The Cult Leader of Babypips

And here I thought I was an egomanical SOB…
ICT, you have me beat by a mile and then some. And I like it!!! A man that thinks like I do LOL
I’ve never really followed your threads before but now I feel compelled to. Best of luck in 2013. Go get 'em!!!

So how much are you starting with then if your goal is 1 million?

5k USD should be acceptable

Seeing how you are promising shock and awe… What profit percentage at the end of the year would you consider a failure then?

Obviously just being in the green would be a success for a run of the mill goober as you put it… But obviously this isn’t enough for you I presume.

What would a “shocking” rate of return for 2013 be to ICT ?

You decide in December 2013.


5 thousand into 1 million dollars is roughly 8 or so doubling periods.

Putting that into GoogleDocs, if my math is correct, would be 25 percent growth every month for two years to reach that goal. 6 percent a week.

At about 13 percent a month it would take about 4 years to hit 1 million dollars.

I’ve been only studying Forex trading for a couple of weeks and don’t have a good idea of how those numbers compare to the best and average professional Forex traders.

I did enjoy your response ICT and appreciate your clarification.

One question, why not start with 250k as you always do and play it out to the equivalent gains as 5k into 1 million? That would be equally impressive.

Then the next thread will be…

ICT was able to do it with a lot of equity… I want no road for Trolls to tread to answer for it… and they shall be provided a rather daunting task when it plays out. Shoestring to a mere 1 mil… Consider it done Babypips.

I know this won’t happen, but it would be so cool if ICT’s supporters could contribute to create the 5K starting balance. I would gladly contribute significantly if he would allow… I have no doubt he can turn 5K into 1M.

Don’t worry. I can handle my psychological and financial standpoint just right :slight_smile: I came here prepared…

For the purpose of what? To give generously? To expect something in return?

That definitely doesn’t help the cult perception. Come on guys, $5000 must be pocket change to him.

I agree it is probably pocket change Mozdef. I was thinking out loud and thought it might be interesting and even more fun.

There really is no doubt in my mind that ICT will be able to do this. But the thing that is really cool about ICT is not whether he can run with the gauntlet now that it’s been thrown down. In everything there is always someone who is the best, and performs amazing feats, and yeah it’s fun to watch. I think that what is getting lost, is that many people who follow ICT’s teachings see themselves doing things we never thought we’d be able to do. ICT is a millionaire, and if he accomplishes this, he will be a little more of a millionaire and he deserves it. But the special thing to me, is not just his skill as a trader, but how much better he’s made others at trading, and how achievable he shows us that trading for a living is. Suppose he did allow fifty people to contribute fifty dollars for half of the 5K, with the understanding that after the target is reached, the money is donated to a charity. I think that would be incredible fun…

I don’t mean to get things off point. I saw comments regarding ICT who I feel gratitude towards for the hope he’s given me that I might be able to make a living doing something I truly enjoy, and I saw Eremarket mentioned, who mentored me a little last December / January and I felt like adding my two cents. Even bad ideas can sometimes spark something good.

For all skeptics, not only of ICT’s ability to call the bottom/top, for for the ability of a technician to confound the fundamentals.

In late July this year everyone this side of the Atlantic and probably in the US was predicting the imminent demise of the Euro.

When I say ‘everyone’ I include those in the higher echelons of govt, Ireland was apparently in agreement with UK to peg the New Irish Punt to GBP (made absolute economic sense for both countries), the rumour mill confirmed the printing presses ready to go - Greece was in turmoil, the ‘Grexit’ was freely talked about, EU spokespeople confirmed that the Euro could continue without Greece, focus had also turned to Spain and the rumours of bail-out, the spectre of sovereign debt was raising it’s head over Italy and Portugal - it was inevitable that the Euro would not continue as we had known it.

On the charts too - look at fibre - it also reflected this fast approaching demise.

Many businesses on the border of GBP/Euro, including my own, made hasty arrangements for their banking needs.

