‘Double standards’??? Probably. When it comes to Wilder: just a ‘soft spot’ I guess.

Maybe if I delete all of the OTHER .PDFs mentioned above I can ‘make’ the Dow ‘tank’ tomorrow!!! LOL!!!




Thank you for you response. I ordered the book yesterday, but will download the copy from your site today. You are correct it is better to pay the author his due even though the pdf’s are available for free most of the time.

Over the many years of my trading I have had a keen interest in the likes of Gann, Delta, Murrey Math which is a version of Gann & the Adam Theory, but could never really get my mind around any of the concepts, but I do use Murrey Math in my trading. In each of these mentioned there is if nothing else at least a small nugget of wisdom, but it is the discovery of that wisdom that eludes most of us. I enjoyed the challenge of investigating each of these over the years, but finding those small nuggets has eluded me for the most part. Over the next days & weeks I will try & dig in to Adam & see what I can discover that I might share with you & everyone. Will also sign on to your site.

Althought I am not a big fan of the traditional indicators, an indicator to plot Adam Theory would no doubt be of great benefit. Have you had time to research the developement of one? There are many talented coders out there that I am sure once you have the details ironed out, they would be willing to code it.

I look forward to your updates for EUR/USD for the coming week. Creating a seperate thread for Adam Theory on your site or this one might be a good idea.

Thanks again for sharing your knowledge of Adam Theory as it is getting most interesting.

Hey Dale. Bought myself ‘new concepts’ for Christmas. Some lady on amazon dug up a brand new hardback copy fresh from 1978! :slight_smile:

Haha, the thing is awesome. So much graph paper on the cover and 1970s talk of HP handheld calculators I’m going to love it. Much better than PDF. The real, slightly faded paper deal.

Anyway, seriously, thanks for pointing us all to the source. I feel like I now own the Gutenberg bible.

Hello Dale,

From the Daily EUR/USD chart it appears more downside can be expected in the next 16 days or there about. Is that correct, or am I reading the chart analysis incorrectly? I am speaking of your latest chart posted. Thanks for your explanation.

Well: when Amazon runs out I know for a fact they’ve got a fair stockpile at The Delta Society!!! LOL!!!

Actually (and not boasting here but noting it because I’m very proud of it and covet it): I was GIVEN ‘The Delta Phenomenon’ by The Delta Society as a gift. It just arrived one day in the post. I was overwhelmed. I thought that was JOLLY nice of them. Then again: it COULD POSSIBLY be that sales of ‘New Concepts In Technical Trading Systems’ starting ‘trending up’ (no pun intended) since I bought it and started trading and posting!!! LOL!!! But as they say: ‘it is the thought that counts’!!!

On a serious note though: you’re talking about graph paper and calculators and I HONESTLY believe that is ONE of the reasons why Wilder’s work is still just as relevant today as it was back then. When I started out I bought ‘New Concepts In Technical Trading Systems’ as well as ALL THREE of Bill William’s books (basically the second and third ones are just a ‘rehash’ of the first one really and not to mention when I had a query I got a basic ‘fu*k you’ answer from his daughter who coauthored the last book but that’s another story altogether). The DIFFERENCE, I believe, is that Wilder ‘did his painstaking homework’ whereas Bill Williams’ trading system (as noted: no matter that each book has a different title it’s really the same trading system i.e. ‘Trading Chaos’ or ‘The Profitunity Trading System’) was optimised using a ‘super computer’ (his words) (back in those days I can only assume it was a mainframe or something like that) in much the same way as any idiot today could optimise an EA using something as basic as MetaTrader’s Strategy Tester. I’d like for Bill Williams to run those same tests, using the same computer (if it’s still working), using today’s data, and see what the end results would be (although I already know what they’d be). I think there’d be a fair bit of ‘tweaking’ done after such an experiment!!! LOL!!! BUT WAIT!!! ALMOST FORGOT!!! ‘We don’t trade that way anymore’ is also what I was told by his daughter who then in her turn gave me a link to a ‘Home Study Course FROM $3 000 (or whatever it was)’ on their website!!! LOL!!! See: all she had to do was answer my question and none of these posts would be ‘floating around’ (this has been mentioned from time to time over the years needless to say)!!! LOL!!! It’s called ‘PUBLIC RELATIONS’ lady!!!

