The finest in trend trading - DEBUNKED

May I suggest a refresher course in reading comprehension? You are distorting the facts. Jaquille stated “trends are concepts and only exist in the mind of the trader”. When he replied that “trends don’t exist”, that meant trends do not EXIST outside of the mind.

Do you know the difference between infer and imply? The writer implies and the reader infers. I did not imply you are smart. You can’t connect those dots.

mastergunner99, you should be posting in Tymen’s thread with the rest of the flock.

Of all the Canadians I abhor, I tolerate you the most. :slight_smile:

You’re too kind…:rolleyes:…

Sure. But they do exist outside the mind. They are smack dab right there on your charts in living color, and in the case of a certain Canadian, that color would be hot pink. Yes, that would be color, and not colour.

Yes, I stated that properly. You inferred from my previous posts that I was a genius. And I’m still appreciative of the compliment and the high regards.

His current thread is of no interest to me as at this time I am satisfied with my knowledge of trends in relation to my own trading. I am not in a flock, like you are of jaquille’s. My thoughts and presence are my own.

Here’s an interesting concept, seeing as you are “implying” (see I learned something from you), that there are two camps here. I’m not much of a fan of Tymen1. He has an important role here, but it just doesn’t pertain to me. He’s complete and thorough which I appreciate, however his banter at times isn’t quite my style.

just couldn’t resist!

feel free to make fun of me saying ‘yall’ :smiley:

I almost saw a myth today…

yeah that’s right… it was a near myth!


or…as Maxwell Smart said…mythed it by that much…lol :smiley:

Such a sense of humour…:stuck_out_tongue:

You are in the wrong thread if you are looking for a definition of “trend”. Go ask Tymen.

[B]The purpose of this thread is to show that TREND is a concept that only exists in the mind of the trader and therefore a MYTH.[/B]

Welcome back Sweet Pip ! :slight_smile:

Childish and pathetic.

Did your ignore button malfunction on you? I thought it was understood then you would not further interact with me. Have you meekly changed you mind?

I understand the purpose you intended. However, that ideology is up for debate. And in the course of such debate one might learn what trend is and the validity of it.

Therefore, I am very much so in the correct thread.

Childish, pathetic and incorrigible. Perhaps it is time to alert the forum admins.

I will ask you nicely, please cease and desist. You have worn out your welcome in [B][I]my [/I][/B]thread.

Sorry that I must confess to make an exception from my former prediction, but I am off topic now in this debunking thread of trolling debunkers anyways: Wouldn’t not some folks in your so called country who couldn’t decide what language they want write it like coleur? :stuck_out_tongue:

I have broken no rules. Any member of babypips has the authorization to post on any thread. This is not your thread. You do not own it. It is the property of Babypips. Simply because you do not like me, does not mean you have the right to forbid my postings here.

I have done nothing but debate the original topic and have continued to ask others to stay on topic.

The true disruption of the debate is yourself and those that have chosen to make an attempt to insult me.

Now moving forward it is in your own best interest to contribute to this thread yourself.

Allow me to begin by stating that the market is 100% influenced by human nature and psychology. Each move in price is subject to that. You consider trend a myth, but in doing so your own methodology to trading becomes a myth. Would you not agree?

Who’s name calling now? :slight_smile:

What exactly is this ignore button / list I hear about? I’ve seen three people state they will be ignoring MG but they still are answering (and calling him names, the cruel people).

Perhaps I should start a thread called Ignore List - DEBUNKED, and set out to prove that the Ignore List is a MYTH and only exists in your heads. And I think the evidence to support that is right before us.

I like to buy when price is going up and sell when price is going down, but I don’t consider myself a trend trader.

jaquille, i believe you when you say you are here to help. i hope all this posting isn’t detracting from your trading because that would be a shame.

This doesn’t detract from my trading. Yesterday, I was spending time on the MMTT thread and in their VYEW room. And I combined the MMTT with the 2 Bar break out. It is very profitable.

I do not think most people here consider themselves to be a trend trader.

However, depending on one’s trading methodology, it could be useful to understand and determine the direction the price is trending. While, I personally do not trade trend itself, I am more apt to deciding how much risk to allot depending on whether I am trading with the trend, trading against the trend, or trading at the birth of a trend reversal.

I suppose it could be argued, one trades with or against the trend, even if they are not even aware of it.

Something to ponder…

Trading was around long before “trend” (as “trend” applies to trading).

Trading was around long before charting (as charting applies to trading).

Did “trend” precede charting or did charting precede “trend”?

If “trend” preceded charting, exactly how was “trend” known by traders?