Then on the 22nd July I heard a voice in the wilderness :slight_smile:

Somenone was saying - from merely looking at a chart with some lines on it - and he on the wrong side of the Atlantic - that the Euro was probably going to rise against the mighty dollar.

This for me was the acid test - did ICT really know what he was talking about or was it all hype.

The rest is as they say is ‘history’ ICT WAS right, from looking at, as my wife defines squiggly lines, he called the Euro bottom which happened 2 days later.

Do’nt believe me?

Then check out at 15.00 mins:
Inner Circle Trader’s Market Review 07/22/12 - YouTube

Lets just save it for January… It will be an easy thing to settle… And I’m pretty sure the skeptics will be just as happy as anyone else to see ICT do well.

I think ICT’s come back statement was superb & personally, I think the guy has the stones to pull it off.

Using an analogy that was thrown around earlier: you could get extensive golf lessons from Tiger Woods but your golf might not improve that much. Why? It could be a number of reasons: you could be a slow learner, your expectations were too high, you physically/mentally can’t follow the tuition give or even Tiger Woods may be a bad teacher.

Using this analogy, I am by no means calling ICT a bad teacher (I think that his work is great) but even if he was, that would mean he can’t convey his points (which he can), however it doesn’t mean that he can’t do it himself - just because Tiger is ace at golf, doesn’t mean that he can teach it.

People may rubbish ICT because they followed his advice & didn’t see the results, again that could be expectations set to high, slow learning or just not following the rules etc. & some folk will rubbish ICT just to be trolls that just want to watch the Earth burn.

2013 will hold the answer to all our questions & I’m backing ICT. It is a very polarised thread this one, we should pair up wagers between the skeptics & the supporters - my £50 is in the pot.

Ah heck folks I enjoy reading threads like this for entertainment; and usually don’t post much in threads like ; and I know when I do - I’ll sometimes get a negative response:

I am not much for words - so I’ll just leave it at this: and it was stated earlier to some extent - whether or not ICT is full of it - when it comes to making the dough - really doesn’t matter to me - - if I can take what he is saying and create my own understanding - and come out profitable - why should I care ‘how much’ he has or he can do. . …
I’ve followed several folks to some pretty good extent . . . and I am learning quite powerfully . . . and I have full expectation of making some cash out of this and right soon too.

Later all - I’ll likely keep watching the thread for entertainment purposes only - but I will try very hard to refrain from posting as it is not worth the time.

No need to make a defense to a non existing offense. Ego is not at stake for the skeptic. It can’t be as the skeptic has nothing at stake to begin with.

Secondly, I can’t speak for others, but it is not a desire to see ICT fail. I truly hope he succeeds as that would be the first time I ever witnessed someone such a public feat.

Where I think ICT went wrong was ever talking actual dollars to begin with. As well as allowing others to banter on about claims of improbable measures of success.

It placed him in a situation where he got cornered. And now he is the one that has to place his ego on the line as well as his hard earned five thousand in an attempt to prove to an anonymous Internet world that he can perform financial wizardry in a highly volatile commodities market.

Personally, if I were him, I would just break free from babypips, charge for education, and call it a day. For something tells me that is the end game. And quite frankly, that’s something I wouldn’t take issue with. It’s the subterfuge from now until then that I’m not a fan of.

As you’ve mentioned Eremarket a few times I would like to get your opinion on something. He did leave babypips to manage accounts for people at this forum: X-Squared trading with trade copier

He managed to blow that account and his follower’s live accounts after collecting some initial management fees. Of course he incurred no real damage as his was a demo account linked to their live accounts. He was never heard from again. He also made some bold claims about turning an account to a million or whatever in whatever period of time. There’s been countless gurus here and at other forums claiming the same thing and there’s a new one every month. So while I respect people like ICT who are willing to teach for nothing in return, it seems to me the burden of proof should be on those making such bold claims and truly if ICT is able to show that he would be unique to all those other self-proclaimed gurus.