The Cult Leader of Babypips

I was not aware of all that. I’d tried emailing Jay (not his real name but easier to type) this past spring, but he did not respond. My opinion is that I feel badly for the people who lost money. Jay suggested that he manage my account for a fee, but I like trading and want to be able to do it myself, not watch others. I am not ready to quit my job today to become a professional trader, but that day will come. However, I am able to do things today that I was unable to do six months ago, and it’s mostly due to ICT.

I said it many times… I don’t need to charge money to signal seekers or otherwise. I will never sell my work. I do use my real name on here and otherwise and it would be quite silly to present myself as a Successful Trader… capable of making what would easily the majority would call fortunes… only to reach out and request by any means a fee of any kind.

The end game is simply passion to be excellent and unique at the same time. This game ends… true… but not with a for sale sticker attached to it.

The ungodly seek after a sign… as for God… He loves a cheerful giver.

Cheers! :57:

I’ve got no skin in this game. I read an occasional post here and there on the ICT threads, but I don’t follow them closely.

That being said, I do know that 100 people could all hire Joe Montana to teach them how to throw a football, but maybe 5 out of those 100 would ever have enough physical ability to even think about playing in the NFL.

The rest? They might stand out in their local flag league.

I believed that in order to be on top of this game, you have to know 2 things:

1.) Know yourself well.

ICT is an experienced, disciplined, successful trader, and a role model because he knows who he is and who he is not. Though I don’t know him personally, I think one of the key thing that he separate himself from others is he knows how to set “boundaries”. Boundaries had help him to determine what his priorities are and which are important to him (First- God, Second-Family/Health, and Third-Money.) that is why sometimes, there are days or weeks that he said he will not do trade or review during holidays or any special occasions because his family needs him, etc.

To become successful in life (family, career, business, etc.), you have to set boundaries. Do not pay attention with the noise of other people makes. Know yourself to determine who you are and who you are not so you don’t end up following the “flow” because you don’t know where that flow is heading. Listen to yourself.

2.) Know your system well.
ICT’s almost 20 years in this business. You damn sure he knows what he is talking about. He crafted and he masters his system well with great results during those years. For me, this is a good enough track record to check out, see his videos, threads, and whatever he got to say. Although, it is not perfect (even him say it so), at least it will help me where to look for a good edge of possibility and not to mention it is for FREE.

I can’t quite grasp yet why people criticize his teaching/method and keep asking for proof if his system is working or not when his materials are all free. If he charges for these materials, you bet I needed to see proof. I think all of this discussion is because there are people here that are jealous, attention seeker, can’t stand that ICT attract good people who will stand by him and thanking him for his work, OR is it the fact that ICT is a good looking man :slight_smile: LOL…

Really… what’s the fuss about?

If people need attention, I would suggest do it the right way. Like what ICT’s have done, make You tube videos (lots of it), threads (some already have done it), do a weekly review, and do it all for free. See how it feels like putting all those materials together then in the end being criticize and call it a fraud…

Uhm…Why do grown adults need a role model… Lol?

I get it if you need an someone to tell you how to trade, but a role model??? Are we a bunch of impressionable kindergarteners here?

IS this a serious question?

In terms of a business, Yes, most here are equivalent to grade school. You have to learn to crawl before you can run…

Some like it for fun, and some like it to build a future financially…

We are at BabyPips if you havent noticed…

So you are saying its ok and normal for adults who are in their twenties and beyond to not have the self direction and common sense needed to live life in a responsible fashion…??

Not knowing how to trade is one thing… Needing a life coach is entirely another level of neediness here.

I dont know how old you are but this kind of over-convindence is a right of the youth and young adults. I think this is something we all go through. One thinks he knows it all till he falls down really hard. It happened to me and I have seen it dozens of times with my friends and in the office.

There is no shame in learning from someone else no matter in which subject.

Others are also using the term “role model” within the context of being more than just simply a trading tutor.

By what you said, young adults should not feel the need of a role model… Which would lead us to older adults who are past the need of a role model…

You see both stages of adulthood find this role model idea a bit strange right…?

I second that akeakamai,

Just let it go Bro, not worth the energy to type to deaf Eyes, :wink:

Its definitly about the level of confidence in ones game…

This ISNT a kids game, this isnt a Hobby, for a hand full anyways…

If you need a mentor, so be it… At least some are able to stand up, and admit, they need a bit more help to get to the promise land, and venturing out into the darkness of FOrex IS scary at the beginning, and sometimes always for some…

But the main thing is, If your serious about Trading, YOU MUST WEAVE YOUR LIFE IN TRADING, As you HAVE to do it everyday, till your finanacially stable and free from the J.O.B. restraints…

I dont understand, why some here kick the guys trying to help in the teeth, and ridicual his presents for lending a helping hand, wheather thru guildness, or even a mental upheaving to achieve greatness…

FK, we ARE HERE TO MAKE MONEY, STOP THE SH*T SLANGING, and just ignore the threads, or even better, just leave the forum, because evidently, you have it figured out…

*shakes head,

Okaaaay… Well I won’t be using you as a life role model lol

Seriously though… If you are an adult and need to look to others to know how to live (that is what having a role model means), you may want to avoid trading until you can develop a little more self reliance.

Again nothing wrong with needing someone to tell you how to trade… But a role model is a different level. And that is probably where the cult perception is coming from, especially to those who are new here.

If you would of said that to Larry Holmes, he would have knocked you out, via his Mentor Ali…

You have no idea about Mentors, So stop while your ahead, because your making yourself look like a fool right now…

A mentor is not the exact same as a role model… If you are going to argue, at least argue with what I am saying.

Your choice of words was purposeful, you didn’t use “role model” because you know there is a difference between “mentor” and “role model”… And you aren’t comfortable yourself using the word “role model” to describe an online forum member… So in a passive way you are agreeing with me.

Its called, Following the foot steps of PROVEN FIGURES.

Who has been there, done that, and has a track record to show worthiness to the project at hand, and guild you thru the obsticals that you may have to hurdle…

Sh*t, I wish I had a mentor… But I believe it must be physical face to face meetings, to get that true understanding and real awareness of the direction one needs…

Its not about Life, Its about making the right decisions, and cutting down the wrong directions you might take in the course of the current path choosen…

Again… You are avoiding the term “role model”

I am pointing out how strange the idea was that some of the members were stating they were using ICT as a LIFE ROLE MODEL… That’s more then just a trading mentor… If you want to morph it into a discussion of needing someone who teaches you how to trade go for it, but that was not my original point.



Na, I think they are generally the same… Some might argue that, but then again, Im not a 95%er…

Nah… They aren’t… And I wasn’t confusing you with a 95%er

You chose to use “mentor” because you know there is a difference and are more comfortable with it then using “role model”… Again that proves my point.

very very slight differance… My role model is Trump, I want to be/Have what he has. I dont have mentor…

BUT, in order to have what Trump has, I must do what he does, or emulate what he does, or Mirror his footsteps in fashion to obtain what Trump has…

You could say, Trump is my Virtual Mentor, as I watch EVERYTHING i can about Him…

But I believe that Both, Mentor and Role model must have the same characteristics in the final wash…