The InnerCircleTrader & Trading Fx Like The Institutions

Yeah, the whole thing is very perplexing.

Giving away all of that content, putting the production he puts into his intros, all of that takes a ton of time. This is either the worst business model ever, or the guy has money and time and can afford to spend it with free help.

And if that’s the case, rehashing old concepts that everybody already has access to would be an even BIGGER waste of time. Makes zero sense.

I’ve seen the guy take a trade in real time (it was a webinar), and it did really well. It was the only time I saw it, but he’s 1 for 1 as far as what I’ve seen. He took live trades on twitter at one point, but I didn’t care to follow it.

That being said, you can’t build yourself up to his level of popularity/infamy, make such a bold statement ($5k into 1mil) TWICE, and fail to even get it off the ground…twice.

Edit: Okay, I was about to quit this thread, but I see on twitter he’s still on this. Last chance as far as I go.

I started with Chris Capre’s free material. I then have had my most success with supply and demand through anna coulling and petefader on here making steady money for 6 months.

Ive spent the last month reading and watching ICT’s videos. If you take the time to process/simplify the core concepts of what he teaches I think it does offer a lot. It helped me a lot with understanding why and pinpointing the next moves and it helps me in a longer term trade when it goes against me I know at which point I need to get out.

It is probably a LOT of hard work to use all of his techniques together. What I have personally taken from him is looking for trades at certain times of days, Order blocks and setting my targets where stops would be. I have had more target profits hit in the last two weeks than I have in any other.

Some of the other things I have already learn’t such as market maker models. (wykoff through anna coulling and petefader).

I think for those who struggle to create a solid plan from A to B he creates an order and logic which helps some people become more organised, thorough and professional, which actually may only be the thing that’s missing. To focus on the right things at the right times rather than dipping into the market at any point in a day. Of course, all good traders will do these things already in their own way.

I have certainly taken parts I will use in my own trading and have become more precise in both my entries and target profits meaning I can use smaller stop losses/larger order size.

It doesn’t matter at the end of the day though, its free. Some of it may be redone in his own way, some of it may be his own, but hes taking an awful lot of time out to try and help people. Some of it may be to boost his ego but he is not selling it so I personally don’t see the point in the whingers. Demo it - If it doesn’t work ditch it - simple. He already advises you demo it for 6 months.

Think the 5k to 1 million thing is pointless but i am here to learn, from all posts.

His methods are nothing new whatsoever, his business model is simple, build a big community and start a sub service, the usual suspect, but let me tell you one thing, 99% of the people who use his “holy grail method” will fail. Simple as that. 20 years trading experience my ass, still needs to prove himself to a bunch of micro lots traders after 4 years? SURE stop being sheeps guys.

So there is a 1% chance!!! Thank you sir :slight_smile:

Hi Kapponga,

I know a little of building business models.

Lol, your post is funny, I’m not belittling it, but you have given me such a laugh.

I would say that if ever I was showing a budding entrepreneur how NOT to create a business model then I would most definitely use ICT.

You see, the model is perfect in structure, in presentation, it has all the ingredients necessary , an interested customer base, varied content and is extremely marketable.

It carries with it a certain flair, ego, it creates attention, as witnessed by this thread, it causes argument, it has supporters and detractors - not unlike the McDonalds model.

So why am I laughing? - well ICT’s business model lacks one thing, the singularly most important thing of any business model, the one thing that must be the motivation of a successful business model, the one thing that defines a successful business.

Profit (for ICT) :slight_smile:

That made me chuckle. I would love to get inside the brain of ICT and find out his motives for doing this… future consumer base? ego bordering on manic? answers on a postcard please.

Truth is it is usually more simple - something I’ve found out the older I become, applies to most walks of life.

One of the biggest givers in the market was also one of the most successful - it became his passion, a passion to teach. He urged the brokers of his time to educate their customers, they laughed at him.

He witnessed many lose their money, some he had little sympathy for, yet others, those maybe that a very well known trader/educator referred to as the ‘great unwashed public’ he held a great desire to educate.

He had no internet, no youtube, only the power of the written word, so wrote and wrote, some listened, yet others scoffed, but he never gave up.

He died in March 1934, yet his name lives on, even on this forum.

What motivated him, what motivates any of us to give?

LOL, you’re really scraping that barrel now aren’t you?

There are many out there “who give” but they don’t all make such a big song & dance about it, embarrass themselves & their fanboys in public, air their dirty laundry & family tragedy’s at every conceivable opportunity or treat their viewers & forum hosts with disrespect & utter contempt.

You’re forgetting a whole bunch of things about his “business model”

Like saying he’ll do x, and then consistently does y. Claiming grandiose returns, upwards of 25% a month for over years now and hasn’t yet proven it once.

Routinely deletes all internet content for the sole purpose of preventing others from going back to it and seeing the lies and distortions and false truths. That’s why he’s deleted 2 twitter accounts, all his tweets, 2 livestream accounts, and a crap load of youtube videos. Like the fake gun storage video, or the other two 1,000,000 challenges he’s started and blown in to thin air. He probably holds a record for the most content deleted from social media, solely so he can repurpose it and package it to a bunch of new fanboys.