Regarding the ‘buying of the books’: maybe everyone needs to cancel their orders!!! LOL!!! I only found this today (posted here mainly to appeal to Oliver1968’s sense of humour):

What’s the controversial site all about? -

Basically it would appear that it doesn’t matter WHAT my ‘justifications’ or ‘appeals’ or ‘disclaimers’ are: they’re not going to count for much if the FBI decides to come after ‘lil ol me’ and my forums!!! LOL!!! Then again: that would make me an ‘instant celeb’ (or is it the CIA that’s more important and carries more weight and status)??? LOL!!!

I’ll tell you what though: I think we’re all in the wrong business and wasting our time!!! Just LOOK at the figures that these guys have made from WHAT??? Providing a bit of hardware and software and the content simply comes from the users. What are we THINKING!!! LOL!!!

Alright and only joking: PAY FOR WILDER’S STUFF AT LEAST!!! At least ‘he worked hard for his money’. LOL!!!



Right. Back from the land of dreams (sorry: private joke)!!! LOL!!!

Thanks for posting again. I appreciate your interest in this.

I have not had any experience with Gann whatsoever so I cannot comment. Murrey Math: I have a Murrey Math indicator that I got from somewhere but have never been able to make sense of it to be honest. The Delta Phenomenon: as I noted I spent SOME time on it but not enough to warrant my making any judgement. I know from the little bit of time that I DID spend on it: sometimes it was ‘uncanny’ how ‘correct’ or ‘accurate’ it was while other times I found there was far too much room for ‘personal interpretation’ or ‘personal judgement’ (something which I’m not very good at and has always only ‘led to tears’ in my case)!!! LOL!!! I need a very rigid and defined set of parameters with which to trade and be profitable and that’s why Wilder’s trading systems in ‘New Concepts In Technical Trading Systems’ work for me (mainly, almost exclusively, his Swing Index System). So that’s a little ‘about me’.

Now don’t you for ONE MINUTE go thinking that I’m ‘THE Adam EXPERT’!!! LOL!!! As I noted previously: it was the OTHER stuff in the book that ‘jumped out at me off of the screen’ and ‘spoke to me’. Not (at first) Adam Theory. Just Wilder’s ‘pure’ logic and his way of explaining things ‘does it for me’. In ‘New Concepts In Technical Trading Systems’ Wilder didn’t spend any time on ‘trader psychology’ or ‘trader logic’ i.e. in ‘New Concepts In Technical Trading Systems’ it’s just ‘bang’!!! ‘Here are the trading systems, here are the formulae, JUST TRADE’. That’s what appealed to me so much about it in the first place. No ‘mumbo jumbo’. But in ‘The Adam Theory of Markets’ he sort of ‘opens up’ a bit and, well, as I’ve noted, if any trader can consistently follow his ‘rules’ and take heed of his ‘advice’ and understand and agree with his ‘logic’, then I don’t see how ON EARTH ANYONE can fail (or at very least I don’t see how ANYONE can wipe out an account)!!! Alright his ‘never lose more than 10% of your account in a single day’ may be questionable but then: HE was in a position and had the necessary knowledge and experience to be able to take those types of risks because he ‘knew’ his trading systems (as a matter of fact in ‘New Concepts In Technical Trading Systems’ he says to never MARGIN more than 60% of your account at any one time but, as I’ve noted on my forums, what he OMITTED to mention is that he was trading WITHOUT LEVERAGE)!!! LOL!!! BIG difference there (and I found THAT out the hard and costly way OF COURSE)!!! LOL!!!

