The InnerCircleTrader & Trading Fx Like The Institutions

Mods probably did. I post here mostly out of boredom. I work from home, therefor my desktop, therefor…

FXG OTL and Babbypips OTL are the same. I didn’t start trading with ICT, but after years of trading, I found ICT and his material did what they’re intended to: give some euphoria, an “aha!” moment and then, when put into reality, it gives some pretty mediocre success and kind of flops around. It works, but it’s sticky.

Prior to realizing that it’s sticky, though, you study a lot: focusing on KSR, OBs, MBs, ToD, DoW, COT/Bonds/Rates, et al. Tons of hindsight data which gives one a great reassurance that it [I]really[/I] works.

But I felt like something was wrong. I knew trading wasn’t really a [I]science[/I]. It just isn’t. It’s very much counter-intuitive and overall irrational; ICT, however, attempts to put that irrationality into a model a’la “evil market manipulation”. This is reassuring for the perfectionist inside of most people.

But whatever. I learned from a couple of good, abrasive guys over there at FXG and took off the ICT hat. I realized that the things that ICT teach don’t matter. They’re interesting, and certainly comforting, but they’re either wrong or irrelevant to the end goal: trading well, and your equity at the end of the week.

Why don’t these things matter? … Because your trading system will (should) automatically conflate w/ these “ideas”, anyway.

Form a plan. Trade your plan. [I]Stop trying to give it some superfluous meaning[/I]. Just do it and do it right.

Excellent post. You know, the more I think about it, the more I realise that (believe it or not) I am actually glad that there are people who have obtained value from these concepts. Some of the more well-mannered followers are generally pretty decent to deal with and more than open to hearing about something that may be in conflict with one of their “ICT” concepts.

I think my own qualms with Mr Huddleston’s personality and some of his “institutional trader” comments are the reason why I tend to be so horribly opposed to anything to do with the guy. I apologise if I’ve offended anyone with my comments (Aaron included). I will freely admit that there was a time when I believed that what he teaches is golden, and I guess I can admit that even to this day, I did gain some value from it.

My only word of advice (if I may give it) is that not everything he says regarding institutional trading is correct. Perhaps it works by some strange coincidence, but certainly it isn’t true from the inside.

Anyway, think I’m done for another 3 years lol. Sorry again if I offended / posted out of context of the thread.

OK Out, wasn’t sure who the little red haired guy was in the post, guess the Mods figured best to delete him, can’t say I disagree, he looked weird.

PM, to most learner traders the word “institutional trader” has an awe inspiring connotation, reality is they are just guys doing a job, no more, no less.

Cannot figure why you were missing, and even more so why for another 3 years - don’t believe you ever posted out of context or indeed offended ever - bit like myself :slight_smile:

Interesting that ICT dissappeared after June 2nd - did he crash and burn on that last trade?

I wonder where did you get that figure 99%? In your dreams maybe? Or you are just * like you always do? Maybe you are just speaking for yourself?

IDK why the haters keep painting all of ICT’s followers with the same brush; I’ve been following ICT from my day 1 and I’m still learning his methods, and a lot of other methods. I’m filling up my toolbox and figuring out what works for myself and what doesn’t. The fact that I’m still learning the tools has nothing to do with ICT or any alleged shortcomings; it’s all on me.

Puremuscle, since you’ve learned some stuff that really changed your mind on the things ICT claims, where are your 40+ GB of free decent quality video teaching it all?

As traders, if you can’t spot the patterns or methods in the past, you can’t see it forming or anticipate it, so how else is anyone going to teach anything in trading without using hindsight? Week after week, tweet after tweet, live session after live session, ICT has been pointing the right way beforehand, 95+% of the time (but not giving signals, understandably) and its pretty frustrating that the haters keep ignoring this. [U]You guys dont even follow him anymore, what do you possibly have to say about him now that is of value? What is it your business that this thread exists and is bothering you so much? [/U]

From what I see, there’s like 1 or 2 people around still following ICT since the late 90s or something, everyone else following seems pretty new, within a few years. The fact that all you haters are blaming ICT for followers not being successful on his methods, that is ridiculous. Trading is so personal and everyone is working to fix their own trading demons so it doesnt matter what method they’re learning, they wont be profitable until they get a handle on themselves. You can’t expect traders of less than 4 years to be millionaires right off the bat.

