The Cult Leader of Babypips

It kinda gets boring now, we’ve seen it all before… :24:


Let’s go back to March of 2010……

……On second thought let’s not. Let me just say this, some of the skeptics have good reasons and are completely justified in their caution. I believe in redemption and second chances, but I’m still a guarded skeptic of ICT, most likely will always be. Having said that, I’ll be watching come Jan, 2013.

Okay - now I am puzzled,

I think I know what a sock puppet is ( have done them many times with my grandkids, have loved Sesame Street and still do) but cannot understand the context in trading.

Second problem, many people post here because they really feel that somehow their post(s) can contribute to others’ learning or understanding, even if the post is argumentative it often stimulates thought or learning, I cannot understand the need to post simply to be negative.

I really appreciate the thrust of Babypips - it’s entire feel is one of positiveness - it’s what has attracted me to the site - it has the feel of community - yes, it has to pay, but if it did’nt it would’nt be here, so Thank You Babypips.

I’m not coming down on you Thalia ( a beautiful name, with much meaning) but I really sense that you have a lot to offer this community.

BTW still trying to suss the flag - but I will - geography is one of my specialities.

fat birds don’t fly

they chirp
they flap

but…they just don’t fly
have fun!

a beautiful name & an equally beautiful town.
windy, moody, sometimes a little lost in itself, but rich in character.
alive, yet dead.

the flag flies over Thalia & Thalia loves it’s flag :wink:

The next post says it all - just like a bee.

d-pip I have you slated much like mastergunner as you were original member of the anti-ICT group from go… I will spoon feed you crow in 2013… and when I stomp every expectation anyone might hold… I still won’t expect you to come around to seeing reason. I will have paid off MyFxBook or some use of a time space continium device allowing me not to have Traded profitably but rather time travel to avoid the obvious. The ones who can’t deal with me… will always find a reason or nit pick to justify their views against me. Please know that I smile and chuckle when I read these posts. I know what it’s like to be like you… I just developed beyond that poisonous thinking. Stock up on Chapstick and lip balm fellas…

I am so looking forward to mid January… :57:

Now I’m guessing - but I think possibly Texas - hope I’m right, know I’m right, never been there but maybe some day, never dead as long as it has sons and daughters :slight_smile:

I will politely explain why I’m a guarded skeptic. Back in 2010 as they were shutting off the lights and locking the doors on your first thread I was one of the last to leave. I was sitting in the front row of that thread from your first post to the last. And again, I’ll just politely say I’m still an ICT skeptic. Not because of your trading skills, but because of your behavior on that thread back in 2010. Try to fool me once, I become a skeptic. That’s all, don’t think we need to go into details, or do we? :56:

I’ve already posted my faith in Michael showing us all what he’s made of, but is it wrong to be properly looking forward to January 2013? It’s the kind of anticipation I have waiting for my favourite tv show to start a new series. Oh the excitement…yeah, I probably need to get out more.

I’ll need to get up-to-date with the ins & outs of MyFXBook as I’m not familiar with it at all but I WILL be following the progress.

In my opinion, there’s nothing left to be said now, we just need action & come January & the following months, one group is going to be proved wrong (I just hope it’s not us supporters - don’t let us down Michael). Good luck ICT, happy trading everyone & I’ll leave you negative folk with a phrase I was taught, “Don’t make yourself look good by making others look bad, make yourself look good by simply being better”.

NOTE: If anyone plans on stealing that quote, please make sure that you credit my mother :stuck_out_tongue:

Love your Quote baz…

I may add to that Quote… “If you can’t say something nice, don’t say nothing at all.”

Good quote, another one from the golfing fraternity:

‘One shot will not make the tournament, but one shot can lose it’

Your records or perspective is slanted… it’s been well worn out on the forums the facts… but if you have a new revelation or otherwise… share it. Politely or not… this storyline is NOT killing me softly.


Wait… What?

I was part of some original anti-ICT group from 2010?

News to me. I don’t even recall posting in any thread of yours that was shut down. So any talk of what you do or how you were is nothing of my recollection.

My understanding of you came to light in the chat room in early 2012.

No the comment is aimed at d-pip another poster… and I am saying you both are not convinced, so I grouped you two together as my 2013 Shock & Awe targets lol

No, he showed up in 2010, take a look at this post, then flip back and read a few from “FromPipsToRiches”. :17:

After “FromPipsToRiches” got busted ICT deleted a lot of his original posts. It was good useful info and clint was able to save a lot of the best stuff.

But… maybe my records or perspective is slanted so take a look for yourself. :wink:

Take note of the structure of my threads and you will see where I was taking that original thread… all of the links in the first post. I wasn’t able to complete the work as it was locked by Babypips. That account wasn’t created by me… and that has been disclosed numerous places as well. The point is what here d-pip? I can delete posts and this makes me shady? lol

If this is all you got… save it. :wink:

They see through my revolutionary approach to Sales:

Spend over three years in the pitch.
State from Day 1 there is never going to be a Price tag attached to it.
Make no promises to Signal Services and speak against it as a whole.
Give thousands of hours in personal time teaching something for Free to request money for once its revealed.

Isn’t it obvious… I am a new age salesman! :35:

The point is only this, some of the skeptics, especially some of us that were in 2010, might have good reasons and are completely justified in their caution. And again I’ll say I believe in redemption and second chances, but I’m still a guarded skeptic of you, most likely always will. And once again, not because of your trading skills, but because of your 2010 behavior.

“Piphanger raises hand to grab teachers attention”

Can we go back to learning something useful? I’m sitting back here trying to learn something but your taking all your time and energy on the bullies of the classroom…