My ‘take’ on Adam Theory and The Delta Phenomenon:

The Delta Phenomenon has a ‘prediction element’ to it. I don’t believe the same to be true of Adam Theory. As is noted in the book (and as somebody pointed out earlier on in this thread): Adam is about the ‘NOW’ moment. What are the markets doing ‘NOW’. As I’ve also noted a few times: MANY times have I sat on the sidelines watching a trend ‘trend to Jupiter’ because I thought ‘well: it’s GOT to reverse at SOME point so I’ll wait for the reversal’. Most times: the reversal has been nothing more than a correction that’s lasted only a few days. And I call myself a trend trader??? No. If NOTHING else ‘The Adam Theory of Markets’ has gotten me out of THAT mindset.

From ‘solving’ Adam weekly: I believe Adam is, in its own way, is teaching you or aiding you to trade breakouts of previous significant levels, except with, once again, a rigid set of rules and parameters. That’s my personal opinion anyway. Adam is not ‘predicting’ where markets SHOULD or WILL go (although it is very easy to fall into that mindset or trap as I myself have done and I constantly have to remind myself that this is NOT the case). You’ll see when I’ve uploaded the Gold, Silver, and EUR/JPY Adam charts a bit later on tonight (unfortunately Jessica is not here to wash the dishes and feed my dogs and me and clean the kitchen) (LOL!!!) what I mean. Gold, for example, has moved up this past week, so the previous ‘Adam bottom’ price is now higher. In other words: Adam could, for all I know, get you long on Gold at $2 000!!! But that’s exactly the point of the book and the point that he makes. Who would THINK to buy Gold at THAT level. ‘It’s too high’!!! How many times have I said THAT to MYSELF??? When the Dow was trading at 6 000 for example??? Or when Gold was at $900??? The whole ‘point’ of Adam, the way I see it, is that NOTHING is EVER TOO HIGH TO BUY or TOO LOW TO SELL and that’s a mindset that’s difficult to get out of. All we’re (I’m) waiting for is for Adam to indicate that a POSSIBLE pullback in Gold has a high PROBABILITY of NOT going below my entry price. And, well, if Adam is wrong, then of course, THE MOST IMPORTANT RULE OF TRADING ‘comes into play’ i.e. RISK MANAGEMENT!!!

In ‘solving’ Adam: at this point in time I actually don’t see the point of ‘solving’ Adam for the daily charts to be honest. Because there is no Adam indicator: I’m ‘solving’ the daily charts ‘late’ and ‘away’ from the ‘NOW’ moment. So I think for NOW: I’m just going to bother with the weekly charts only. I’ve put some ‘hints’ out for somebody to code an Adam indicator but ‘no takers’. And unfortunately I know that my beloved trading platform does not allow one to plot ‘future bars’ as does (can you believe it) MetaTrader!!! Now THERE’S a thing for you!!! LOL!!! My problem is that I just have too many things to do to ‘solve’ Adam on a daily basis at midnight every night. It’s just impractical and just ain’t gonna happen (let ALONE trying to ‘solve’ Adam on the 1-hour time frame because that would interfere with everything INCLUDING my Swing Index System trades). And, well, to be honest, I believe that Adam is for LLL-OOO-NNN-GGG term ‘little or no maintenance’ trades. Sort of ‘set and forget’. I COULD be wrong (and probably am) but until we have some indicator ‘solving’ Adam all by itself we’re never going to know really. MY problem is that although I managed to ‘busk’ my way through writing the indicator(s) for the Swing Index System: I don’t know MetaTrader well enough and just have not had the time to REALLY sit down with it and see what I can do in MQL4. And then there is ALSO the POTENTIAL problem (and of this I cannot be sure) of HOW FAR ‘into the future’ can one ‘plot’ bars on a MetaTrader Chart??? I don’t believe that seven or eight days (bars) is enough (of course I stand corrected here) but I THINK that there is INDEED a limit as to how far ‘into the future’ you can draw objects. So doing it manually (as I’m doing it now) or POSSIBLY actually WRITING software to ‘solve’ Adam (THAT I CAN do) may be the solution. But of course: that’s not going to happen overnight. So if anybody has any suggestions: I’m ‘all ears’!!! LOL!!!

