The Inner Circle Trader's Millionaire Traders Guild

Norwegian Blue set up a Skype room a while ago, can’t figure out how to post the link here, but it is called ICT Trading

Any ideas why ICT removed all the content from the original thread…? Haven’t been on these forums much since Christmas, so I’m completely out of the loop. I made a post in the original thread just now about missing content, hopefully someone can help.


Some are posting wanting the information posted to this thread. Right now whatever Michael has been given we need to not spread what we have accuired over the last couple of years. If Michael says it is ok then we will open the flood gates. But we do not need to compound whatever action is being taken.


This should get you in the ICT group… failing that need to speak to Norwegian Blue … I remember it being a bit of an arse to join…

Babypips cannot be shut down this is an open discussion forum on forex, and you cant just censor people so that will stay alive. Anything ICT related will probably be gone because I am sure he cant have anything that looks like advice because he is not an advisor. Even with the disclaimers and reiterating demo accounts yada yada yada…

This was my original post.

Anyways, seems like Michael may be leaving us soon, seems like external reasons.

How to Join Skype Rooms and Group Chats | Skype Chat Directory

Search “ICT Trading”

Edit: Nevermind, doesn’t work.

so how do you get that skype room to work. I put it into explorer address bar and nothing happens?

Can we set up a new chat room on skype or somewhere else without ICT name? Dont want him to get into any more trouble. Maybe something called judas millionaires :wink:

I just hope he talks to us soon, I couldnt imagine he has to delete the whole ICT alias…

I agree with rrmss. Can you set it up rrmss?

No telling… I don’t know how we would be shut down for speaking out about bank involvement in the market… In fact I do all my trading independently with my own analysis. No law that I know of here in the US against the free exchange of ideas. Although the CFTC likely frowns on calling out fills while you still have the position open. However, I know very little about CFTC rules…

I could get one set up for everyone if they are interested?

I can’t believe what has happened. I’m extremely shocked right now. I got ICT’s last tweet and was like “I think he was writing to someone else and not everyone”. I hope he will communicate with us in some shape or form. He might not though not to jeopardize our thread. As it stands, I guess this crazy train ride has come to a full stop. I have learned a lot and I believe with all the material we have so far we can still be profitable. I don’t have all of ICT’s videos, only the 25 days of ForExmas ones along with the basic ones. I have nothing from Livestream. I’m glad I discovered this when I did.

I’m truly sad that this has happened. I wish all the best to ICT and hope God will let you continue what you are doing. Maybe the investigation will be only temporary.

His knowledge will live on… Thank you for everything Michael if you are reading this! I hope I have learned enough to earn a spot as a member of the ICT Millionaire Traders Guild.

Probably a good idea

I’ve created a Skype Group: Smart Money Traders.
Currently looking up how people can join.

My Skype is: Clark.Lai.FX, add me for now, and I can invite you.

maybe something other than skype. Its very buggy when you get a large group formed. Super laggy. Could do an IRC room through mibbit??

You should probably do it to be on the safe side… The other group is named after ICT but was not set up by him… No telling… it might be blocked because it under the same title. Skype has a 300 group user limit so all the members here would not fit in one group… I am all for side discussions. Skype links only work in Internet Explore browser address bar… Microsoft thing since they own skype now.

Good point BillyD, Skype doesn’t even tell you when the others are online. We need something more efficient.

Might be a good move Billy, yeah we all know skype can lag sometimes… Another option to stay in touch is always a good idea!