The Cult Leader of Babypips

I think it’s time for one of those Sunday talks on Chat Room, where you give out possible trade ideas…then we watch them unfold in front of our faces…:51:

Here are my answers to your five questions. #1 I did #2 I do #3 I don’t #4 to help new traders #5 to help new traders.

I bet you’re surprised?

Sorry The Walking Dead Is On


My oh my. Drama?

I don’t really know specifically what to say. So here’s what is coming out of my head regarding all this :

1-5 million isn’t a lot. Sounds like I am arrogant with this statement, so let me explain.

I am understanding from the POV of certain traders + poker players I know personally. Obviously I am way behind them, but when I tell them my personal financial targets (1 million in 1 to 2 years), they assured me that its very doable + they had done it before and a lot more + there’s ‘no need to worry too much’.

So with this, I really wonder whats the big fuss about this thread, that ICT has to prove himself to others somehow? There are other much bigger traders out there who are making more than 5 million, say, 20 million or even 200 million. e.g. Ray Barros. Or traders with way higher percentage returns e.g. Mark Cook.

Come on. IMO I think all of us can do better than that.

2-I did take some time to check a good number of ICT’s work out. Its good, the trade logic looks sound. I’ve learned a lot too. However I do have a little problem with it, at least in my perspective, since I am a programmer + system based trader.

Has anyone done some ‘translation’ + backtesting / fronttesting regarding at least 1 of his concepts?

Don’t get me wrong; I do acknowledge that his material is very useful and may provide a trader with an edge. But at some point, it must be translated to actual testing.

A- Any concept has its logical rules, if one takes his time to make the rules black and white.
B- Therefore concepts can be tested.
C- A concept, being tested, must show at least a 60% edge to prove that it holds out well enough on its own, statistically speaking.

The advantage of this is twofold :
A-The true substance of the concept is revealed. Hey, thats a good thing!
B-If done correctly, it translated directly into very clear cut trading rules. These rules help to replace emotional trading. Again, another good thing to look forward to.

I don’t think this is easy, considering I myself took a long road to do the programming + test my own concepts. Its doable. Again, did anyone at least tried something? Love to hear about it.

Gosh, I don’t know which side I am on, but I suppose I am just personally being neutral, while stating my plain observations regarding this ‘saga’.

I wish Babypips would develop a button for users to “Not Like” a comment. It would be respectful, but offer a quick way to chime in and disagree with something. Maybe they could also develop a “Really?” button as well.

fwd test only - I’ve done several months of taking as many ote entries as I could - I very quickly learned - that is just plain stupid.
So I then limited ote’s to when there was a correlated pair divergence - again - not pretty.
So I did add - stoch divergence either pair - tied to ote entry - - still no success.

about this time - is when higher time frame sunk in - - - sure there are spectacular entries and literally to the pip entries to be had - - - however - - it comes to which ones are good or not…
I think this is where ICT and many many others will point out - higher time frame - longer range looking is a key.

I am in the process of developing a strat based upon two trades a week - searching/expecting a reversal of a move - - or a continuation of a move. oh and yes - only really ote as my entry point.

I see Babypips favorite pastime of ‘guru baiting’ has yet again achieved it’s objective.

It’s the flag of the Republic of Texas.
Another poster (laine) sussed the meaning of his username in a prior post from Sept 22.

I always look forward to searching for & catching your rare excursions on here.
Shame you don’t get more time, or can be bothered to contribute.
peterma is right, a lot of folks would surely benefit from the trading snippets & the few who actually have the nous to decode your salty, caustic humor would get a few more well needed chuckles out of the exercise!!

The fat birds don’t fly being a prime example.
Lost on most as per usual as it [I]soars[/I] over their heads, but I bet Carly Simon would sing a mean song about it though :slight_smile:


Joking aside, I wanted to say thank you for posting this. In truth there are a lot of ICT’s postings that I have not read. I went back a few pages and saw that Clint had posted a ‘best of list…’ of ICT’s posts. I read through several of them including ICT’s daily checklist, daily bias, etc, and found them helpful to reinforce many of the same things he teaches in his video series, but it was great seeing it there in posts that were a couple of years old.

Thinking about the whole cult thing… I think the difference is that Cult leaders inspire people to believe in them. ICT has taught us that with study, patience, and discipline we can believe in ourselves, and he’s taught us things for free that others are charging hundreds or thousands for. Last night I went back and checked my emails and found a couple of notes that I sent to him introducing myself last year. I offered ICT money for trading lessons, and he refused it, saying that he did not need/want my money and that the lessons were free.

If I had learned nothing over the last year, I would probably be a skeptic. I am certain that I will hit bumps on my trading road. However, I am fairly pleased with where I am so far, and it’s largely thanks to ICT’s generosity. When I do reach the point where I am doing something that I love for a living, spending more time with my wife and daughter, feeling the pride of working for myself; that is a pretty big thing to give to people without expecting anything in return. It’s not just the skills that ICT has, but it’s the skills his students see ourselves developing. And frankly, I’ve seen the other folks on his thread picking up things much faster than I am.