But anyway: the point is that I probably know as much (or as little) as YOU know about Adam Theory right now. So don’t go ‘betting the farm’ on any of my analysis. Yes: thus far it’s performed ‘impeccably’ on EUR/USD BUT just take a look at the daily and weekly charts of EUR/USD!!! It’s been trending down for a LONG time and ALMOST in a straight line too. Wilder’s Swing Index System would have gotten me in short EUR/USD WAY before Adam Theory. The only DIFFERENCE being that I would have been whipsawed a few times on the way down (I know of at least two occasions on the daily charts and there’s probably more if I look carefully) whereas with Adam, although the short entry would have been later, to date there would not have been one single whipsaw. And that makes a BIG difference!!! A 2% (or 5% or ANY%) is STILL a loss EVEN IF you make it back on the next trade (and then some).

So: time will tell. I doubt that Adam Theory is going to ‘take off like wildfire’ because (at least until we have an indicator) there are VERY few people around here that are going to be prepared to wait for WEEKS for a trade. But then just think how much money WOULD have been made, using Adam Theory, after waiting for WEEKS, trading Gold for example, and adding to your position at certain points as indicated by Adam using Wilder’s method of adding to positions, while at NO time EVER showing a loss on the trade??? That’s when ‘hindsight’ can be VERY VERY ‘painful’!!! LOL!!!

So far as starting a thread for Adam??? Well THIS IS IT!!! LOL!!! I’m not going to start another one HERE and there is already one of my forums although it’s not active as noted. Let’s just get to some entry points and some trades and then we can ‘mosey on over’ to my forums with this. As I noted: I sure ain’t going to try this as yet unproven, not back tested, theory, on an instruments that have an average daily range of 300 - 500 points at 1 EURO per point movement!!! LOL!!!



Hehe, give it a few months; this time the US Government has bitten off more than it can chew, bribed (as usual) by big business, Hollywood this time.
The bill will be presented soon enough:

We are Anonymous. We are Legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us.

Actually MegaUpload owned and worked 1,500 servers in HK, the US and the NL; that represents an investment of quite a few million dollars. Also, managing such an amount of bandwidth (averaging 50 million visitors a day) is no mean feat.
Those guys were just too infantile to keep a slightly lower profile … look at the vanity plates of the seized cars: MAFIA, GOD, GUILTY, POLICE and so on. That’s plain dumb, and asking for it. Well, they’ll surely get some now, hehe.
Dumb to place the servers in those countries, and even dumber to take residence in New Zealand, a country which works as closely together with US law enforcement as no other.


Actually you’re right. My mistake. My bad. It was ‘The Pirate Bay’ that was (is) just a few individuals and servers:

SOPA’s main piracy target: The Pirate Bay - Jan. 20, 2012

I got confused between the two articles.

Sorry about that.




Thank you for that great reply. Since this morning I have been searching for & located an indicator that just might be what you are looking for to plot Adam Theory, but it is for Metatrader 4 charts. Since I have little to no knowledge of how Adam is calculated I am not sure it will do the job, but it is plotting forward on the chart 14 candles from the 5M up to the Monthly time frames. I see no way to backtest this for accuracy, but if you are interested & use MT4 charts I will send you the site to download from. It looks good, but looking good is no good if it want work. Let me know what you want to do.


Well that’s great. Post the link here. You’ll probably not be able to post the ACTUAL link because you don’t have enough posts so you’ll have to be ‘creative’. Alternatively you can post the link on my forums (there’s no ‘minimum posting rules’ over there) and I’ll put the link here or attach the indicator to this post after checking it out. OR you could even email me (my email address, well one of them at least, is on my forums too i.e. because you don’t have enough posts here you cannot even email me or PM me either and visa versa). Just create a thread over there in the ‘General Discussion’ forums and I’ll pick it up from there??? Or as I said: just email me the indicator (probably the simplest way really).