[U]ICT is not responsible for anyone’s success in trading.[/U] He’s teaching tools that work. Free. I see the tools work all the time and it’s just myself that gets in my own way when I do. I’m not a millionaire yet but since learning his stuff, I’ve gone from losing to B.E. very easily; it’s all just my own issues I have to work out to improve and I get better at his methods every day.

There are a few ICT followers that are doing very well with his methods but I don’t see them post here.

If his threads bother you so much, why are you here? Cut the crap about trying to help other people “see the light”, because otherwise you should be posting on every other trading thread on the internet, telling people how every single other method doesnt work by itself and you should be furious beyond belief that people are paying for crap methods, systems, rooms, coaching that also “doesnt work”. Haters gona selectively hate…

Well I’ve been looking at his myfxbook for the last few days. No trades whatsoever. I HONESTLY don’t understand the drama that’s going on, as I would’ve liked to see any trader try to turn $5k -> $1m. I guess ICT has given up? Is that all it takes to stop trading? shrug

Well, well, well. Not only has ICT’s MyFXBook disappeared, but now his Twitter feed has too.

I guess just like a demo account, he can wipe the lot and start again!

My 40G is locked up in historical data and thats just on the EURUSD. Now multiply that by a hell of a lot of pairs.

Don’t bore us son

I am really disappointed ICT has gone again. I had genuinely enjoyed him calling the market, calling out trolls, calling out traders on twitter - claiming to send a challenger 20 000 via pay-pal if he fails to turn 5k into 20k in 3 months //I presume that was supposed to be just a little teaser for what was coming :-)//…
Well, everything is deleted now for all imaginable reasons. But there is a chance for his quick return. To blame FCA. That might save the party after all, as some have seen the drill.
And if nothing of that takes place, don’t worry. He is ‘‘loaded’’ and those who don’t chant for him will probably just stay his ‘’[removed for violation]’’. And those who chant for him? He will be back for them. To save them, help them or just create a friendly place somewhere to hang out to make his calls.

He will be gone again just long enough for everyone to forget about the MyFxBook and how big of a deal he made over it…
Comon’ guys this is the 4th time, hopefully the new people didn’t get to excited over it, everyone should be aware of what happens by now :58:

Well if this was all a big waste of time, Its probably what it was supposed to be from the beginning, see how riled up he can get em.

Weird lot of people can’t stand his personality. I can conceive that. We cannot appeal to everybody. But what he’s teaching works.

Today USDX bounced on a ID support and a 1H bullish Order block and ran to a clear 15m bearish Order block. This was bearish for both Fiber and Cable. BUT what was the best deal to short ? The Cable because EURGBP was strong and the cable short area was the Friday Breaker candle. I don’t know for you but this is a perfection. In NY session the Cable bounced and reversed powerfully on 1H Bullish Order Block due to ADR low touched + an EURGBP and USDX reversing. I made a huge improvement in trade results when I learnt to integrate EURGBP with ICT concepts (USDX, OB). And I trade only Fiber and Cable.

I understand everybody cannot adapt to some styles of trading. I can’t trade with MACD and RSI system. I honestly did not understand what I was doing. Michael’s concept with a BIG effort from my part suit me. The rest does not really matter and is only noises.

I will always be appreciative of the tools and methods I learned from ICT. I think the tools do work ultimately, and I think the fellow was incredibly generous to share them. But the truth is that I am so dis-interested in this challenge, because it’s like a magic trick with it’s misdirection. The question is not what will ICT do; that is the illusion. The real question we must all ask ourselves is: What can I do today to be a better trader. I enjoy when ICT is active on “social media” (dodged a warning hopefully.) But the real question for me is how do I keep moving forward, and ICT’s work will always be part of my trading foundation.

