The Cult Leader of Babypips

You wouldnt ask a homeless man how to make money, now would you?

A mentor is someone who trains someone, usually in a very specific field… The behavior of the trainee is only affected in the field of learning, and the mentor controls what is being taught.

A role model is someone the student holds in high enough esteem to try and emulate. It’s much more encompassing and behaviors that are changed are not limited to the field of interest. The role model doesn’t control the process, the student does, and it can get to the point where it is obsessive.

Clear difference… If you need a mentor cool! If you need to emulate characteristics of someone on an online forum that are beyond trading… circles finger around ear while rolling eyes

Cant we have 1 dang week, were we all can have fun, feed off each others enthusiasm, and make some freakin money?

This is a forum to gather angles, compare results, and weed out what works, and what doesnt…

It always seems there are people here with other agendas, and have get a thrill to sidetracking traders and causing frustration in a freaking HELPING FORUM…

Its ridiculousness,

It should be obvious by the threads title this thread had nothing to do with making money, entirely your choice to open it, read and respond.

Shaun, this is exacly what i said in my post, I dont have mentor, as I DONT follow any specific persons trading traits or direction… But I look up to Trump, because I like where he is, what he has, and what he has done… But I cant feasibly interact with him on a personal level, but I can try to EMULTE his footsteps in what he has accomplished…

I dont know what ICT does, or saying in this threads, Im not in his circle, or " Cult", LOL…

I think what this thread basicly boils down to, is where has ICT been? How big is his account, what is his Assets. This is a " Flash Mob the guy Helping" thread… And I personally think its BS… Especially when the dude is doing it for free…

Be careful with your words…Your mom and pop might be watching…

I don’t want to be being personal but would you consider your parents as your first “role model”?..
You don’t have to answer that question…be a good boy :slight_smile:

From a baby to a teenager … modifying your own behavior to emulate someone you hold in high esteem is entirely normal… Once you reach adulthood you should have the self direction and common sense to make your own way.

Again, nothing weird about being taught specifically trading related material by someone on the Internet, having an online role model is something else entirely. Akeakami said “role model” wasn’t the word choice he meant… Maybe the others who were using it are confusing it with “mentor” as well.

A parent would be a role model… If you want to compare ICT on that same level then maybe you should be careful about your mom and pop watching because i am not sure they will be thrilled with that comparison lol…

We can freely pick and choose the word that we say. We are free to say what’s on our mind and our opinion. We can agree or disagree one another. … But as long we as we respect each other and learn from… its fine…

Well that didn’t take long now did it? “Banned”

Listen folks… I am open to skeptics but if you want to be taken serious be respectful and honest. I am a big boy… I can take the doubting and I actually enjoy bringing those who doubt to believers.


Last edited by Pipzilla; Today at 12:29 PM. Reason: [B]Sockpuppeting [/B]

                                              how ironic is that! LOL ;)

ha ha ha,
i bet he wouldn’t have gotten banned if his “click-a-bility” potential was top quartile though hey? :wink:

talk about double standards lol

Just all the more reason to not put such stock into the Internet. You really don’t know the people you’re dealing with.

I used to be in a group of online poker players. We had a forum, we taught new folks the ropes, we watched the successes and the failures we all had.

However, there was a unique element. We were all transparent. We had to be. Our records and stats were automatically tracked by third party sites. We knew who was real and who wasn’t.

And we met in person twice a year. Vegas each time to play in person against each other and to drain the pockets of tourists.

Good times.

As a result of such trust, an inherent lack of trust developed within me when people made claims on the Internet that couldn’t be otherwise verified.

And frankly its for good cause. There’s a lot of bs on babypips and other similar sites. People can essentially be whoever they want to be.

Most just want to brag of wins and never speak of loses. Everyone wants to turn pro overnight. It’s insanity really because it’s all covered under the veil of anonymity.

So no, I don’t believe ICT to be a millionaire outside of a home and property, nor do I believe he accumulated five million dollars in any account he owned and controlled. I think he pigeon holed himself in a role when his Internet persona got the best of him.

I don’t doubt his education. I’m sure there’s plenty there to learn more from, and I as well at some point read some of it. For me, too complex, but that’s just my style.

I welcome him to start his level of accountability because frankly its long overdue. He’s taken on for himself a certain measure of responsibility that we all should follow to some regards.