LOL You should go lurk around ForexFactory for a day or two.

That is some premium entertainment right there;)

I’m going to have to take your word for that Master Tang.
There’s more drama playing out here on a regular basis than I can shake a stick at without going in search of anymore & it seems to get more bizarre & amusing with each visit.

Yeah! the content Michael was presenting early on in 2010 was very good, I still have 30+ pages that I copied & saved to my own hard drive. I’m planning on using the info word for word in 2013 when I write my first book. LOL!

Unfortunately as a result of some of Michael’s questionable* actions it turned ugly. I just wonder how ICT’s current fans would feel if they opened their browsers tomorrow and found that Michael had a hissy with the bp admin and deleted all his vids on youtube?

After months & months of study and hard work I bet they would feel the rug had been pulled out from under them and a bit pissed, right? I’m sorry to say that’s how I felt back in 2010.

Fortunately for me I moved on and found that using his methods isn’t very practical in real-time, especially for the average retail FX trader. These days my opinion is he does a better job of twisting you guys up like pretzels than teaching how to trade, but that’s just me.

*read the whole thread and the puzzle pieces will fall into place and the truth shall be revealed!

If that happens, the skeptics, trolls, bullies, negative minded people, wins and they will be celebrating because their cause is finally paid off by taking down the “Cult leader”. Is this what is all about? Is this what this community is for? To take down and degrade a person who is giving you a hand and giving you what you need in this business? If that’s the case, maybe Babypips community needs to re evaluate what this community is for and what it’s stands for….

If we entertain these kind of negative community, I think I am in a wrong website. I might as well look for somewhere else that have the same belief as I am…I know this is not a “perfect world” but at least try to have a sensitivity and be kind…

For the record, even if we say we follow ICT’s teaching or at least some of it, we have our own “IDENTITY”. I can trade just S&R, Fibonacci, candlestick patterns, price action, etc. It won’t bother me if one day ICT decided (if he will ever do) to delete those materials. I can still trade… I just need time and experience.

That is why… I always believe to know yourself well to survive…

I did read them… Thank you…

It didn’t bother me a bit for what have already been said and done 2 years ago because I’ve got what I needed today… I’ve learn a lot from him and that is good enough for me. I am thankful for that…

If people says they’ve move on, but it doesn’t seems like it is happening here…Some people just won’t let it go.

Thanks for posting those… I forgot how elegantly I string together words. The next chapter… that thread was abandoned… I lost control over it and before I could summerize the material to avoid folks from trampling through the horse-droppings most of the thread became… I was shut out. It was a new thread and control in the delivery and a joint effort with the Babypips Admins that helped keep the new thread [The What Every New & Aspiring Forex… Still Wants To Know] was able to present the content I had originally intended.

The rest is History… I accomplished what I thumbed my nose at the Trolls in the first thread… reign. It would make sense if that first thread was the end of it all… these posts d-pip would make sense. However, seeing I smashed the ball out of the park on the revamp… isn’t this all a waste of time for you to feel sour? I did what I promised… and it’s approaching 1.25 million views… speaks volumes.

The “Support” I mentioned in the post you felt moved to report here… references the movement I announced in the chat room that I would promote Babypips in all my work. What opens in all my videos?

I felt the website wasn’t going to speak up over the sock-puppetting claim so I initially felt it was pointless to go on… but many viewers asked for my continued effort. I being probably the largest Ego on this website wasn’t going out like a sucker… so I put the work in… the time… the money… and yes I did avoid that screen door from hitting me in the backside. Number one baby… deal with it.


Well maybe my glasses were dirty back then and my recollection of what happened is a bit fuzzy. :wink:

Oh don’t go feeling sorry for me, Tess & company live on! :smiley: And I know you’re familiar with their stuff, too!

d-pip if you would please… tell me how it is that you… yourself trade Forex? If memory serves me you like the 3 duck method… would you say that approach is your core or is it something all together different? Regardless, how have you incorporated the content I presented in that first thread?

A differing opinion does not automatically equate with a negative opinion.

In a nutshell the core of my trading these days is pretty simple. If the previous week’s candle was a strong bull candle, then this week I’m looking for good long entries. Opposite for a strong bear previous week candle. How I go about doing it is a little more complicated, but still very simple.

As far as using methods you presented on your first thread, for about two years I did use the daily pivots, SMT, and first 4 hour daily high-low rule. The only thing I might use now is the 4 hour rule, the rest got stripped away, too much and unnecessary. Why make it more complicated than it needs to be, right?

I try to follow the Marine Corps principle that a task should only be as complicated as it needs to be to get the job done. Maybe something to consider as it seems a few of your newbies are getting slaughtered trying to figure out and enter trades based on bond yield, SP v Dow and dixie v GU divergence. LOL!