The Cult Leader of Babypips

I agree… but I am referring to those individual who just pop up on a conversation with a sarcasm and nothing good to contribute.I am all about opinions (good and bad) and it helps me to understand what the other side of mind…

I guess I am just still “new” in this business… I have to learn to have a “thick skin” to survive… I guess I need to get more tan!! :slight_smile: too bad it’s already winter here…LOL

I think ICT’s material is way to subjective especially for a new trader. It’s good but its for advanced users lol. Maybe it’s just me. I’m trying to step back and be more objective and strict. And 5m is what he trades with in one account I doubt that’s the bulk of his net wealth. I wouldn’t have mine in an account online anyway lol.

Something else I don’t understand. Human nature to crucify the successful. Maybe I’m selfish but ill do whatever it takes to make money and take care of my family. If that sticking my hand up someone’s ass to grab a dollar ill do it. This reminds me of the 99 vs 1 percent.

[QUOTE=IyaJenkei;422238]Something else I don’t understand. Human nature to crucify the successful. Maybe I’m selfish but ill do whatever it takes to make money and take care of my family. If that sticking my hand up someone’s ass to grab a dollar ill do it. This reminds me of the 99 vs 1 percent.[/

That definitely convinced me that there is one place that I should not keep my money…

Haha! You people are hilarious.


I don’t know what the past of ICT and I don’t care. When you find information, the important thing is to evaluate it and decide wheter is worth or not integrating it.

I don’t understand you when you say that ICT’s methods are suspicious of being “fake” and not working in real trading, that there should be “backtesting”, that his “system” doesn’t seem to work.

I think you got it all wrong, he isn’t teaching any system, he teaches concepts and tools to help you understand the market and then is up to us… He uses correctly his tools because he has a market experience and understanding that goes well with them.

The majority of his concepts are based on multiple preceding works from other people that he has integrated (and gives credit for).

I mean, he teaches S/R, Fibonaccis, market structure, correlations, swings, COT, risk management, trading styles, multi-time frame analysis, time structure of forex market, institutional flows importance, seasonal tendecys, market profiles.

Is any of this suspicious?

LOL. Fore example, how can someone say:" man, look at what this guy is saying, small ranges preceed big ranges… show me proof of that"… hahaha, Go search the Larry Williams book “Long term secrets of short term trading”, he already did the backtesting like 20 years ago!!!

I have personally learned all the concepts he teaches and guess what: I’m not trading exactly like him, because it doesn’t adapt well to my style, but I use many of the concepts.

Good luck

like someone else said ICT attributes his success to God thats all the proof i need hey ICT u rock man guys please understand this biz is frustrating especially when you are not yet profitable soforgive anyone who attacks the profitable ones

What about the myfxbook account challenge? Is it still on?

Come one… come all. :57:

It would be nice to see some results,

and let the backpeddling begin…

I wouldn’t be so sure… 2013 has quite the menu.

Crow ala mode
Murder of Crow… for those with really big mouths and Troll appetites
Humble Pie
and ICT’s Chef’s Choice… a can of Grade A Whoop_ss

Next Monday I go Live for you Trolls and Mutants to watch from the comforts of your basements and Ipad minis. It is going to be a nice year.

[B]Stay tuned[/B] :57:

Its the skeptics that make it harder for traders to share knowledge. Worst thing is you could be 10% down on the first year (skeptics will eat you alive) then 90% up on the next year. In my opinion not worth it(even as a personal goal).

Look forward to seeing the results!


Anonymous names in a forum have that much power over people?

Of course there is a psychological effect, but you know this. It’s always a matter of degrees, but you know that too. I find some of your posts intelligent while the next full of emotion, I don’t think you would ever admit how much you are affected by other internet personas, but I can read it.

mastergunner99 - always good to weed some out - you for example - not exactly the most humble person. Good tips but extremely defensive. I am up for a challenge though - me, you and ICT 5k starting balance ? I can only predict that you will beat me but hey - its all fun - 5k ? nothing to me as well. Do us a favor put your money where your mouth is before you drag people that put time in to share videos and tips. PM me mate I don’t follow ICT strats just have learned something from his videos. Find this to macho then go put out some videos where you are helping other traders. Cheers.

I don’t participate in Forex challenges. I prefer to spend my time more productively as it serves no purpose to me.

I’m not one spouting income claims or shock and awe results, therefore my money is where my mouth is. I don’t ever talk income, nor allude to my account size. By all means, feel free to assume I make one dollar in profit a year trading a nano account.

It’s clear most flock to ICT because he willingly and foolishly brags of income under a transparent guise of humility. ICT is the one that’s looking to feed his ego. Not me, I’m comfortable with who I am and where I am in life and have little need to prove anything to anyone on any Internet site.

The mass majority of you simply want to figure out another way to copy his trades, under the assumption that he is profitable. You have little interest in actually seeing him succeed, as it is more for yourself than anything else.

I’m simply holding the man accountable on what he said he would do. I don’t anticipate exciting results. And quite frankly, he could quadruple his account every month and it wouldn’t change my stance or opinion of him, nor change the way I personally trade. I have nothing to lose, nor gain from the results of another man who has no impact on my personal or professional life.

But feel free to pick up the challenge, since it means nothing to you.

Whatever emotion you feel you are reading from me, is something that you are fabricating for yourself. The one physical sense I have of you, is your written word. It is highly unlikely we would ever even grace each other’s presence.

I don’t get pissed off at politics, or another man’s religious, or who a man chooses to call a lover. So why would I possibly exert more emotion to anyone here, then I would to things that directly affect the people that matter to me the most?

You are right about there being a psychological effect. Some are just better at controlling such effects than others.

Oh, and ICT, it’s a Kindle Fire. Not an iPad mini. I’m frugal like that.