The Cowabunga System


Short USD/CHF.

Edit: Stoploss hit at -21.

Short GBP/USD.

Nice jobs:D
How do you catch all these early cowabunga signals, are you permanently glued to your computer or you have an indicator/alert that gives these signals on all pairsā€¦ can you share?

ā€¦no alerts, just constant screening every 15mins. Iā€™m in uncharted (forgive the pun) territory on anything other than cable for Cowa, so once i stop forward testing, I might be scaling back to the original.

You could use alertfx to warn you of the ma cross by sms to your phone

If you have to be constantly screening every 15mins then you would have sold your whole time to forexā€¦ though its worth it cos you can make a good living out of it. Hope you can continue with your postings cos its been a helpful signal:)
Good posts

ā€¦yeah, lots of work upfront on a forward test period usually pays off. I wonā€™t be trading all pairs after the forward testā€¦will just pick and choose the ripest to squeeze pips from. :slight_smile:

As for this morning (iā€™m UK based), cable looks like itā€™s beginning to shape up for more reliable long cowas. Current watchlist also includes E/U, E/J, G/J, N/U, A/U and A/Jā€¦these are nearing ā€˜valueā€™ areas as per ā€˜3 Ducksā€™ā€¦great thread that one.

Good trading today.

Thanks menā€¦ I have already subscribed to thier email signals cos my mobile phone service provider does not support this service. Alertfx doesnt provide signal for my favourite pair GBP/JPY so i use EUR/JPY insteadā€¦ but I will really appreciate it if there is anyone who can configure yahoo/Gmail/hotmail to give incoming mail audio alert or better still audio indicator for cowabunga setup. Clue to audio alert can be gotten from this forum:
Buy and sell signal - Forex Trading | MetaTrader Indicators and Expert Advisors

Happy trading:)

I have been trading GBP/JPY mechanically with the cowabunga system and it has been worth while so farā€¦ you may check out my daily updates on this thread:
If you have your mind made up we could trade GBP/JPY together cos I trade during the European and US period (Nigerian based: GMT+1)
Thanks I know the ā€˜3 Ducksā€™ system helps you trade cowabunga perfectly.
Happy trading

While iā€™m around (iā€™m not a full-time trader yet), it would certainly be useful to look at GBP/JPY together using cowabunga - iā€™d like to see some live calls from you on that one, as i havenā€™t got a complete handle on your entry/exit logic, from your thread.

Iā€™m long A/U from 0.8793 (sorry, didnā€™t have time to post that one). In fact a whole raft of long signals about to land by the look of itā€¦1 more minute to wait :)ā€¦long GBP/JPY nowā€¦

ā€¦hereā€™s my GBP/JPY entry. Have you taken this tegasite?

Basically I use cowabunga principle for my entry/exit but on some occassions I employ the use of trendlines/pivot/resistance and support lines. If you take a look at the 4H chart you will see where I had my trendlines drawn (I look for cowbunga setup to long/short at the support/resistance of the trendline respectively). I take entry/exit signals from 15mins chart cos I am an intra-day trader.
If I take a long position on the 15mins chart, I maintain that position as long as the 14RSI remains above 50ā€¦though it may drop below 50 a bit but you dont get carried away as long as stoch is in oversold region.
I take my exit position most times using cowabunga setup while studing to observe very strong resistance and support lines.:cool::cool:
I hope you get this:D
Try to assimilate this for now

Thanks men but I dont trade any system on its ownā€¦ I always use other confirmatory signals:D
I am afraid to long now cos the stock in 4H is in over bought region and I want the price to close above the resistance line on my 4H trend line:eek:
Not a doubting Thomas but have to be doubly sure:)

Thanks for sharing how you trade this - very useful. I keep an eye on 4hr oscillators and use them to guage how much i play with, rather than whether the tradeā€™s ā€˜onā€™ or ā€˜offā€™ - too many times iā€™ve seen os/ob oscillators at extremes for long periods of time (especially on the 4hr) and price has continued to trend stronglyā€¦as always, itā€™s horses for courses depending on risk appetite.

First target hit on the GBP/JPY and at b/e on rest and will lock more in on RSI 50 tests.

Thanks again.


Iā€™d be interested in trading with you. Iā€™m in GMT+3 territory. You can contact me at 8toenails at gmail dot com if you want to set something up.


Its my pleasure:) If you stick to this thread and the thread where I place my daily trade : 301 Moved Permanently

You will not have problems with trading the GBP/JPY using the cowabunga systemā€¦ :rolleyes: stay tuned.

Hope your eyes are still glued to the 14 RSI on the 15M chartā€¦ and see the power of the RSI that elude so many traders:cool:

If you had entered at 232.55 (cowabunga + 3 duck setup)then you would have confortably be sitting on the trade without hasslesā€¦thats wat I enjoy doing while trading this pair:p with minimum risk.
Happy trading.

Nice short trade earlier.

(first attempt at thumbnail so if it doesnā€™t workā€¦sorry!)

Nice job cabletrader:eek: But with your name you should just stick to trading the cableā€¦ dont you think;) Nice job men.
Please I will like to know the procedue for attaching thumbnail