I DO have an Adam indicator for MetaTrader 4 but it doesn’t work (well it CERTAINLY doesn’t produce the same second reflection charts THAT is FOR SURE so I hope it’s not the same one but let’s see i.e. maybe we’re ‘in luck’)!!! LOL!!!



Hehe, yah … another bunch of dumb people: why pick a name like that? It’s asking for trouble.

The article is inaccurate though; the main issue about SOPA/PIPA isn’t piracy, and luckily both Acts are being reviewed by the respective Houses.
SOPA/PIPA would have given the US Government authority to prohibit any US citizen to visit websites whose servers are not hosted in the US … while at the same time bit_ching at China for attempting to censor internet content.
Imagine the South African Government allowing you access to South African websites only … what would you do?

It is high time to terminate the US Government’s fascist interference with their citizens’ (and worse, with people of other countries’) rights.
Forex retail trading is a perfect example: not only does the CFTC unnecessarily nanny their own people, they take the issue to another level by bullying other nations into not accepting US citizens who want to escape their dumb regulations as customers.
This has to be stopped.

lol, this rant of mine reminds me of what I’ve read in a forum dealing with the MegaUpload issue: somebody asked ‘[I]Can’t Americans just go and live on another planet or something?[/I]’. :smiley:
This would solve many issues all at once, including climate problems.


NOW who is having a bad day??? LOL!!!

And if the South African Government did that: well then I’d move to the USA or Bulgaria!!! LOL!!!




Go over to ForexFactory & look under trader RickWoo716’s profile & you will find the indicator. It is titled Future Candles.
Maybe this is a different one form the one you have & it is a base to build from.

Haha, nah, not a bad day, Dale.
It’s just that some things really get me going, chiefly hypocrisy and meddling with people’s right to make free decisions, be they smart or dumb ones.



Sorry: that’s the same one that I have that somebody sent to me a while ago. I’ve had a look at the code but as I noted I’m slightly MetaTrader 4 MQL4 ‘challenged’ as it were. Well: I managed to code something as complex as the Swing Index System but that’s because it’s pure math and doesn’t involve the drawing or moving of objects (or the drawing or moving of objects ‘into the future’).

I AM thinking that it may JUST be possible in Delta Trading. I need to ‘play’ a bit to see.

But as you’ve just found out too: always check these indicators that appear all over the Internet and never accept that they’re correct. There’s a fine example on my forums (the Relative Volatility Index). The member had the ‘correct’ version in one platform and the MetaTrader 4 version that he found somewhere doesn’t even remotely resemble the ‘real deal’ (mainly because one of the MetaTrader MQL4 built-in functions doesn’t function as one would expect not to mention that the wrong prices are being used). The point is: if a trader did not know what the ‘correct’ version of the indicator is supposed to look like and how it works they wouldn’t have known any better, followed the signals of the indicator as specified by the original developer, and in all probability would have lost money ‘hand over foot’.

Trust NOTHING in this business!!! LOL!!!



Yeh well: you know how I feel about the CFTC, NFA, SEC, Dodd-Frank, (anybody I’ve left out that you can think of)??? LOL!!!

But I know how YOU feel too i.e. I feel the same when I’m asked ‘which broker is best?’!!! LOL!!!

BUT, it is with great regret that I have to announce that, my ‘solved’ Adam charts for Gold, Silver, and EUR/JPY are going to have to wait until the morning. It’s almost midnight here now and my eyes are ‘seeing things’ that aren’t there!!! LOL!!!

But don’t anybody go worrying i.e. I assure you of ONE thing and that is that Adam Theory is not exactly ‘time critical’ (not on the daily or weekly time frames anyway). LOL!!!

