The Inner Circle Trader's Millionaire Traders Guild

I finally got it through AVA. Thank you all very much for your help.

I think Ava is only a trial tho youā€™ll have to keep making demo accounts very 30 days or so. I used them to about 2 months ago.

On ForexLtd MT4ā€¦ as Bob said click on ā€˜market watchā€™ in the first tool bar, then right click Symbol and select show all

Thanks hunter thats how its done. Sorry pip-jitsu I kinda forgot about you. I was checking the short I took on the Aussie on moday got all happy and ran out the door lol. Got to love interest rates sitting on 175+ pips :wink:

On a side note I just double checked Hunter and he is spot on confirmed by me with the same demo. I must have been thinking of my live account with a drop down box. Since I do not use MT4 for live trading


Part 5 gets into the Trading Plans themselvesā€¦

[B]GLGT [/B] :57:

My work and frankly trading have kept me away from the forums for the past few months. Just want to say that the last two videos from the modules have been the most useful for me so far!
Itā€™s all made the whole theory so much clearer. What to do on what time frame, where to look for market flow/structure, where to look for OTEā€™s. Seeing how to narrow down the time frame on a HTF S&R line to ID a turning point, then watching how OTEā€™s will open up after we witness market flow change has been awesome.

All the previous videos were fantastic however maybe it was just me but it felt a little like I had been given a pile of awesome jigsaw pieces but had no bloody idea how to fit them together. I had a go but it was half guessing. Now youā€™ve gone and given me the instructions and it all makes sense.

Looking forward to the rest! Keep it up.

Thank you for sharing that Wooloā€¦

I really do appreciate the feedback. I canā€™t speak to all of you individually, one on one, but I do my best to give that feeling in my videos. As a Mentor, this is the best reward you could give themā€¦ development and appreciation. Keep it up and keep us posted!

[B]GLGT[/B] :57:


Thanks for putting this TPDS together. It gels very well with the previous education series of video. Having gone through those videos, I still have quite a few things that were not sure of and was gonna give it all to you in 1 email. However, these TPDS videos really cleared more of my doubts and questions. I am looking forward to the remaining of the videos!

Meanwhile, question on the Pivot Indi that you demoā€™d in the MT4 setup.

You were using ICT_Daily_Pivot and I could only find ICT_Daily_Pivot_Shifted from the indi list in What Every New & Or Aspiring Forex Traderā€¦ Still Wants To Know. Is there a difference between the 2? Time shifted?

Thanks and GLGT to all!

entered long cable at 6130ā€¦ again :slight_smile: this time keen on seeing new concepts in action. half way through the tdps i setup a profile to show compressed H1s with weekly pivots and trinity, and could immediately notice that on pivot chart price had spiked up through MS1, from congestion box and pulled back. On trinity chart, box was right on lower green line buy zone. with both pivots and trinity favorable, this trade should go! 'm actually really excited to see how it unfolds. 3 words and an exclamation sign. Thank you ICT!

I took a short at 1.6150, moved to stop BE after taking half off at 1.6130 and SL hit.

ok - help with analysis please -
I see a whole lot of stuff - but I am unsure of what it means if anything:

First G/U =
current price is 1.6155 at 10:00 a.m. CST -
I can draw a pretty neat trendline through the last three peaks (including the one being formed at this time) - I want to short this - as it just seems to be going down at a nice pace - - and if I am correct we are at ote from the last high - - with the last low being broken - so a ā€˜fractalā€™ thing going on - weā€™re in ā€˜short modeā€™ for the time being - - BUT looking out at 4 hr charts - weā€™re in a pretty solid trend up for the past ā€˜monthā€™ and are just sort of at a stall point - - or maybe 20% retracement of longer term - ā€” - so am I still thinking short - - for hopefully a longer term retracement.

Comparing to the E/U then -
Same longer term basics - - maybe a little more than 20% retrace - but also just broke the fractal high - - with a sort of head and shoulder pattern leading me to believe this may have hit the bottom for now - and will look for higher prices.

What is right/wrong with analysis - I believe I should be noting H/L of yesterday and day before - but at work and should not be looking at charts :slight_smile: I will run home in an hour - and take a look to see if I have more justification for shorting the G/U here??

Thanks in advance for your help.

One of the reasons GBP/USD has gained in the past hour is a long-term recommendation to buy GBP/USD, targeting 1.6800. I posted the details in my thread if it helps, donā€™t want to write it here. Check out my thread

i was about to take some off at 6160 for standard 30, then waited to 35 since weekly central pivot was close at 6169. closed half, moved stop to 6130 and watching. did you see how quick it moved between the pivots? 50 points, of which 40 in 1 hour, not bad at all.

the short at 6150, you must have looked at confluence of ote on larger swing and institutional level? that was a good scalp to pivot/30 level, indeed

no doubt there is fundamental reason behind currency moves. though it is reassuring to notice how banks too use technical levels for their trades.

I was at work and checked the charts on the Android as I set off home and saw my limit entry had been triggered so was monitoring while on the way home so not really seen much of the charts.

I was looking for a short today personally.

Only a small gain but beats a loss.

GL with the trade.

And yes. I was looking at an OTE on the 1HR chart and also pivot / trinities along with S/R. Didnā€™t work out as planned.

Thank you Tommy. if you remember how Michael recommended the ā€˜Street Smartsā€™ book by Linda Raschke, thereā€™s a reference in there about a 20-80 pattern, which may be of interest

I read that book on holiday. Iā€™ll have to go back and re look at it again.

Maybe I was too relaxed on holiday :slight_smile:


trade update:
6189 and over. tomorrow is another day.
good luck to any with trades still open!

Well Done IbePippin!

Very Gheorghe Popescu :slight_smile:

Was short here too, also looked at stop raid on yesterdayā€™s asian high, resist at mr2,
I bailed at 6127 - price (50% fib line on the ote) noticed a lot of resist there yesterday,and again this morning at mr1,
I had already bailed on a fibre short for only 15 pip gain - I was nervous being short - I was watching my favourite barometer for euro buying - the euro/gbp cross - I could see steady climbing from 13.30 gmt- fiber had stalled and cable was still falling - I could smell euro buying - time to bail.( 5min chart around these times)

I doā€™nt trade the eur/gbp but my work involves buying and selling products in both currencies - Iā€™ve been monitoring the cross on a daily basis since the creation of the euro - have got to know itā€™s nuances.

Have moved my fib up to 6275 so as can watch the fun tomorrow.