ICT overcomplicated how things work. The market may be manipulated, but the answer is not a bunch of “screts” dressed up as the Holy Grail.

He may deny it and slate others, but what he was teaching was supply and demand pure and simple, as originally taught by Sam Seiden.
Order blocks = supply/demand
Judas Swing = SFP as taught by Tom Dante and numerous others
The correlation with the $ index is garbage. The $ index is weighted heavily towards the EURUSD, so you don’t actually need to look at $ index.
Mitigation blocks = engulf patterns as taught by numerous mentors.
The market magically turning at a magnitude of 2 or 3 of the pre-London range is complete baloney.
Same again with the “sweet spot” fib level - sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. At best it’s 50%.

Good luck with following ICT, but IMO he’s a snake oil seller.

All he’s done is copied stuff from books, articles & other forum posters here & elsewhere, bundled them all together & re-branded them.

In so doing, he made things so ridiculously complicated another thread had to evolve just to decode all his silly & unnecessary jargon.
As if this endeavor isn’t confusing enough for newbies, he had to add yet another level of complexity to it.

Little wonder none of them can relicate it or trade a profitable account.

Na, bro. You missed the point. I lay no claim to being able to “teach” anyone anything. But I’m happy to share what it is I do. And what it is I do is a hell of a lot of screen time back testing. Trading is just not that hard or time consuming. It’s got nothing to do with results. Personally I’m happy with a 20% win rate since I know that when I win I’ll get 5:1 min returns. Cut your losses short, let you profits run. I’ve learnt from people who have freely shared knowledge here. This year I’ve learnt it’s not about having one strategy. Its about having 5, 10 or even more. And diversifying. That’s how one reduces risk and maintains return. Still have a long way to go but.

Bro, don’t take this personally but your mob have contributed 2/5 th’s of sweet FA to the forum. And since FA = nothing well do the maths. Don’t bore or dumb us down by keeping this thread alive. Let us ALL let it die it’s nature death.


Just takes a bit of discipline and self control, attributes that the very best traders have. Just ignore reading it, it’s not hard :20:

It can die immediately for any individual, any moment they decide to not read it anymore.

Tbh I think he did it out of pure boredom. “Re-inventing the wheel” for the sake of curing his own boredom, and probably learning from his own teaching process.

It just happens to be ultimately destructive for other people. Every time he does something unsavory, ICT apologists will kick in and make excuses for him as if they even know the guy. All because he re-hashed/packaged simple material in a format that any hick can get.

At this point I wonder if even TRO is better than ICT.

[QUOTE=Good luck with following ICT, but IMO he’s a snake oil seller.[/QUOTE]

What exactly is ICT selling? I am neither fan nor critic but I don’t understand your logic calling him a snake oil seller if he is not selling anything and rather giving it away for free. Yes, perhaps there are multiple things that is similar to other material but how many people trade “PA” or “S&R”…etc. They all have their own ways of doing it, their own confluences, their own method to trade the same thing. If ICT chooses to present his material and call it what ever he likes then I can’t see the issue? It is his process and in the order that he chooses to teach people. Perhaps he is trying to teach us a solid process to the markets and in a logical order that can be followed by many who are tired of not knowing where to start or need a big reset in their ways. Because of this does that make it right that detractors come onto this forum and rubbish anything he has given away for FREE??? Just ignore the guy if you are so unhappy, there are so many others out there that would rather be open to different ideas and processes then having to listen to what happened in the past and how such a bad person ICT is. I’ve been trading for a long time now and I personally think ICT material is not only valid but is a fantastic starting point for anyone entering the market that is both SERIOUS and RESPONSIBLE with their trading.

Do I rubbish my other mentors like Chris Capre, Chris Lori…etc. Hell no, it is about what I like from their material and what I like from ICT and putting it together to form my own trading method.