Heck, I’m half considering doing the same. And all of you should as well.

you most certainly don’t, & it makes it even harder when they’re running around massaging & bumping their own threads by talking to themselves via multiple id’s.

if these “moral high ground/rules obsessed” site management bods treated everyone fairly & justly, ShaunFenn would still be posting on this thread, but we all know they’re only interested in keeping the people sweet who attract the volume in order to click through their advertizing banners.

either that or he would now be rubbing shoulders with the other deceitful sockpuppets at the bottom of the exit bin wouldn’t he Mr Huddleston!

what’s the betting this thread gets closed pretty soon & certain posts get “cleaned” :slight_smile:
i bet the report post button is red hottttttt

Leaves a bitter taste in the back of your mouth doesn’t it. :56:

Firstly, you may call me ICT or Michael… I actually prefer Michael.

Secondly, take a good look around here… and I mean AROUND the forums. I am everywhere… I get flamed by haters and praised by friends and those who like my work. This is not my first rodeo bub… I created this type of buzz in AOL, Mirc and a few other lesser known messageboards of my nearly 20 years of online activity. Now think for minute… if I was sock puppeting or did in the past… why would I openly post it when at the time it was a warning? I wasn’t “popular” then? I was honest… and I felt victimized. I have had my name and identity stolen before in other arenas and it was meant to hurt my then paid services… I no longer charge and yet it continues.

Why? I polarize folks… either you love me or hate me… there is no luke warmers. lol

Now, having said that… I knew before I built these threads of mine that they would sizzle and draw a crowd… it’s not the first time. I knew and told folks in the chat rooms in 2010 they’d be the highest viewed threads… and they rule in that regard… despite your likes or dislikes on content. How on Earth can I create that many “Socks” to bump a thread? This one takes the cake! I get stretched beyond Super Human many times on here… but I am not that pressed to see record setting thread views.

I’ve seen folks replicate my name in chat for Tomfoolery and it’s expected I guess. I am the most known face on here and those who want to poke fun or take a shot… most likely will… and at me. It’s fun when it’s in play, but when it’s meant to present false or misleading information or representations… I take offense to that. I don’t claim to be anymore than I state… and yes I believe that makes others in here feel inferior… and buddy that’s on those folks. I didn’t come on here to make others feel less of themselves… but rather I had hopes of helping others on the contrary.

Jealousy is a bitter thing and it far easier to call someone a liar when it flies against the “normal”. After all who spends this much time and energy doing this sort of thing for free? I haven’t seen anyone before me. That is my legacy… and I raised the standard… there is no “double standard”… rather a Higher Standard. If I lead others to lead more giving lifestyles and they never make a penny trading… wonderful. If I am a role model in that regard… Praise God! If I am seen as a Trading Coach… wonderful. Just know this… in 2013… I will be known for a lot more than those titles and personas.

Five million is not a lot of money and while I can relate to those who can’t see it like that… I assure you… it’s not impossible and it won’t be impossible to showcase its building real time. I hope more skeptics come forward… respectfully I might add… and those same skeptics can believe what is possile with time, effort and above all patience. Mastergunner… you have stated in a few places you feel I “painted myself into a corner” and I have to put my ego on the line to save face or something to that effect. Please let me remove any doubt on that topic… I had every intention of doing this very thing long before March 2010 bub. I wanted to warm you all up… get a few faces watching… then blow the roof off Forex Trading Records and those who can’t hold a candle to real traders… yup… I am talking about me running not only one million but MILLIONS.

You folks have no idea how little I trade and how much it brings in. You will see how much live and I am using what everyone on here suggested. I didn’t know about MyFxBook… I do now. I will trade through a well known broker Oanda and you will see me open the account, fund it and trade it… so please have a huge dose of doubt… I aim to shatter it.

Mastergunner… I am glad you posted that unbelief… if you don’t mind me saying… it will be my utmost pleasure in serving you more than enough to believe on. I will be calling you out in the coming months sir… I do so look forward to a retraction. :wink:

Hate on haters… :57:

That little rant ought to earn you a few love hearts at the bottom of the essay Mr Huddleston.

Fact is, one sockpuppet get banned & the other sockpuppet doesn’t.
Once a sockpuppet always a sockpuppet :slight_smile:

Okay… clearly you are winning by experience here. Have fun… :57:

What is this kinder garden? This thread has turned into a pathetic attack by a small group of immature FRUSTRATED narrow minded people. Michael, I wouldn’t waste any more time replying … I’m out of this thread but would like to ask all those sceptics: if you have watched Michael’s videos, have you learnt something new? if you haven’t then MOVE ALONG!

ICT - can you pop into chat room for a minute?

ah shoot nevermind I cannot get in! - - -I was just going to tell you to quit wasting your time in this thread - unless of course you’re having fun with it.