Or the simple yet false claims that he has been investigated by the CFTC and told to remove content, yet there is no record of any Michael J Huddleston being investigated. Or how he manages a hedge fund but not one single person in the financial world has ever, in the past 5 years, vouched for him. Other then the internet, he is a ghost. Heck, I can’t even donate to a charity without my name getting posted on a thank you website but ICT…the only thing he has is a self proclaimed linkdin account.

If this really were a real world business model he would have ZERO followers. Only in the world of the internet can someone hang around for 5 years creating fallacies and people still flock to his side with ZERO proof of anything.

It may be hard to wrap your head around, but there is a reason he comes to this site and not other sites like FF. Or why he uses twitter and not stocktwits…because he would get called out so quickly his ego wouldn’t be able to bare it. I see people all day everyday making live trade calls on stocktwits, yet ICT is the only person in America who apparently gets given stop orders from the government.

So yes, he hasn’t made any “profit” but he has been given what he desires, a large ego stroking by the blind faithful. I’m still waiting to “eat crow” like he said we all would on his first myfxbook.

He’s the one who makes outlandish claims, he’s the one who needs to prove them. If he didn’t want to be called to task, he shouldn’t be spouting off like he’s gods greatest gift to trading.

Yeah, speed, maybe you are right, maybe you are wrong, who knows.

Scraping the barrel? - suppose depends on the barrel.

I’m sure you know of the two traders of whom I have spoken, both have written extensively, both have taken some money from the market, both are termed ‘educators’.

Making a song and dance, the first trader was accused of doing that by his contemporaries, actually by what would have been then conceived to be his peers, the second is not known for his song or dance, but he does know how to use his notoriety in the market (for which I heartily congratulate him) to create revenue.

The rest of the stuff about family and laundry is way outside of my sphere of thinking and difficult to apply to my own learning curve, so I humbly disregard it :slight_smile:

I would like to ask 1 of his fan boys when is he coming back on this thread. Im interested why he hasnt been back. Can any of u give a answer to that. And not your opinion something from the horses mouth.

Looking forward to hear from him.
Dont think we will.

Good Morning Babypippers! ������

I’ve been busy living my life and spending time with my family in Ocean City, Md - for those wondering. Also my tweets auto-delete after one week. It makes it easy to control the email flow I get on the daily and its approx 500 a day so I do what I can to tame it.

I’ve never heard of some of the claims some are posting on here - but I will be speaking via video this evening about how I will trade the MyFxBook account. The methods, concepts and procedure I’ll stick to.

It’s funny reading opinions about my transparency and honesty and seeing hiw some only view “alterior motives”. I’m never selling you a thing. I have plenty of folks tuning in and have had them for years. If I charged a measely $25 a month like some marketers do I could be drawing in 30k easy a month. More than any of the detractors in here for sure… but am I? Ask yourself why don’t I?

I don’t need your money. Give it up already lol. I am glad to see the “regulars” contribute to the thread. I was hoping they woukd and allow me toncapture their views and opinions. I will use these in due time.

Happy Father’s Day to those in the states and look forward to an ICT video presentation tonight 9:00 pm New York time.

[B]GLGT[/B] :wink:

Yay Michael is back! :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

So is the $5k challenge back on? What’s happening?

I posted this on another forum, and have debated whether or not to put it up here. I really can’t be bothered getting into an argument with you, though I can’t see you responding in a positive manner in this thread whatsoever.

So for anyone who is new to ICT, or wondering if it’s all worth it, I’ll say this. It’s a personal journey, we are not all ICT clones, neither is that the intent, we are all individual developing traders. We will all face different challenges and all achieve different results. The basic premises that I work to is to take it all in and use what makes sense to me. That means there is a lot of ICT’s concepts that I don’t use (or you’ll find were presented in a certain way to help you see something).

If you can’t see this as successfully and consistently replicated then no amount of ICT ‘students’ results will suffice for you (I believe) as they will all be different.

Anyhoo, I’ve got to get to work.

Father’s Day is next week. Don’t spook me like that!

Sooooooo ?

[B]Good Afternoon Folks[/B] :wink:

Please enjoy this video presentation and trade review on the Fiber [[I]Eur/Usd[/I]].

This is an example of the type of trade you will witness in this project. I’ve had a few weeks of vacation with the family… thanks for your patience. Please take special note that this is in no way [U]anything[/U] like anything else on Babypips or elsewhere… unlike what some might have you believe. Be an independent thinker and determine for yourself.

[B]GLGT[/B] :57:

YaY! Michael is back :7:

Im one of the non believers, but Ill keep open mind. Lets just cut the crap and get on with it then. Thats the reason I say Im a non believer. there been too much talk and no action. I see the reason or excuse is family vacation which everyone of us is entitled to, but there no excuses now for not getting on with the show.